《Her Calling》T W E N T Y - F I V E


grace grundy, ocean.

I stare at Raheem as Kea checks on him, she orders a blood test be done as she works on his wounds. He doesn't make a move as she sews the cuts closed, this would help the regeneration process.

When silver is the cause of cuts and such the wolf must be stitched or else they won't heal. Alpha's or wolves of alpha blood being the exception because they will heal but it would take several hours maybe even days. Depending on the size and depth of the gash.

His eyes looked dazed and faraway, as though he was mind linking someone and trapped in an awful horror movie.

"Raheem," I tried again but he never lifted his gaze.

Kea offered me a small smile, "You know he won't respond, Lerato."

She was right, I knew he wouldn't and I knew what was wrong with him. She knew too, the test was just protocol my father hated doctors who just assumed based on their knowledge.

I brought my knees to my chin and turned away from him, I couldn't stand to see him look like this. What had happened?

I know they hate each other but why would this be the outcome? Did Motheo look like this too?

He couldn't possibly, Raheem looks as though he was jumped or something. He has been drugged, so he was obviously weakened and then attacked.

Would Motheo stoop that low? He is a Royal after all, wouldn't he send someone else to do something this petty and mind you, bloody. He barely wanted to get wet that day on the lake, I doubt he'd want blood on him.

So did he get someone else to do this?

I let out a frustrated groan, I don't understand any of this and I don't have Motheo's damn number. Goddess, I hate not having answers.

"I'm going to go see it I can speed up the results, I'm going to keep him here until he regains his usual consciousness. Do you know his family, is there anyone I should call?" Kea questions.


I shake my head, "That's not necessary, he's already on his way. His brother, that is, he knew Raheem was in danger before he even knocked on my door. So, he'll be here by tomorrow night. I know it..." I smiled at her, "Thank you, Kea."

She nodded, "Of course."

She shut the door as she slipped out the room, I walked over to Raheem who was seated on the bed. His legs were still swooped over hanging off the bed, only in his boxers. He had been helped in the shower by a male nurse so he was clean now.

I grabbed the hospital gown that Kea had set beside him, I held onto his forearm and gently stood him up. He obliged and I slipped it on him, pushing lightly on his stomach he sat back down.

I lifted his legs and he moved into the laying position, I smiled a little knowing that he was actually allowing me to help.

I reached to the end of the bed and pulled up the feather light duvet, just as I had gotten it to his stomach he stopped me. My brows furrowed as I glanced at him, obviously questioning his actions.

In his state I could easily overpower him but I didn't want to do that. I'm only here to help, if he didn't want the blanket over him, I wouldn't put it.

His arm circled my waist and he pulled me into him and onto the bed so that I was the little spoon. Then only did he raise the duvet to his shoulder simultaneously raising it to mine too. His head almost instinctively made its way to my neck and I heard his content sigh.

'I think he's going to sleep now.' I linked Kea.

She replied, 'I'll bring the results tomorrow. Goodnight Lerato.'

'Goodnight Kea.'

I blinked once, twice, thrice before he pulled me into sleep along side him. When I awoke the next morning, I could still feel his heat radiating from behind me. His breathing was far better than it was the day before and the weight of his arm was heavier. He was obviously recovering.


I remove his arm before getting to my feet, I stretch before walking over to the chair I was seated on hours prior. I pick it up and bring it right beside the bed, I set it down gently before occupying it.

I reach over and hold his hand, smiling a little when he gives it a squeeze and I almost feel the squeeze reverberating in my bloodstream. I stroke his hand lightly with my thumb as I wait for either him to wake up or Kea to come in.

Guess I was a little ambitious because the next thing I know there was a spasm in my neck. Lifting my head I realise I had fallen asleep with my head on the bed and body still in the chair.

Twisting it either side I let out a huff, it would hurt for a little longer.

"Morning," He mutters.

My eyes widen and I can't help the smile that breaks out, "Hey, hey," I can't stop my body as I climb onto the bed. My legs folded under my bum, "How are you feeling?" My hands involuntarily reach over for his face and stroke his beard.

It has grown a little longer than he usually kept it but he still looked as handsome as ever. His eyes dust his cheeks as he stares me down too, his eyes analysing every bit of my face as though he had never seen it before.

He smiles, "You helped me, even after what I told you."

I shook my head, upset with myself all over again, "I was stupid to kick you out. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Had you been inside, had I never reacted so stupidly you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

He shifts his head away from me, my hand lowering into my lap, "It doesn't compare to the pain I caused you because of those actions. I'm sorry, Lerato. You wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for me."

"Raheem —"

Kea walked in at that moment, drawing both our attention. Her eyes were glued to the iPad in her hands, giving me time to slip off the bed and back into the chair.

"I've got your results right here Mr. Jamil, would you like Ms. Zamo to stay in the room?"

I knew she wasn't being shady or anything, she had all the right to kick me out and so did he. She just needed to know he was comfortable with me knowing all she was about to disclose.

"Yes," I saw his hand twitch to hold mine just as mine twitched for his. Although no one made a move, instead he moved his hand closer to his body. Somehow, that hurt me far more than him simply not reaching out for me.

Was he pulling away from me because I told him to go back home?

"Very well. As I suspected you were drugged, what I didn't expect was the use of belladonna. It's an ancient way to harm a werewolf, it comes from the nightshade plant. There was also liquid mercury found too. Neither quantities were high enough to kill you, instead they brought you to a paralysed state."

I swallowed down a sob, I shouldn't have told him to leave. I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have. This is all my fault.

"Do you remember what happened, Mr. Jamil?"

He glanced over at me, almost as though his answer somehow depended on me. Did he not want to answer truthfully because he was afraid of what I would find out about my mate?

"If Mo —" Remembering that Kea is in the room, I refrain from using his name, "If he's a monster, I want to know Raheem. I deserve to know."

I guess I gave the right answer because without breaking eye contact or even blinking he answers,

"I do."

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