《Her Calling》T H I R T E E N


kiana ledé, fairplay.

Disclaimer: please remember this is a work of fiction, I have never been to the UAE nor do I know how things work there so this is mostly the work of my imagination. AND this is not a book that contains religion so please please refrain from projecting any religious notions. They're wolves, they have no religion so there is no religion.

The entire taxi ride back to the hotel I couldn't help but think how liberating and exhilarating the experience was. I almost felt like an entirely different person, almost felt as though I had been freed of everything that had happened before that.

I felt refreshed and ready to tackle anything, ready to be a new and better version of myself.

Micah has chosen his soulmate, he is Bound to someone else. He belongs with someone else, I have to close that chapter. It was an incredibly short chapter but nonetheless, it needs to be closed and I need to move right along.

Not meaning I need to find someone new but rather, I should just leave him behind. Start a new chapter or better yet a new book.

The driver clears his throat rather loudly and says, "We've arrived ma'am."

Blinking my eyes a few times I realised that we are indeed parked in front of the hotel.

"I'm so sorry, thank you sir." I pay the driver and step out of the car.

He drives away and I glance at my Apple Watch, the monitor informing me that it is only quarter past four. Instead of heading inside I decide to find a restaurant to dine at before heading into the hotel.

I walk a few blocks before I come across a Chinese restaurant, instantly craving some deep fried dumplings I enter the restaurant. It's very Chinese inspired and I smile, I almost felt transported.

The red, light and dark brown hues complimenting the beautiful shop. I'm directed to a table before a menu is placed before me, as soon as I'm done thanking the waitress I notice a familiar face. I gently call back for the waitress and notify her that I'll be moving over to the other table.

Well, what if he doesn't want company? I scold as soon as the waitress nods in understanding, I immediately scowl wishing I'd have thought of that before I spoke. Shrugging off the thought I approach the dark haired man, sliding into his booth.

I flash him a wide toothy smile, "Hey Amir."

He smiles back before letting out a chuckle his dimples popping out, "Hey Lerato."

My brows furrow, "What's so funny?"

I mean, I knew I was funny but I hadn't even been there a minute and he was chuckling.

He shook his head, "Never seen you smile that wide." I narrowed my eyes at his response, "Heck," He rubs his chin, "Have I ever even seen you smile?"

I don't know who the question is directed towards or whether or not it is even a question. I let out a chuckle and shrug, "Well, you've seen it now."

He shakes his head lightly, "And it's beautiful." My only response is a shy smile.


It's the second time Amir has left me speechless and feeling the slightest bit shy, I hope he doesn't make it a habit. Although, I wouldn't complain if he did.

I clear my throat before looking at the menu, "What did you order?"

I glance over the many options presented to me, looking for the only two things I ever order at any Asian restaurant. Anathi would often say that I'm very bland and boring for my choices and the repetitiveness.

However, I don't mind it it's not like I go to restaurants every single day so always having the same items doesn't phase me whatsoever.


"Ew," My nose automatically scrunches up, "I really expected better of you."

He lets out that booming laugh being more prepared this time I duck my head before I can see anyone else turn to look over at us.

He sobers up a few seconds later and speaks, "The only one lacking in tastebuds here is you, you have no right judging me."

I lift my head whilst light chuckles escape me, "That is not the truth."

The waitress returns with his order and I give her mine, she nods politely and moves in the direction of the kitchen. I lazily place my head on my palm and sulk, looking over at Amir's food placed before him.

There was an array of food there all sorts of – honestly, I don't know. Seeing my face he chuckled, "I'm not going to touch my food until you get yours, you don't have to look at it like that."

I smiled, "Oh thank goodness, I'm so hungry I might have actually craved your sushi."

Amir laughed, "How rude do you think I am?"

The night went on with our back and forth chatter, I haven't been here for long let alone known Amir for long but I appreciated him so much. He has really been a good friend and pillar of strength.

His presence combined with being so far from home and so disconnected from the Royals and that kind of chatter has done me so much good. Thinking back to weeks ago when I found out about Micah's true identity and his lies, it feels like far more than a week or two ago.

I really felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, I felt calm and at peace here and I know a lot of that had to do with both Amir and this disconnect.

Once we had both finished our meals, Amir dropped me off at the hotel before heading off to his own home. Sitting on the bed I let out a deep breath shutting my eyes for a moment to centre myself.

With all this peace flowing and my newly found confidence, what was my plan exactly? Today was a really good day and this country was breathtaking and so far everyone I had met was so wonderful and kind, did I really want to return home?

If I stayed here though there would be so much adjusting not to mention it was just too far from home. However, as I mentioned, I have not heard a single thing about the Royals here, not a thing at all and I loved it. Even though it peaked my interest, why didn't they care? Why didn't Alpha Khalil attend the Ceremony?


Did the Origen Pack not see eye to eye with the Royals? I was eager to receive the answers to these questions, however, I knew it wasn't within my right to ask. Alpha Khalil genuinely owes me nothing whatsoever.

Would he feel compelled to tell me though because of what Micah did to me? Perhaps. I could use that as my way in.

But how would you even communicate with Alpha Khalil? That was the only snag. Deciding to sleep on it I change into my pyjamas, wash my face and rest.

The following morning I go through with my morning routine, once again having to get room service breakfast because I still have not bought any groceries. I'm living out of a suitcase and eating room service food. Something needs to give.

This could be your excuse to see Alpha Khalil I cannot help but think and agree. It was the perfect excuse, I genuinely do want to know how long I have this space for. I need to find out my plan and as it so happens I can find out the apparent beef between the Origen Pack and the Royals.

Soon after I've devoured the breakfast I call Amir and ask him if his Alpha is available for a quick visit. Fifteen minutes later he calls back informing me that Alpha Khalil indeed is free and wouldn't mind a quick visit.

Hence, I am now in the passenger seat of one of the many cars Amir drives. Driving the Alpha or, I guess, myself is a part-time job for Amir, he's actually a university student. He comes from a well off family who are quite close with the Alpha family but not super close.

Amir announced our arrival, consequently bringing me back to reality, "Thank you, Amir."

He smiled gently, "It isn't a bother, I'll be waiting here for you once you're done."

"Oh," I shake my head, "That's really kind of you Amir but you don't have to."

This time he shook his head, "I insist." He offered his kind childlike smile that I just could not say 'no' to.

I stepped out the car and made my way to the front door, I rang the doorbell before someone opened up the door. I notified them of who I was before they lead me to a different side of the house. They knocked on the door we concluded our walk in front of soon after the knock, I heard Alpha Khalil's voice grant access from the other side.

I then opened the door before thanking the person who assisted me. I gently shut the door behind me and made my way further into what appears to be his office. The room was a dark mahogany with the wood taking a central role, from the walls to the shelves to the desk.

The carpet and couch a plush black, the room was certainly very manly and oddly not what I would've imagined his office looking.

"Lerato, hi. Please take a seat."

I hadn't realised I was inspecting the room so much I had stopped walking. I probably looked like an idiot.

I followed his instructions, "Hi Alpha Khalil, thank you for seeing me."

He stopped typing on his computer to turn to look at me, giving me his undivided attention, "What do I owe the pleasure?"

I cleared my throat, "I... This is going to seem stupid now but I wanted to find out how much time I have in the penthouse."

"Oh, as long as you need. There's several penthouses in case anyone else of rank shows up. I don't want to rush your healing."

This is your chance.

"I've been so fortunate here, I haven't heard a word about the Ceremony."

That was slick, right?

He nodded, "No one here bothers themselves on the Royals, guess you and everyone else here have that in common."

I smile internally, it appears as though it was. Mental high five, Lerato.

I scrunched my brows really trying to make it seem as though I had never a day in my life thought of this conversation happening, "You didn't go to the Ceremony because you were here when I arrived..."

He looked away from my eyes, "Yes, I myself don't bother myself with those wolves. Old family history, when we come together we clash so I've decided to be completely separate from them."

To bring on a lighter note I joke, "So in your own way you're the Alpha King?"

He inserts, "Of the UAE."

"Huh, that is very interesting. So the other Packs here care about the Royals?"

Now this was an actual conversation I had not thought about a day in my life. Being the King of the UAE didn't seem that far fetched to me with how no one here cares about the Royals. They do, however, care deeply about Khalil.

Amir is not the first person I had encountered that spoke highly of the Alpha. He was clearly loved by his people, even if they were the 'young Pack.'

He shrugs, "I suppose they do but not really."

"Alpha King Khalil." I muse, "Has a ring to it."

He blessed my ears once more with his melodic laugh, "Don't tempt me. I might just overthrow them."

I perked up at the sound of that, "I have enough ammo to help you."

What he did was probably incredibly punishable, he deceived and lied to the entire werewolf community. They wouldn't trust another word anyone in his family ever spoke again.

A devilish grin danced on his lips, "You do?" His brows raised once the question was posed.

I spread my hands out to display a headline in the air, "King Motheo Bound to Imposter! Real Mate Tells All!" I laughed while his eyes doubled in side realising who my mate actually was, "Totally the kickstart you'd need."

"Kickstart? That's the final blow!"

Really it was the whole package from start to finish.

I laughed, "Well, how lucky am I to land up on this perfect patch of land where he cannot reach me."

Alpha Khalil smiles, "The luckiest."

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