《Her Calling》T W E N T Y - T H R E E


kevin garrett, love you less.

I thought her eyes would fall off they were so large. She looked as though she had seen a ghost, as though she had just seen the basilisk and been petrified.

I just continued on, no use softening the blow, no use pleading for her to not see me as a monster. She would think what she wanted and I wouldn't stop her.

"They never forgave me for it, Madeline must have felt it because I could hear her scream. It was far louder than the music, far more pained far more excruciating than any scream I've ever heard in my life. She came running she knew exactly where to find us and when I saw the look in her eye — I knew what I had done.

"I knew what he was doing there and I knew who he was, the former King came out of his office and Motheo along with his sibling came in behind Madeline."

I touched my elbows to my knees and placed my head in my hands, I ran the hands up and into my hair. Thrashing my hands on my head, as though trying to claw away the memory.

"The Ball ended immediately and everyone was sent to their homes within the walls whilst my fate and my brothers were decided upon."

I ended the story there, it was enough for today. With my head still in my hands I glanced over at her and she was still silent and unmoving. I sighed.

I shouldn't have killed him, I just shouldn't have done it. I was a different person then, not an actual pack destroyer or anything but I wasn't as I am now. I let my pride get the best of me, he was clearly toying with me. Almost as if he wanted me to kill him, any wolf knows better than to taunt an Alpha.

We have very short fuses, so he knew what he was doing. Any regular wolf would have just explained their business there and be done with it but he wanted to toy with and Alpha, he wanted...


Or maybe, I'm just trying to make myself feel better.

I dragged myself to the edge of the couch, hesitating for a moment I decided against kissing her head, "I'll give you time."

I then stood and walked off into the room she had assigned me. As soon as I shut the door my chest constricts and I can hear my wolf howling, he feels rejected.

I take a step and my leg immediately feels weak as though it has never handled my weight before. The other gave in too and I dropped to my knees.

I shut my eyes and resisted the urge to howl, my wolf was clawing at me. He wanted to go wild, he couldn't handle the hurt.

I had to stop the story there, I had to just leave it to my part. My half in the Royal - Jamil feud, even if it only left me in the dark. Left me looking like a monster.

I wish I could take that day back, so many times I've wished I could've just stopped myself. Could've held back my arrogance, held back my wolf and just waited for the guards to come.

For the damn King to come, had he not heard me call for the guards? But he's a King former or not, he wouldn't rise from his seat at a call for the guards.

I raised to my feet and forced myself to sit on the bed. There wasn't much I could do about this whole situation, there's nothing I could do right now to show Lerato that she is my future. I couldn't possibly imagine one without her now that I know her.

From the very first day I saw her I knew that she was her, my second chance. I had spoken and spoken and begged and pleaded with the Moon to forgive me for killing Siya and taking him away from Madeline.

I had started to accept that I was never going to receive another chance, I had started to accept that I had lost my one and only chance. Until I saw Lerato that day, it was an adrenaline rush.


I had smelt her in my house, Khalil had said that someone was indeed there. I had missed her by a few minutes and I could smell her like she had just walked by me.

I was still so focused on her scent, that when Khalil was explaining everything about Motheo's runaway mate being Lerato. By the time I had focused back on what he was saying I completely missed that he was talking about the scent I was smelling.

So once I had smelt her at the skydiving I knew it was her, the one I smelt in my home. I had to approach her, I had to speak to her and make sure it was really her. Make sure she was really my second chance.

I thought she would realise it too but when she didn't, I decided not to smother her and just let her know that I was looking out for her. Everyone makes it to the ground okay but she, she was special so I had to go personally.

Every other time I had seen her after that wasn't coincidental. I asked Amir where he was taking her just so I could 'bump into' them and get to spend the day with her. She makes my days brighter, her smile could light up the night sky. She is magical.

I made a move to lay on the bed oppose to the sitting position I was in when I heard the knock on the door. She still wants to speak with me?

"Come in," I said far more hastily than I had expected to.

She popped her head in and peeked at me, "Had to make sure you were decent." She said whilst moving inside.

A small smile appeared on my face, "Well, I am for now." I winked and she rolled her eyes.

"This water has done something to you." She shakes her head although a smile still lingers.

I gave a half smile, "Or maybe it's just you."

I couldn't help how she made me feel, I couldn't help how I felt about her either. I knew she was drawn to me but I'm not sure she knows exactly why. Maybe that was the small bit of punishment the Moon had given me. A mate that's as good as human in regards to the pull.

It's not common but it does occur every once in a while that a wolf would be mated to a human. Somewhere in that humans bloodline there would be a werewolf, not close in the lineage for the human to shift but enough to assist them with their first shift once they've been marked.

Now, until such time the human only feels everything as a hum and a drawing. Nothing more, no world freezing moment when they look into the wolf's eyes, no electric shocks, nothing. Just a dull unnoticeable hum when they touch and an attraction to the wolf.

That is all Lerato feels towards me too.

I feel a noticeable hum when we touch, I feel my inside churn when I look into her eyes and I feel a sizeable pull towards here. My entire being just wants to be around her.

"I..." She let out some air, "Raheem, I'm so sorry."

My head snapped in her direction, "What?"

A tear slipped out and rolled down her cheek before she swiped it away, "I'm sorry that happened, I understand where you were coming from but..."

"I think you should go back home."

Thank you for 10k. 🤍

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