《Her Calling》T H I R T Y - S E V E N


the weeknd, hardest to love.

I watched her walk around the backyard and I let out a little sigh, there's so little that she knew about me but I don't even know how to begin explaining anything about myself. I've messed up so bad in the past.

All I want is to work on the future, our future and I don't know how that's even imaginable with the damage I've caused. Do I even deserve her?

I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and looked at the text from my brother, he was telling me that he and my sister were on their way.

I hoped she didn't feel ambushed and just to make sure she didn't, I invited her friend as well. I'd have invited her brother's but goddess knows they hate me.

I step out and pass her the bottle, her head moving around as she takes it all in. I smile at her, hoping things could be set right.

"Maddy and I are going to unbind."

Her eyes grew for a moment before she regained her composure, "Are you sure that's what you want?"

I lift a shoulder, "I can't be with her and pursue you." She chuckled, "Hardly stopped you those months ago."

I knew she wouldn't be able to refrain from bringing back the past — as though reading my mind she laughed as her left hand pushed me lightly.

"I forgot!" She laughs a bit more, "I said I wouldn't do that, didn't I? Damn, I couldn't even last a day."

I join in her laughter, her eyes twinkled a little before she heard the front door. She quickly sobered up and furrowed her brows, her attention on the sliding door. Her heart was audible, it was beating so fast.

"That's not my father," I say gently trying to calm her and I suppose it worked.

She let out a breath as my siblings walked out, I smiled at them before glancing at her. Her face did nothing to help me try and decipher her emotions, I only hoped I hadn't gone too far.

Dammit, I couldn't even link her.

"Hey," I hugged them both before getting to the introductions.

My brother set the coal on the braai stand before turning to Lerato, "This is my brother, Lindokuhle and my sister Tshiamo. I hope you don't mind that I invited them, I invited your friend over too, uhm, Amanda. She should be really soon —"

She threw an incredulous look my way that shut me up before she let out a little laugh, "Catch your breath, nobody's going to chase you with a katana."

She turned to give both my siblings a hug, "Hi, I'm Lerato." She smiled broadly at them both, "It's lovely to meet you both."

Tshiamo pulled her in for another hug, "I'm so excited to finally get to meet you!" She continued once they pulled away, "I can't believe what this dick did, I'm so sorry — he's the first born, guinea pig child, so he short circuits sometimes."

"Definitely short circuits," Kuhle said before lowly muttering, "Because I'd have no issues making you my Queen."

My wolf let out a low warning and all the pup did was laugh, "You were supposed to hear that you shit. You're a world class ass for what you did," He turned to Lerato, "Let the record show that I did tell him not to bound Madeline. Come to think of it when I said you should wait for your mate you —"


Thank the good goddess the doorbell sounded right in that moment effectively cutting him off. I excused myself before walking through the yard then house before landing at the front door. I swung the door open revealing two she-wolves. The one being Amanda, I assumed and the other being the she-wolf I had MC this year's Grand Ball.

Their eyes were as wide as could be as they drank me in, I nearly questioned their behaviour before I recalled that they had never seen me before. I smiled gently at them and just as I was about to greet them they stammered for words. Clearly remembering that I was their King.

"Hi — no, hello —"

The other interjected, "No, good afternoon. Ah —"

I watched the two with amusement, I had never had this happen before because everyone always knew who I was. I'd never met anyone outside the Royal City besides Lerato.

"Hey," I stopped the stutter fest that they were both experiencing, "I do hope you both find your words just fine for the remainder of the evening."

"Yes, your Highness."

I stepped aside for them to enter, I'd have told them they could address me informally but I thought I'd drag it out for as long as I can. Before Lerato reprimanded me, the change in her face added to the way her eyebrows furrow when she disapproves of something is worth doing wrong just to see.

I shut the door and follow them outside, Lerato seems to be laughing at something one of my siblings said. I smile at the scene before she notices my return, her eyes widen as she realises that her friends are here.

She rushes towards them just as my siblings turn to introduce themselves. My brother visibly stiffens and I automatically know, I could recognise that posture from anywhere.

One of them is his mate, the both of them are too preoccupied with Lerato to realise until a gust of wind throws his scent in their direction. Amanda's eyes widen this time before she gently moves Lerato aside so that she can get a better look at the owner of the scent.

Everything looks so slow to me as an outsider looking in, it's so marvellous to watch I feel shame rip me apart from the inside. I ruined this for Lerato.

A smile breaks out onto Amanda's face just as one does on my brother's too whilst a much smaller one breaks out on mine.

Lerato still seemingly oblivious says something about needing to introduce them and Amanda nods eagerly. Only once she's done with the introductions and she realises that they can't remove their eyes from one another that she realises.

"Mate." They both purr.

Hours pass and they're the best of my life, to watch her fit in so seamlessly with my siblings makes me regret everything even more. There's so much more I need to do to win her over.

Our two sides came together so perfectly and now with her best friend being my brother's mate perhaps I'll get to see her far more. Maybe I'll even have a better chance at winning her over.

Although, Kuhle would probably be willing to live outside the City. Being the last born he never cared about being the King and as a result he never planned to live in the castle or the City forever.


The whole point in never displaying our true identities is so that we could live outside the City in peace. A day would come whereby a new King would be announced so that gave the former King opportunity. To continue to live in the City or go start a new life elsewhere.

Walking into the kitchen I see Lerato sitting on the counter waiting on the microwave to ding so she could remove the popcorn. We had settled on watching a movie, although from here I could already feel her nerves.

As the braai went on there was another chime that came from within the house, signalling the doorbell. It turns out that Lerato had told Danica to invite her mate — which is sweet of her. What she didn't know nor expect was that my sister had already met hers and she hates being left out. So, she then invited her mate.

Which just left the two of us.

I, of course, don't mind in the slightest but we all know she doesn't share the same sentiment — for good reason.

"The popcorn," I say as I move towards the microwave, "Huh? Oh, shit!" She jumps off the counter and presses the button just as I do.

She retracts her hand just as the sparks begin to travel, the door pops open, the smell of burnt butter popcorn wafting out. She curses as she lifts it out, beginning to open the packet, the smell of just butter popcorn now making an appearance.

"Where are the bowls?" She asks.

I move away from her and open a cabinet, pulling out a bowl I thought would be large enough. I hand it to her and she begins tipping the popcorn over into the bowl.

The good majority are still safe but she still has an unamused pout on her face. I smile as I watch her pick out the burnt ones, throwing them in the dustbin.

"What's got all your attention?"

She was clearly still in her own world because she jumped slightly at my words, "Nothing."

"Lerato," I try to sound stern but concerned.

She huffs, "I don't want to talk about it, Motheo. Let's go watch the movie." I grab her arm as she tried to brush past me, "Lerato, please, speak to me."

She yanked her arm away, "No, Motheo. Ngicela sihambe nje." She continues her walk to the tv room where everyone else was waiting.

[can we please just go]

Maybe this was a bad idea.

The movie credits roll and as I look around Lerato isn't the only one who has fallen asleep. She's curled up on the other side of the couch, peacefully asleep. As Danica and Asanté are whispering quietly to one another on the other couch whilst my sister and Amanda are asleep on their respective mates.

Kuhle's eyes are trained on his mate as she sleeps peacefully in his embrace. He must have pulled her right onto him, cradling her as he brushes her hair aimlessly. Looking over at Tshiamo I see her head on Kamo's chest however with better observation he's asleep too. One arm around her as their chairs and leaned backwards her one leg is on both of his with his other arm on her thigh.

I sigh as I glance over at Lerato again, her peaceful state still present. She didn't try to even touch me once, it's not as though she accepted me but this setup really set us back. Being around all these mates obviously set her off.

"We're going to leave now, thank you for your hospitality." Asanté says as Danica folds the blanket they were sharing, "Yes, thank you." She smiles once done.

Kuhle finally removes his eyes from Amanda, "It was nice meeting you both." They return the kindness before I offer,

"You could spend the night, if you'd like. It is late."

Danica shook her head before she looked around, "No thanks."

I smiled, "Alright, let me walk you out."

Shutting the door behind them I made my way to the bedroom and pulling out a two thick blankets. I reenter the room and drape the one over my sister and Kamo whilst I move over and sit a little closer to Lerato, angling her body so that she's just the slightest bit on me.

Kuhle sighs dramatically before he speaks, "I barely had a day with her and I already feel ashamed. You really fucked up, Theo." I open my mouth to speak but he just continues, "You chose the kingdom over this? I've barely known my mate for a day too and I can't imagine ever denying her, betraying her, hurting her like you did Lerato.

"How in the worlds did you expect her to not be upset as soon as everyone got coupled up? How did you expect her to even speak to you when you're the reason she couldn't be cuddled up like everyone else. You better grovel, grovel like you've never grovelled in your life. My goddess, you better pray she doesn't have a second chan —"

The little wince of my face must've been enough for him, "Oh dear goddess, she has one, hasn't she?"

"Raheem Jamil."

His eyes widen, "You're shitting me." I let out a humourless chuckle, "I wish I was, worst part is... If he hadn't left, I could've bet the whole kingdom that she would've chosen him. In a damn heartbeat and I wouldn't blame her, he's perfect for her."

Kuhle scoffs, "You're her true mate, you have the upper hand — use it."

NONE of you want that but don't torch my poor Kuhle for that. He's just being a brother. Lolololol

Didn't see the Alpha King's brother and Amanda matchup now did ya? Interesting stuff is gonna come of this.

Didn't see the freaking Royals showing their FACES now did ya!?

I'm being dramatic, finished this at 02:04am clearly I'm loopy. Finally finished my assignments (for now) so updates might be more frequent. We'll see.



Be safe. x

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