《Her Calling》T H I R T Y - T H R E E


beyoncé, pray you catch me.

I glance at my smartwatch and grimace, I was definitely going to be late. I narrow my eyes at Motheo and yell in frustration.

"Get in the car." I grumble.

I walk out the house and he follows me, I throw him the keys and he locks up as I get into my car. He gets into the passenger seat whilst I start the car, "What did you say?"

I shoot a text to my assistant telling her I'd be a few minutes late and asking her if she could send me my schedule so I could see what time my first consultation was.

"I'll do it, I'll break things off with Madeline and tell everyone the truth. My family, the wolves, everyone."

I shake my head at him, he can't be the one to tell the wolves. It would ruin everything for me, "I tell the wolves, you just back me up."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Whichever way you want it, I'll do it."

I slow down when the robot turns red finally being able to give him some of my attention I turn my head to look at him, "Motheo this isn't a joke, do you understand that? There's so much riding on this, I can't have you doing this halfheartedly."

He almost looks offended, "I didn't sleep on that bench as a halfhearted attempt to cheer you up. I'm really here, Lerato. I'm here for you, I want you to let me in, give me a chance. I was an idiot to ever think that I could live without you once I met you, I don't want to be an idiot much longer."

The car behind me hoots making me turn my head so I'm completely focused on the road. I press down on the accelerator and start moving.

"Why now? Why when I've met someone else?"

He sighs, "He isn't here now is he?"

I narrow my eyes even though they're still looking straight ahead, "Don't try that nonsense, Motheo."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry" He holds his hands up for a moment, "I need you, Lerato. It was so much easier when you were in a whole other continent but now you're right here. Besides that, ever since I met you things with Madeline hadn't been the same. Once I said nothing about you after the Ball it was pretty much decided that I were to Bound Madeline."


I pull into my parking space and immediately pull out my phone once I'm parked. I open up the schedule and see that I don't have a patient until ten, thank goodness. If anyone just barges in through the emergency entrance I just hope for their sake they're in human form.

"I've been going about this all wrong and I know now why it took me so long to do it the right way. At first I was afraid, I knew once I told you all that I've done it would immediately push you away. Then when Raheem got involved, it was just jealousy and anger. Everything I was doing was powered by those emotions and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Lerato. You didn't deserve any of that."

I shut my eyes, placing my head on the steering wheel, "Can I just have time to think about all this? I just... I need to convince myself you aren't lying to me. I mean, you'd be betraying your family ultimately. You can't possibly believe I'd have instantly taken you seriously." My head stays on the wheel as I speak.

I hear him unlock the door, "I understand." I raise my head in question when he doesn't open the door. I realise he wanted me to look at him as soon as a light smile adorns his features.

He places his index finger below my chin and smiles again, I can't help but smile back even though I know my eyes are questioning. My lips, they tell a different story though and from anyone that would be looking from the outside they would think we were lovesick puppies.

"I love that smile." He mumbles as the rest of his fingers circle my chin best they can, he brings my head forward but my eyes widen. He shakes his head, telling me not to move away so I don't. In that brief moment, I trust him and what his shake of the head tell me, I won't kiss you.

I shut my eyes anyway and he places a gentle kiss on my forehead. He makes sure his lips linger on there, making sure I completely feel the tingles that vibrate through it. I unknowingly let out a sigh of content before he slips out of the car. My eyes are still shut when I hear the door close gently.


The next few days passed by uneventfully, I still kept my distance from Motheo as much as I could. I know I said I'd essentially be with him if he did this but did I really want to? I know a piece of me always would but how big is that piece?

And how big was the piece that longed for Raheem? Sometimes when I'm on the phone with Khalil I can almost swear I feel him. I just get the sense that he's there listening in on the call, it's not fair that he does that because I don't get the opportunity. I haven't heard his voice in almost a month.

It's not fair that he gets to hear mine, hear my laugh, hear the smile in my voice. Goddess, I miss all that about him. His eyes, that jawline, those lips. I miss him.

I exhale lowly as my office door opens, "Hey," A smile spreads across my face.

"Hey!" I practically exclaim.

Amanda smiles as she sits on the chair on the other side of my desk, "My word, you might as well be in Dubai with how little I see you." She pouts.

I chuckle, "That is true, it's been forever. We should have a girl's day."

She nods, "That's why I'm here," She points at the clock that sits above my head, "It's go time."

I twist around in my chair and lone and behold, I've been sat here for an extra thirty minutes, "Sheesh, how did I not realise."

Amanda laughs, "I went to your house first, only to find it empty. Couldn't believe you were still here either."

We drove to my place where I showered and changed before slipping into my pj's. Amanda got into hers too and set up the tv room for the binge night we were about to have.

I sat on the couch and reclined it backwards before grabbing the bowl of popcorn, "So what are we starting with?" I asked.

"Far From Home!" I clapped in agreement to the Spider-Man film, I loved this one much more than Homecoming.

When the credits began to roll I sighed, I didn't know where to begin spewing my life out. Sensing this she just smiled at me as she lay a hand on my knee, "Start when you're ready."

I nodded with a meek smile before I told her everything else that I hadn't told her, which would be everything with Motheo.

"Well, do you know what you're going to say?" She asked in regards to finally telling my truth.

I shrug, "Not really... do you think it makes me a bad person though, stringing him along just so that I could do this?"

She exhales before opening and closing her mouth a few times, "I mean, it doesn't make you a saint but it doesn't exactly make you bad." I laughed at her awkward response.

"In other words; yes, Lerato it makes you bad."

She gives me a stern look, "He's done far worse but," She lifts a shoulder as her face looks a little scared. Whatever she was about to say would probably piss me off.

"Would it be the worst thing if you two got together?"

A violent cough instantly shakes my body, "What!?"

She rolls her eyes but still pats my back and passes me my drink, "Don't be so dramatic," She relaxes in her seat again, "You two are true mates, it's literally bound to happen."

I narrow my eyes at her, "Well it won't, I'm not interested in him like that anymore." I fold my arms.

"Yeah, sure because that's why his morning face and voice were getting you so bothered."

I shove her lightly, "Listen, I don't tell you stuff so that you can use it against me."

What are we thinking about everything??

(Also if you comment and I don't respond but you see I responded to others it's because you probably said something I can't respond to. I mean, I can't have an opinion because it'll tell you too much. Lol I can't even tell you whose team I'm on. Lolololololol)

But whose team y'all think I'm on — Motheo or Raheem?? I'm interested to know.

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