《Her Calling》T H I R T Y - T W O


rihanna, good girl gone bad.

I woke up the following day feeling better so much so I wouldn't have ever thought I was such a mess after that phone call. It takes me by surprise and I genuinely have to sit up to think if my argument with Khalil was real or just a dream.

I pick up my phone to check the time and I see it's a little quarter to seven, I have to be at work at eight.

Sitting right below the time is an iMessage from the man himself I tap on it to preview it,

I'm sorry, can I please call you later to make amends?

Guess that really did happen.

Upon reading the message again I almost want to laugh. Everyone seems to want to make amends but the one person I'd actually care to make amends with. I text him back before I hop out of bed.

Sure, it better come with an apology too.

I feel a little relieved that he wants to make amends, even though what he said was really uncalled for. If my heartbreaking love life could never be discussed again, I'd be delighted. I've never felt more abandoned and unwanted in my life. Ridding my head of the torturous thoughts, I went into my bathroom to start on my morning routine.

Once I've completed my morning routine I make my way to the kitchen. Just as I turn on the kettle I nearly get the fright of my life as I see a figure laying on my bench swing.

I grab a pan from my cabinet and walk over to the window, I push aside the curtain to try and get a peek before I open the door and start swinging. My eyes surely double in size as I stare at the man laying there.


I put the pan on the counter before I unlock and open the door, "Motheo, what are you doing out here?"

His body jerks in response, I obviously startled him, "Sorry," I apologise for waking him so roughly, "Do you want to come inside?"

He stretches as I wait for a response, I almost smile watching him. I've obviously never seen him first thing in the morning and I couldn't help but think it was the most adorable sight I've seen.

"Sorry," He clears his throat and I almost tell him to stop. His morning voice is quite the sound.

I bite my lip as I mentally scream at myself, what is going on with me? I've seen this man and heard his voice a million times before, why is he suddenly affecting me like this?

Luckily for my hormones the morning thickness was still heavy as he spoke his next words, "Yeah, I'd really like that."

I step aside as I let him walk through the threshold, I shut the door as I make my way into my pantry and pulling out a toothbrush from my cylindrical clear container. I always made sure I had a bunch of spare toothbrushes.

"Here you go, there should be toothpaste in the bathroom. First door to your left." I point to the hallway.

He heads over to the bathroom as I continue preparing breakfast, making sure I made enough for two. He comes back out just as I've poured the milk into the bowl after my cereal, "Ta-da!" I push a bowl towards him.

He laughs, "Thank you."

I throw him a genuine smile, "I'd have actually made something filling but I have to be out in a bit." I take a sip of my tea and hum in appreciation.


He nods, "Of course."

I tilt my head to the side as I look at his side profile, "Well..." I make sure to change my position and glance at him through my lashes.

"Well?" He chooses to play dumb.

I give him a bored pout look, "Oh, c'mon Motheo, what were you doing out there?"

His right hand makes its way to his hair as he absentmindedly twirls a few kinks around his fingers, "I could feel your pain, you're closer now and... Uhm, my wolf felt the pain so I needed to come over and make sure you were okay. The lights were all off when I got here so I decided to just sleep out there because I knew it would still bring you comfort."

A lightbulb immediately goes off and I instantly understand why it was that I felt so good this morning. His presence had settled me.

He diverts his eyes, "I knew you wouldn't appreciate me just barging in or climbing through your window so I figured that was the best way to go about it." His eyes meet mine as he smiles gently, "And judging by your gorgeous face, I'd say it worked just as well."

I chuckle, "I would say it did too, thank you." I smile up at him.

I snap out of it as I grab our bowls and place them in the sink, I quickly wash them before placing them on the drying rack. When I turn around I wonder how I never felt him before, Motheo is right behind me. If I sucked in enough air my breasts would definitely brush against his chest.

I raise my head so my eyes could find his, "Yes?" I ask as calmly as I could.

His hand hesitates but eventually it makes its way to my cheek and all I do is watch it. Dammit, Lerato move I urged my body but, do you think it actually listened?

Ten points to Slytherin for guessing correctly because of course it didn't move.

Instead I suck in a breath as the sparks light up my body, I hadn't felt any sparks in weeks and I hadn't felt his sparks in months. The difference between his sparks and Raheem's is so clear, Motheo's make me so weak.

The magnitude of the electrical current too strong for me to ever ignore or overlook, it rakes my body. Pushing from my cheek right down to the tips of my toes.

I pull my bottom lip into my mouth as I watch his eyes swirl from their chocolate colour to a shade as dark as the moon-less sky.

"Can I?" He asks and he shouldn't have because that's all I need to remember that he's Bound to someone else.

Someone he's killed for.

I slap his hand away and push him aside as I grab my bag and keys from the counter, "I have to get to work, Motheo." I cross my arms as I wait for him to recompose himself and walk with me out that door.

When he didn't make a move, I impatiently say, "Motheo, you're going to make me late."

He starts to move but I'm not sure of his expression, he looked as though he was conflicted. I furrow my brows and prepare myself to ask him what's the matter but he beats me to it.

"I'll come clean, I'll tell them everything."

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