《Her Calling》T H I R T Y - S I X


elaine, risky.

"Madeline is not my mate, I selfishly let myself lie to you all and lie to my true mate. I met her on the night of my annual Grand Ball, foolishly thinking that I could outsmart and outrun the mate-bond. I chose Madeline over her, thinking Madeline would be the perfect fit to be my Queen, your Queen.

"I will allow my mate to speak to you all a few days from now and we will unveil the full truth to you all. Allowing time for you all to send through all the questions you may have and all the things necessary for me to make up for my transgressions. Please be mindful that my mate played no part in any of this.

"As much as you have been deceived, so has she. However, we ask you as a united pair to please bare with us. We are trying to right my wrongs. Thank you."

The speaker cut off and the Royal crest vanished as regular programming resumed.

"Oh my goddess." I muttered as all eyes were on me.

My phone immediately went off, vibrating with all sorts of notifications and ringing with phone calls from multiple names. They all flashed until they gave up and the next person tried.

No one said a word and no one made a move, until Asanté questioned, "Am I missing something? Why are we staring at Lerato?"

My heart warmed a little knowing that even though they were mates, Danica didn't go against her word. She never spoke a word of this to Asanté. She looked at me with wide eyes and I just simply nodded, telling her she could go ahead.

I slide my phone into my back pocket as I get to my feet, "It's not much of a secret now." I muttered as I made my way to the backdoor, "Please don't follow me. I'll be back in a moment."

I opened the door and walked out into the cold air, it whipped around me and I just welcomed it. I cannot believe I was foolish enough to believe him, to trust him. How in the hell did he expect me to ever be with him after this?

And he still has the damn nerve to act as though we were a united front. To act as though I was in on this with him, as though I was fine with what he did, fine with how I was treated?

Well, if he wants to play the blindsiding game — I can play that game too. I stomp my foot in anger and withhold a scream as I dig my nails into my palms. Only when I feel something trickle down my clenched fingers do I realise I've drawn blood.


I grunt as I make my way to the outdoor tap and rinse my hands clean, the cuts immediately healing. Just as I dry them against my jeans, I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pull it out to see an incoming call from the King himself, the deceitful little shit.

"I really believed you, my goddess, I actually fucking believed you! I believed in you!" I yell as soon as I accept the call.

I hear him sigh, "This way was better, Lerato. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. You'll still get to say everything you wanted but —"

"But nothing, you scumbag! I'm getting in front of that camera and —"

The blindsiding game.

I take a deep breath as I try to calm myself remembering that I can't throw him too far, "I just can't believe you lied, why couldn't you just tell me the truth? What kind of united front is this, united in front of the community but not to each other?"

"I know, I know how it looks but I'll come over tonight and explain everything. I promise."

I roll my eyes at his words, "I'm not home tonight, maybe tomorrow."

"Okay, tomorrow then."

The following evening I sit on my porch swing, waiting on the arrival of the King. I tried my hardest to act as nonchalant as possible for the remainder of the girls night and for the most part it worked. I managed to finish my night well, obviously my girls were the perfect distractions. And Asanté was now apart of the group.

A matte black Lamborghini Urus parked in my driveway and out stepped the King of the Wolves. He was dressed to impress, stepping out in a blue suit. In his hands was a bouquet of pink and white roses, he shut the drivers door and made his way to me. A huge smile on his lips, I raised a brow at that.

"You hardly look like someone in the dog house." I say just as he climbs the first step.

He out stretches his arms, handing me the flowers, "These are for you."

I roll my eyes, "No shit, Sherlock." I place them in the space beside me and he narrows his eyes at the action, "Aw, did the wittle King think he was going to sit there?" I scoff, folding my arms.

He chuckles, "You never make it easy," He shakes his head, as he opts to lean against the railing.


"Lerato, I knew you would never agree to what I did and I knew it needed to be done. Give the public the time they think they deserve to be angry, to let out their hate and just absorb the truth. Had we just gone out and released everything all at once they would feel cornered. As though we aren't giving them a voice."

I thought about his words and as much as I want to fault him to a certain extent — it made sense.

He continued when I didn't make a move to speak, "This way, they get to react before we even speak and now we could spin the story in whichever direction we like. Make them believe whatever it is we want them to because we have already validated their feelings. Whatever we tell them next week we tell it professionally and planned."

I let out a humourless chuckle, "How many times has your family used this manipulation tactic?"

He rolls his eyes so slowly I almost think they're preparing to fall out, "It isn't manipulation." I give him a blank look, "More like... persuasion."

I almost laugh, "And you didn't think I was smart enough to understand this before it was executed?"

His face drops, "I —"

"You sure do talk a big game for someone who claims to want to be my partner," I shake my head, "You are your own best and worst accomplice."

Being my true mate, it would be so easy for him to win me back but his ability to make groundbreakingly stupid decisions really gets in his way.

"Can I take you somewhere?"

I narrow my eyes at him, "Motheo, no offence but I'm not exactly in the mood to be around you."

He chuckles, "Please." After a roll of the eyes, I let him lead the way.

We get into his car and I don't even bother asking where we're going. I just let him drive me to wherever he thinks we need to go. The trees buzz past me and I roll down my window, letting the smell of the earth mix into the air-conditioned car. He soon shuts off the conditioner though.

When we arrive I raise a brow, it was a regular home. Nothing wow about it, just a cute one storey home. When I turn over to ask him what's going on, my mouth shuts instantly. His eyes almost look glazed as he glances over at the home, I would ask if he grew up here but that's impossible. Right?

"Hey," I place my hand on his knee and he snaps out of his daze. He smiles at me and it's probably the most genuine smile I've ever seen on his features. He nods his head to the side, signalling that we should get out.

Once we've both made it to the front of the car he takes a deep breath before saying, "This is my father's house."

"Is he in there?" I did not want to meet the former King. I probably would next week but yeah, that's next week. Not right freaking now.

He chuckles, "No, he's over at the palace — I just dropped a bombshell, remember?"

I roll my eyes, "How dare I forget." I look forward at the house, it was right at the end of this small quiet neighbourhood. I can't say that I've ever been here before, "So why are we here?"

He shrugs, "I just wanted to show you a piece of my childhood."

We walk into the house and I would've never guessed this is the former King's home. It was so... basic. It was as basic as my home and I tell you my little home is the epitome of basic cosiness. That is not what I expected from Kenneth Mbatha.

It's open plan, the kitchen and dining room taking up the majority of the space to the right. To the left of the door was the living room with a massive television there. Rooms looked like they somehow fit behind the living room as I could see a passage opposite the kitchen.

A huge sliding door could be seen from here, a swimming pool and built-in braai stand could be see through the drawn back curtain.

"This is so basic... for a former King. I knew he didn't like being a Royal but sheesh, this is... woah."

Motheo let's out a chuckle as he leads us across the floor, towards the sliding door. Before he opens the sliding door he questions, "You thirsty?"

I nod my head, "A bottle of water will do, thanks." He nods his head as he opens the door for me before heading into the kitchen.

I walk through the large backyard and try to picture how in the worlds Motheo could've lived here.

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