《Her Calling》S I X T E E N


ariana grande, goodnight n go.

He kept his word, as soon as I sent the 'I'm home' text I received a phone call from Raheem. It ended up being an hour long phone call that made me forget all about the situation.

First thing in the morning I was on a three hour FaceTime with Amanda where I told her everything. At this point it were right back to high school years and I just wanted to laugh. I couldn't believe I was here squealing and yelling about someone, I wanted to stop myself and remind myself of what I went through a little over a month ago but at the same time I hardly ever think about it.

Sure, I'll think about or even mention Micah but I don't actually think back to the experience. Thinking back to Raheem's words I almost felt somewhat strong thinking of them. He's right, I'm here and I'm breathing and I'm moving on with my life even though my mate is Bound to someone else.

I've almost shut out that chapter, I've almost shut him out and I'm good with that. He is supposed to be my soulmate so I'm not sure I can completely shut the chapter so I'll accept this almost.

I was sat in my robe in the lounge, having finished my whole morning routine and eaten. I missed Raheem's call because I was talking to Amanda and I did not pick up his call even against Amanda's yelling and threatening. I sent him a message letting him know I was on a call and he said he'd call later once he was done with his meetings.

The television was on but I wasn't paying it much attention, I had bought groceries but I've run out of a few things. The issue now was should I buy more or should I just go home once the rest finished? Am I still going home? What is my next move? I can't stay in this penthouse forever.

Maybe I should just head home for a few days, see how I like it before I make any decisions. I think that would be the most rational thing to do. Goddess, why did he have to stay in the exact same province as me? The same country wasn't bad enough for him he had to be in the same damn province too? Fucking hell.

There was a knock on my door that demanded my attention, I never get any visitors so I was genuinely surprised by the knock. Walking up to the door I moved quite slowly, not knowing what to expect.

Looking through the peephole I see nothing but darkness, the person on the other side clearly blocking the hole. I rolled my eyes knowing who could be so childish to do something like that.

I swung the door open expecting to see one person but seeing another, I tried to hide my surprise but it was too late.

"Woah, sorry to disappoint you, Sprinkle."

I shake my head instantly feeling bad, "No! No, you didn't. I just didn't think you're that childish. No stress though, I've adjusted your child-o-meter, so I'm better prepared now."

He laughed, "Good comeback but the wound has already been made."


I rolled my eyes, "Come in little baby."

"Oh I thought we'd have to have these doughnuts right here in the doorway."

I step back as I open the one door wider for him to fit through, "Just get in."

Once he enters the penthouse I shut the door and follow him in. He gazed out the large window and smiled gently, "Khalil gave you the penthouse with the grandest view. You can truly see the city from here."

"Your city from what I've heard and I believe it's true judging by that smile."

He directs the smile at me, "It is indeed."

"It's very impressive."

He raised his brow, "Oh, you don't need to know how old I am to have accomplished this?"

I let out a loud laugh, "Oh my goddess, what don't you and your brother tell each other? My soul."

I open the box of Krispy Kreme and pick up an original glaze, "How old are you then Mr. Jamel?"


I roll my eyes, "Twenty-six."

He raised a brow, "Accomplishing that," he pointed behind him at the window, "Would really be impressive then, wrong, I'm twenty-seven."

I throw a cushion at him, "Oh whatever, I was down a year."

He throws it back, "No, you were down by two. I'm turning twenty-eight."

"That's still impressive." I lift a shoulder.

He smiles, "You flatter me. Sprinkle?"


He scratches the back of his head, "Do you have clothes on underneath that threatening to spill open robe?"

I bet you my eyes resembled saucers, "Oh my god!"

I jumped up, almost spilling the whole box of doughnuts. I didn't answer him I instead ran straight into my room. How could I have forgotten that I was in my robe? And if it were to 'spill' open he'd have seen me naked because I in actual fact had nothing under there.

I could hear his laughter from the other room and I wanted to punch him right in the nose. I pulled on a pair of denim shorts and a spaghetti strap along with my fur slides.

I reentered the living room and took my spot once again, picking up my doughnut and taking a bite.

"I was not wearing anything under there, so thank you for reminding me."

He smiled gently a laugh clearly caught in his throat so all he did was nod.

I was packing a light bag I had bought the day before with Amir when my music was paused because of a call.

I had decided that going home for a bit would do me good, let me know exactly what it is I wanted to do. Stay here or return home for good, I've been taking up this penthouse space and contributing nothing to the community.

No one even knew me, if I were to stay I would have to start integrating myself not do tourist things.

I answered the call and Raheem started speaking, "You're going home?"

"Only for a few days." I clarify.

It sounds as though he's driving, "Why? I thought you liked it here."

I chuckle, "I do but I have family and friends that I miss, Raheem. I have to go and see them, see how I feel being home. I'm in a bubble here and whether I like it or not the truth is, eventually bubbles pop. I'd rather deflate my bubble than have it popped by reality."


"I suppose I understand. Would've been nice to hear from you though."

"I was going to stop by before I left, I'm not rude."

There's a knock on my door and I jump slightly once I heard it, it sounded extra loud for some reason.

I place my shirt in my bag before walking out the bedroom, "Oh, hold on there's someone at the door."

He doesn't say anything so I continue toward the door I look out the peephole and laugh, "You've got to be kidding me."

I open the door and give him a questioning smile, "Just in case you thought you could leave without saying bye."

Behind the door stand Raheem, Khalil and Amir. The only wolves I know here but the greatest ones, I really could not complain. I appreciated each one of them men and I thought they were all amazing.

"Well I already said bye to you," I point at Amir, "Hey guys."

I move aside as I widen the door for them, they come in and head for the couch. Khalil just like his brother a day ago marvels at the city view.

"I really have you the best view."

I laugh, "Yes, so I keep hearing. Thank you, it's going to be so hard to let it go."

Which it would, I spend less time watching TV and more time gazing outside. I watch the sun rise and set and I watch the buzz of the city whenever I want. If I'm actually home I'm out here in the living area, gazing outside. I can't help it, the view was spectacular. The ocean could be seen from here too, the Palm Island somewhat seen too, not as breathtaking from above but you can still see them.

His eyebrows furrow, "Let it go? You're going home for good?

"Oh, no. Not yet at least, I'm just going to see if I actually want to move back home or if I want to stay here."

Amir's eyes are wide, "You would actually stay here?"

I try so hard not to do it but I can already feel Raheem's eyes on me making it easier for mine to find his. I only meant to glance at him for a moment but a moment turns into longer, "I would stay here."

I see him smile at my response that was directed at him even though the question wasn't his. I return the smile not long before Khalil sighs loudly, obviously seeing the communication between his brother and I.

I chuckle lightly and look away, I decide it's better to go finish packing. I'll just have to scream my responses at them if they want to talk. Actually, they're werewolves they'll hear me regardless.

"Okay, I'll just be in my room finishing off the packing. I would say make yourself at home but you are the owners."

Amir pouts, "What about me?"

I point at him, "Behave." I joke and he pretends to throw a cushion at me.

I reenter my room and finish of the little bit of packing I have left. Placing all my toiletries in my bag and zipping it up once complete. I sit on my bed to contemplate a little more but I find Amir in the doorway, I smile at him.

He has clearly been my one and only best friend here, I don't know what I could've done without him. I pat the space beside me and he takes a seat.

He speaks first, "I'm going to miss you."

I nudge him with my shoulder, "I'm going to miss you but I assure you whether or not I decide to remain home I will come back here and see you all before I go back to my life there."

He looks out the opened door before raising to his feet and shutting it, he returns beside me and I already know he's going to speak of one of the brothers out there, "You'd leave him?"

I shrug, "I barely know him, Amir."

He nods, "I know but I know he really is interested in you."

"I never doubted that, I just can't be making big life choices over a crush. I have a life back home, a job, family."

He tilts his head, "A crush?"

I nod, "Yes, besides he probably has a mate out there somewhere." As bizarre as it is that he's going on twenty-eight and mate-less.

Amir smiles gently, "I guess you barely do know him."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Amir shakes his head, "There's things you don't know about Raheem that would change that mind of yours. But alas, let's go out there and join the brothers. No use being antisocial in here." He gets to his feet and holds out his arm for me to grab.

He lifts me up and then we're out of the room and walking towards the brothers who are no longer on the couch but rather in the kitchen. The two are bickering whilst cooking up a meal.

They really are unlike any Alpha's I've come across before, none and I genuinely mean none of the other Alpha's are this down to earth or friendly. Sure, there's a bunch of nice ones but not to this extent. These two were carefree and all around nice guys.

I was genuinely so lucky to have met them and I could never and would never forget them. Whether or not I move back home permanently.

"What are you two bickering about."

Raheem shoves his sibling out of the way, "Khalil thinks we shouldn't peal the potatoes."

"Yes we shouldn't! There's nutrients in the skin."

Raheem threw his hands up in exasperation, "But it's been in the ground! I don't care what it has, it's dirty."

Khalil rolled his eyes, "They clean them you moron, and I'll clean them too."

"No Khalil, listen man, we aren't having them." Raheem picked up the pealer but he didn't hold it for long as Khalil hit it out of his hand.

The two went on as thought Amir and I weren't standing right there, debating about which way the potatoes should be devoured and I couldn't be bothered to throw in my two cents. I sat on a bar stool and watched the two as Amir and I laughed at the siblings.

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