《Her Calling》T H I R T Y - N I N E


alayna, tender.

"Oh my goddess! You should've seen your face!" I laughed loudly, I couldn't get his face out of my mind! His eyes went so wide as his ass collided with the ice.

Wow, I had never seen him look so worried. It was the funniest sight, I definitely deserved to see that.

"Shut up," he grumbled as he shoved a chip in his mouth, I grabbed one from his plate and shoved it in mine with another laugh.

He stole one back before I could stop him, "Hey!" I complained, pulling my plate closer to me as I started on my burger.

Conversations flowed and continued as we ate and sipped on our milkshakes. We were sat at RocoMama's in the human territory which wasn't far from my pack. We decided to come here because I hadn't been in a while and I was starving.

Once we had finished our food he drove me home and I almost felt as though it was such a worthy weekend. I wanted so badly to tell him that I enjoyed myself but I thought against it. He'd probably get the wrong idea.

It was a few days later when I found myself recalling that day.

Currently, we are in Motheo's car headed to the Royal City, I was dressed in one of the fanciest dresses I had. I don't know why I bothered myself with making sure I looked presentable to meet this messy family. Once upon a time I would've been so excited to meet them.

Surprising what a few months can do, I absentmindedly smoothed down the nonexistent creases of my dress as he continued to drive. I was in a baby blue silk dress that had colourful prints all around, I matched it with a pearl headband on top a blonde wig and similar coloured blue heels.

"Stop fidgeting, they're going to love you. If anything, I should be scared shitless."

I look at him as though he's grown a second head, "What do you have to be scared for!? They're your parents!"

He laughs, "Tshiamo opened up her big mouth and told them all about you. I hadn't gotten the chance yet, so now they're all eager beavers. Also, as disgusted with me as my brother was... is, I really can't tell anymore."

When we arrive the gates automatically open and he drives through the City. I take my time to look through the window, savouring this place I might never get to see ever again. I would never be able to step foot here after tomorrow.


"Well, I hope you aren't looking for sympathy from me." I chirp.

He chuckles, "I'd be stupid to ever."

Entering the palace I hardly have time to even drink it in before there's someone already smothering me, "Goddess, mother, let her breathe."

"Oh, shut up Motheo." His mother says as she continues to hug me, once satisfied she pulls me away but keeps her hands on my shoulders. "Hello, honey. How are you? I'm Keitumetse, this is my husband Kenneth." She gestured to the man standing beside her.

I smiled at the both of them, my heart thumping erratically, "Hi, I'm well thank you. I'm Lerato." I reached my arm out, my one hand on my elbow.

They both shook it and proceeded to lead us further into the palace. Out of pure instinct my body recoiled itself and gravitated towards Motheo, seeing as he was the only familiarity here.

We settled in a family room the two other Mbatha's already occupied. I felt a little more content seeing more familiar faces, Tshiamo jumped up before she hurried over to me.

I accepted her hug and almost sunk into it, "Don't worry, the last thing they want is to chase you off so they're going to melt like butter at your every word." She winked as she pulled away.

I held back a laugh and mouthed a 'thank you' before Lindokuhle came over to give me a hug too. I had seen him a few times in the past couple of days so I had gotten a little more used to him.

We all sat down before the former King started to speak, his voice commanded and it was shocking that Motheo was actually his son. He was very little like his father, his father was clearly very prideful but not in the vein manner. He was proud of his name, his kingdom that it seemed the media had made seem far less important to him than it actually is.

He was a true Zulu man, Zulu King. I was almost the one to melt like butter.

"Lerato, do you wish to be seen tomorrow?"

My eyes grew, I hadn't even thought of that, "Uhm... I hadn't thought of that." He nods, "Well now is the time to do so."

"Son, you will introduce her and remind the public of your actions before she is to speak. Lerato, you are to take centre stage. We need them to love you, to adore you, to want you as their Queen."


They wanted me to use their manipulation tactic on the community, they wanted me to play pretend and I didn't know how I felt about that.

Keitumetse smiled gently at me before she spoke seeing as I was frozen into place, unable to think of a suitable response.

"It's okay if you don't want to say too much, explain too much. We understand any kind of feelings you would have towards our son," She glared at him, "He acted both stupidly and cowardly." I didn't miss the wink Tshiamo threw my way as her mother started to rattle off about the disgrace her son had brought to the family.

"Any decision you make, will be understood."

Well, I won't just take your word for it, Keitumetse, I'll see how much you can back it up too.

Amanda came up from behind me with a gorgeous smile on her face, it was the day after my meeting with the Mbatha's and a day before we spoke to the community. There was a lot weighing on my shoulders but I was trying my hardest not to let it show.

"Thank you for coming, I'm so sorry I've had to put you through this." Her head lowered a little, "I know the last thing you want to do is be out with couples and pretend to be okay having to go with someone you rejected."

I lift a shoulder, "You know I'd do anything for you."

She beams, "I know."

I was out with I suppose my new gang, well temporarily, it was Asanté and Danica along with Amanda and Lindokuhle — who, by the way, hates that I call him by his full name but I just love to tease him — and Tshiamo and Kamohelo.

Of course, there's Motheo too. Goddess forbid he gets left behind. Before today we had all gone out a few times too, sometimes just the three siblings and I. It was clear to see what Khalil loved so much about Tshiamo, in the short time I've known them both I've genuinely enjoyed every moment.

They might have even made me like their brother far more than I could've imagined. I don't just tolerate him anymore, I whole heartedly do not mind being around him. That being the biggest reason as to why I might just fold, forget about trying to get a knife in his back.

Just folding over and letting it all go, this group has really grown on me, being with them and spending all this time with them. Therefore Motheo too has messed with my mind and my wolf. I didn't know what to do anymore.

We found a good spot on a miniature sand dune and placed our picnic blankets and baskets. Each couple having their own, we were close enough to all communicate but also far apart enough for us to have our own conversations.

As soon as Motheo and I sat on our blanket I looked out into the ocean and let out a little laugh, "Where have I seen this before?"

He jerked his head back in mock surprise, "The ocean? Oh, well, I don't know. Perhaps... the beach?" Before I could chuck some sand in his direction he pulled out the exact same contents as the last time.

As he pulled them out he gave me a knowing look with each thing, "This time," he pulled out one packet of speckled eggs, "I came prepared." Then pulled out another.

I couldn't help but laugh as I took one packet, "Well you better gobble those up because if they're still there when I'm done with mine. Pft, you're not getting any."

He ripped the bag open, dropping a few in the process before tossing way too many into his mouth. I bursted into a fit of laughter at the sight, the sheer panic over his precious eggs.

I had to wipe a stray tear away before I realised that everyone else was dead silent. His siblings' eyes on him as my best friends eyes were on me, they all held tiny hopeful smiles.

"Staring is rude."

We all burst into a chorus of laughter clearly not expecting Micah to say that.


Not a typo, she deffo called him Micah again. Surely she's getting too comfortable. 💀

Our Queen Lerato up top in the dress.

I obviously decided on more fluff before the drama. (I asked y'all on my board which you wanted but... no one answered so 1) ouch 2) follow me pls so that you can participate the next time.)

DRAMA IS COMING SOOOOOOOOON. who do you think causes it?

We should be nearing the end but we never know what curveballs my brain might conjure up. But if it doesn't — what do you think she's gonna do? choose?

(if it was not obvious i'm finishing this at 02:13am again, so i'm totally foggy.)

Stay safe.

ly. x

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