《Her Calling》P A R T II


Unfortunatelyfor you Lovelies, this isn't an official update. This is just a break between the two parts.

I wanted to make two books but I talked myself out of that mainly because I would have to make a larger plot than the one I have currently and that would be too much and might've spoiled the book.

So here we are.

((Also really thought Part II would have minimum wolf action but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how. So, we'll just have to see what happens.))

Any non plot give away questions you have that you wanna ask me??

Also, Motheo?? Why does he have to be so untrustworthy?? Why can't he just be a good wolf?? My goodness.

And Raheem?? When is he getting his act together and returning?? Does he want a mate or nah?? Like?

How cute are Danica and Asanté? I needed to add some looove because wow, Lerato is giving me nothing.

omg, does anyone have any ideas on who could play Khalil??? It's driving me insane that I have no one. The only person who kinda looks like the guy who plays Raheem is Zayn Malik but, eh, idk how I feel about Zayn being Khalil.



(keep turning the pages for a sneak peak)

Why is it that every time I think I know heartache my whirlwind of a life throws something even bigger at me. To be fair and to give it all the props, this is definitely the biggest curve it has ever thrown me.

I watched as his lifeless body hit the ground, anything that was happening to my body at the moment I was no longer in control of. Not the screaming or the tears or the sudden shift into my wolf form.

I had no control anymore as my wolf took over, throwing my useless emotion ridden human side to the back as she ran towards him even though she knew as well as I did that we had just lost a connection.


A piercing howl shook the floor as she charged towards the one who had killed him. They had seen her coming though and changed into their own wolf before taking off. Realising that he was still breathing I had to switch back, I had to take control again.

My shift back into myself wasn't graceful at all, due to the speed she was going I tumbled before landing on my back. I had no time to moan and groan, I crawled over to his quivering body.

Tears were still streaming down my cheeks, "Don't leave, please, you can't. You can't leave. Help is on its way."

He shook his head as he tried to give me a final smile but blood just leaked out his mouth. He choked on it and I immediately raised his head so he could spit it out.

"Come, please you have to hang on."

Having two mates was never ideal and it was never going to work out. However, losing one was far worse.

He stopped coughing out the blood and tried the smile again, this time it worked. I returned it, it had never been more genuine even though tears were falling on his cheeks.

"Stop crying, I don't want the last time I see you to be like this." I wish the sentence came out as clear as you read it.

My lip quivered, "I'm sorry." I said knowing I wouldn't be able to stop them.

"No, I'm sorry... for everyth —"

I could hear the sirens but they were too late, he was gone.

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