《Her Calling》T H I R T Y


alessia cara, trust my lonely.

I woke up the following morning still feeling quite moody, all I knew was I was done crying over Alpha's. I would not let out a single drop for another one ever again.

Finishing up my morning routine I head into my kitchen and make some bacon and eggs whilst toasting up my bread. It was a quiet Saturday morning and I was grateful.

Just as I had sat down on my couch ready to watch the latest Prodigal Son episode my ringtone slices through the silence. I place my mug onto a coaster before picking up the device.


Flashes before my eyes and I nearly want to chuck the phone into the dustbin. Is it really him or is it Raheem, if it is him is he calling because he wants to speak to me or want to interrogate me. As I'm still deciding whether or not I want to pick up he hangs up.

My lips automatically making a small unhappy pout, what if it were him and he just wanted to talk. I tap his name and return the call, he picks up almost immediately.

"Gee, I nearly thought you had decided to write me off too."

I laugh lightly, "Sorry, I thought it might be him or you might be calling to speak about him and I could really do with neither." Before he gets to respond I say, "Woah, woah... did you say write you off too? If anything I got written off. I'm not the one doing the writing off." I scoff.

It's not like I cared as much anymore but still, he better get his facts straight. I'm not the one who... well, technically I did tell him to go home but I apologised and took that back so, yeah. I'm not the one who told anyone to leave.

He did it all on his own, rejected my calls all on his own, didn't text back all on his own. So, he wrote me off all on his own. I just accepted it.


"Okay, okay, I'm sorry I used the wrong wording. However, I'm only calling to hear about you, how are you?"

I explained that I'd be having my breakfast in between as I put him on speaker and began telling him how I was doing. Shoving pieces of the food in my mouth when he took over and spoke.

We spoke for quite a while, my plate and mug discarded into the sink as I now just sat on the couch staring at the paused television screen.

I let out a heavy sigh before I asked, "How is he?"

Would he be perfectly fine, would he be distraught, does he in the slightest bit still care about me. Did he ever?

I try to discard that last thought, of course he did. I mean... he did, right?

Before I can do further damage Amir finally speaks, "He's been better... I don't fully understand why he did that, not sure Khalil understands either but yeah. He's not doing that great, you are his other half and..." he trails off but I don't hear anyone or anything in the back so he's holding off.

"What? Just say it."

I had already brought him up, he might as well say all he wanted about Raheem. With all the thoughts that I've tried to suppress and the ones that are too dominant, I've thought the worst of the worst. There's really nothing that I could hear that could beat out the overthinking I've done.

"His first mate is dead, yours isn't. He has far much more to lose than you do. Without you he could be destroyed, he won't ever be able to be Alpha again without you." I hear him sigh, "Because your first mate still lives and is so close to you, you won't feel the same hurt he does. He feels everything while you feel a piece of it. Whatever this is that he's doing, I know because of all I have just said that he is doing it for whatever he believes is a good reason."


I shouldn't have asked.

Later that day I grab my Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince book and sit on my porch swing with a cup of coffee say on the railing. I turn the page and prepare myself for the death of Albus Dumbledore when I sense him.

I sigh dramatically before I place my bookmark in my spot and glance up at him just as he reaches he first step.

"Hi, Motheo," I hadn't yet decided what to do about him, should I give him a heads up? Should I not?

I don't exactly need his help in telling his truths, I just need him to back me up. To not lie further than he already has but could I trust him, he's lived in his lies for so long who's to know if he's ready to give that up.

I can't imagine any Royal knows what it's like to actually do any work, let alone be anywhere that isn't the Royal City.

"Hi, Lerato," he gestures to the space beside me and I nod, he sits as he gazes at the scenery. I glance at him and try my hardest to withhold an impatient look, he's here for a reason so I should try and be patient enough for him to gather his strength.

"When you drove away from the City the day Raheem told you his side of the story. He was there too, as soon as you left I spotted him in his wolf form. As I said to you, he shouldn't have ever returned because it is forbidden. So, I had the guards capture him, it wasn't that hard with how weak his wolf is. It barely knows his to defend itself.

"In the castle, we only keep the worst of the trespassers so when they brought him to the dungeon they immediately injected him with the poison. When I got down there, I was only going to speak to him but when I found him already drugged..."

I didn't have the strength to tell him that I didn't care, I didn't want to hear about Raheem anymore. I had heard enough about him for today. The more I heard about him, the more my heart ached and I didn't want it to. I needed to be stronger this time.

"I got so angry that he was here with you, in your house and I know it's none of my business. I really do but I couldn't stand it, the thought of him being in here with you... alone. Perhaps even in your bed, I lost it. I completely lost it."

He shook his head, "I've been so unstable since you left, Lerato. The greatest moments of my life were those I spent with you," he turned to me, "I wish I could go back there. I'd do anything to go back there, to be with you again."

"Motheo," He shook his head and I didn't say anymore, "I know, Lerato, I know it isn't possible but maybe just maybe we could make it work."

I raised a brow, "Would you come clean? Tell the public everything?"

That would be my only condition, if I ever cared to be with Motheo. I already know he's a loyal partner — loyal, not faithful — he'd do anything for me if I ever needed and that's something that could come handy.

"Lerato, that would completely shatter the monarchy."

I laugh bitterly, "So, what Motheo? I take a backseat as Madeline rules my kingdom?"

"Your kingdom?"

I roll my eyes, "I am the rightful Queen —"

He interrupts me, "You don't have the bloodline, so it may be rightfully yours but only because you are mated to me." He says.

I nearly throw him off the swing, "Well, maybe the Goddess is tired of your family's reign." I shrug.

"Are you trying to imply something? I come here to try and make amends and you insinuate that you want to.. what? Take over?"

"All I'm saying Motheo is that — I will be Queen, take it however you like."

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