《Her Calling》T H I R T Y - E I G H T


dvsn, no good.

Blinking my eyes open I find that I'm the only one still sprawled on the couch, I can't even recall falling asleep. Damn these couches.

I get up quickly fold the blanket and walk with it towards the rooms. I'm halted when I finally hear the ruckus in the kitchen, I stand in the entryway only to find everyone I had last seen last night.

"Oh, well, good morning sleepyhead." Tshiamo is the first to speak.

Looking around I see that everyone was helping with breakfast, the kitchen was quite a large one. One of the few things my father actually did splurge on, mainly because my mother wanted a large kitchen if she was being forced to leave the palace. However, I knew he wanted it too for moments exactly like these.

"Go brush your teeth and join us." Surprisingly the words roll out of my beautiful mates mouth.

My eyes immediately meet hers and I can immediately tell she's in a far better mood than she was last night. I nod and continue my walk into the room I had taken this blanket from, returning it I then step into the bathroom. Grabbing a spare toothbrush from the container underneath the basin.

My mother would throw away our toothbrushes every time so my siblings and I struck a deal and had her keep spare ones in the cupboards below. That way we could throw them away after use ourselves and she wasn't getting the creeps or whatever she gets from toothbrushes that stay unused for a while.

Once done I stare at the shower for a moment before deciding it would be rude to keep them waiting extra long. I'd get to it as soon as I was done eating.

Walking back into the kitchen I hear a chorus of 'finally' being mumbled and chuckle. Clearly, postponing the shower was a good call.

"And here I was thinking you all wouldn't mind if I just slipped into the shower real quick."

Kamo narrows his eyes at me, "King or not, we'd have definitely eaten without you."

They all laugh and agree as we start to place all the plates of food and empty plates on the table. Everyone takes their seat and out of instinct they leave the head and the seat to the left of the head empty. Lerato doesn't take notice as she slips into her rightful place, too busy conversing with my sister who's beside her.


Kuhle watching me with amused eyes as he glances at Lerato then up at me. I slowly make my way to the head and only when I lift my chair and pull it back does Lerato give me a piece of her attention. Her head then turns to her left and she notices the empty other head of the table before she turns back to me.

Kuhle holds a proud smirk and she notices, instead of using her words to tell him off — she uses her middle finger and I think it had the same affect.

Little conversation are had here and there but the most part is spent eating. Everyone helps with the dishes and soon we're all ready to leave, my siblings leave with their mates seeing as technically they were the guests.

Lerato asks if she can shower before we leave and so we step into separate showers and get cleaned up. I'm moisturising my skin when she knocks lightly on the door, "You can come in." I tell her however she only pops her head in.

"Uhm... I have no clean clothes." Her eyes are trained on the white carpet.

Walking up to the bed I raise the clothes I picked out for her and handed them to her, her face shrivels, "These are yours."

I laugh, "And?"

"You couldn't give me your mom's clothes?"

With a shake of my head I respond, "She's much much taller than you. You might as well wear mine."

"I'm pretty sure you're probably still taller than her, so hers would still make much much more sense."

I exhale loudly, "Lerato Zamo, ndiyaku cela wethu, please just wear mine."

[I'm asking you]

Her mouth moved downwards into that impressed but slightly shocked face, "Pulled out IsiZulu I've never heard you speak before. Shook." She pops her eyes wider before pulling her head back and going back to her room.

I'm a King, in Kwa-Zulu Natal what the heck does she expect from me?

We're driving back to her house when I see the ice rink approaching, she's tapping away at her phone clearly not paying attention. Taking advantage of that I take a turn and head towards it. She's still tapping when I stop in the parking lot.


She raises her head once the engine quiets. Seeing the rink in front of us she turns over to me, her eyebrow raising slightly, "What are we doing here?"

I give her a dumb look, "Oh, I don't know sleeping?" I rolls my eyes.

She lets out a chuckle that she had tried to suppress but failed, "You're dumb." She states before we get out of the car.

Walking into the rink I can tell she's a little more at ease although she still seems to be carrying the annoyance from last night. She's speaking to me because she's obviously just being polite but I doubt she'd be talking if we had actually gone to her home. She'd have probably shut the door in my face and stayed away.

"I'm sorry," I say to her as we approach the entrance, "I should've told you Tshiamo had found her mate, then — "

"I still would've invited Asanté, I don't care that Kamohelo came along too. I care that your stupid decisions landed me here. Your stupidity cost me my happiness. That's what upset me, not Tshiamo bringing her freaking mate."

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything, "I'm sorry, Lerato —"

She sighed exasperatedly, "Motheo, can we just skate? I'm really not in the mood to be debating and upset. You brought us here to have fun, right?" I nod, "So let's do that, I'm so damn tired of your stupid apologies."

"I can't help it, I've done so much to ruin the foundation and I'm just trying to patch it up."

Her eyes shrunk as her brows dipped, "Motheo, it takes two to do that and I'm definitely not there yet."

Yet. That's good enough for me.

We entered the rink and she smiled gently, noticing this I had to ask, "So I take it you know how to skate?"

She laughs, "Oh, do I!"

We trade our shoe before being handed the ice skates, moving over the the stands we sit and put on our skates. She groans and before I can ask her what's the matter she mutters, "I don't have the right socks on."

I chuckle and say, "Well, you can't have it all. You got my moms jeans so surely you have something to be thankful for."

She shoves me with one hand, "Oh, please! If you thought I'd be seen in your basketball shorts and shirt you're sorely mistaken. So thank the jeans, or I wouldn't be in this rink."

She had returned soon after walking away with my clothes to ask for a pair of my mother's jeans. Saying, she'd rather roll them up at the bottom than have to roll and tie my shorts just to hold her waist. Honestly, I doubted that the jeans would even slip on with her figure but she made it work.

She then tied my shirt behind her back exposing a bit of her stomach. Her waist perfectly moulded in the jeans, she looks stunning. Her blonde braids tied up into a bun with two braids falling either side of her perfect face.

Stepping onto the ice we skated around and she was indeed a really good skater. I hadn't skated in a few years so it took me a couple laps around to remember. She vowed that it had been a few years for her too but it didn't seem like it, she was moving backwards and doing spins like it was nothing.

The smile on her face was stunning, she looked so happy. Almost as though we hadn't had the conversation we had outside. That smile could've been directed at me every single day if I hadn't messed up as badly as I did.

I would stop at nothing to make sure that she would be mine again. First, I had to get rid of that second chance of hers.

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