《Her Calling》T W E L V E


jhené aiko, frequency.

Amir dropped me off at the hotel and I thanked him, the day was the best I had had in a very long while and it was all thanks to him and his Alpha. They were wonderful wolves and I appreciated their kindness.

However, I would have to set off on my own adventure tomorrow though, there was no use in shielding myself off. I had to get used to being here and exploring on my own, I didn't want to be a bother.

Shutting the penthouse door I was still taken aback by how gorgeous it was. Khalil's brother really did build an empire, this place was amazing. I hadn't explored as much as I could've because conversing with Amir was really that entertaining. However, from what I had seen it was beautiful.

I sat on my bed and pulled out my iPad, I took a shakey breath before opening my Twitter. I knew I was three hours ahead but it was eight o'clock here so surely the grandest part of the Ceremony was over. I should be able to read all about it now.

I truly despised that I still cared, I hated having to do this to myself. Why was I even doing it? I wanted to shut it off but I couldn't, I continued to tap until my Twitter page opened up.

The images were instant, if it was even possible my heart shattered into even finer pieces. I couldn't believe he actually went through with it, what was the point of even coming to the airport if he wasn't going to call it off.

I choked back a sob but that only triggered the tears. Goddess, why am I doing this? He was staring right into the camera, staring right at me his pearly whites beaming and his eyes showing no sign of sadness or even regret. He looked genuinely happy, he was either a damn good actor or didn't give a single fuck about me.

I turned off the device before I rolled myself into a ball and stared out the window until my eyes couldn't keep themselves open anymore.

Surprisingly what woke me up the next morning was not the sun shining through the unopened blinds but my ringtone. I slowly picked my head up and scanned the area for the cellular device, however, I didn't find it in time. So the caller gave up and hung up, I took that as a clear sign that read 'go back to bed,' so that is exactly what I did.

Waking up later I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling as I rubbed my eyes hoping to clear them of the drowsiness.

Once satisfied I searched for my phone again, needing to find out the time. After a few moments I found it under a pillow, 11:17 the time read. I also read that the caller from earlier was Anathi. I hadn't spoken to anyone besides my father since I had left, a few texts here and there between my friends but that was about it.


I return my brothers call once I've coughed enough times to ensure my voice wouldn't sound too burnt, "Oh would you look who it is." Is his greeting.

"Hello Junior Junior."

His exhale is obnoxiously loud, "For fucks sakes," He mutters, "Don't make me regret calling you Lerato."

"I'm almost certain I called you." I muse.

He scoffs, "It's a returned call so it's still my call."

I roll my eyes at his logic, "Well what did you want caller?"

He starts off with a long pause and that's when I know it's got something to do with the Ceremony or if not that in it's entirety then Micah. Dread fills up my stomach as I wait for him to speak.

He clears his throat before he speaks, "The King pulled me aside yesterday."

My eyes widened he broke his cover?

"What?" There's nothing else I could say, nothing else that would escape my lips, nor accurately convey the utter shock I was experiencing.

"He had me pulled aside so that he could ask me –"

My brows were furrowed in confusion, I needed clarification before I could listen to anymore, "Had you pulled aside? So you didn't see his face?"

I needed to know how desperate he was to find me to know if I was alright. I... It's stupid really, to think like this about a Bound wolf. He wasn't mine anymore and whatever reason he pulled Anathi aside for, it wasn't to choose me over her.

Anathi sighs, "I didn't see his face, I was instructed to keep my back to him."

Exactly, I thought. He doesn't care Lerato, he doesn't actually want you.

"He wanted to know where you were. Fortunately enough though, father had kept that information to himself. So, I couldn't help him. I told him what I knew and he informed me that he had the Alpha's contacted and ordered to inform him of any new she-wolves visiting their grounds. When none reported back with your name he came to me."

I know he won't contact my father, King or not he would not want to deal with the father of the she-wolf he betrayed. He would rather exhaust all his contacts before contacting him.

"He's an idiot for not figuring out where I am."

Anathi quickly interjected, "Don't tell me where that is. It's better off if Dad is the only one that knows."

I smiled realising he had probably had the same thought as me, "I know, I know. He won't contact Dad so I don't plan on saying a word."

I could bet all the money in my bank a head bobbing motion was accompanying the laugh I was hearing, "That's exactly why."

"Well, thanks for telling me, bro."

I could feel his smile, "Of course sis but please do me a favour."

I raised one brow, "What?"

"Don't spend your time wasted on him, enjoy yourself over there and please, be happy."


Anathi's words were easier said then done, I could smile and have a genuine good time, however, out of nowhere this sadness will overwhelm me. I can't run away from a pain that's rooted inside of me.

I stood rooted to my spot, why'd you think this was a good idea Lerato? I kept repeating the words over and over, each time receiving no responses because I don't know why I thought this was a good idea.

I got out of bed and took a shower after my call with Anathi, ordered some breakfast and headed out. I took a taxi out here and the driver seemed ecstatic that I was doing this, he said it was so much fun. Mentioning that he and his friends have gone many times and seeing as he was driving the taxi - he had not died.

However, I on the other hand am not so sure I would survive. My heart is already beating at a thousand kilometres per millisecond, surely it would jump right out at any given moment.

"Your first time?" I turned my head to glance at the man who stood beside me. Had he been there the whole time?

How embarrassing.

I nodded, "Yeah."

From where I was standing there was no view, what was going on could not be seen – which was understandable we would have to be very high up in order to witness anything. Instead many television screens were placed around this room, I'm assuming, for the people who are sat here waiting so that they can see.

I don't know what we're currently supposed to see though because this television screen is showing advertisements on the establishment, I can't fathom why they are advertising something I'm already doing.

He chuckled, "It's not that scary once you do it."

My face contorted, "I honestly don't believe you."

There's not a chance on this green earth that it would get less scary as it's happening. Surely the only time the fear disappears is once you've made it through the experience.

He shrugs, "Well, I guess you'll let me know once it's over." He spoke with clear confidence.

"How do you know you'll see me again?"

He lifts a shoulder, "Something just tells me we I will."

All I can get out is a scoff because before I know it, I'm being lightly tapped on the shoulder. The person tapping me informing that it was my turn to go. That immediately sobered me and made me forget all about the man beside me.

Following behind the instructor I fidget with the harness, "Are you sure I can't turn back?"

She laughs gently, "Well of course you can but, I know you'll be fine so I won't let you."

Entertaining the miniature plane I placed my hands on my thighs taking deep breaths. I knew I should've just taken the helicopter ride. That would still give me a perfect view of the Palm Islands, this? This was just insane.

Skydiving, who in the hell even came up with it?

My eyes were shut when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "It's almost time Miss."

I nodded my head, my eyes still shut, "Is it a waste of the experience if my eyes are shut the entire time?"

I obviously knew the answer to the question, I mean it was rhetorical but still. It had to be asked, my stomach was in a knot.

The person laughed, "Yes it would be."

I grunt, "Dammit."

I stood to my feet finally releasing my eyes from the depths of darkness. The man asked if he could approach me so he could tie me to him and I nodded. I knew he had to tie me to him, but I appreciated that he had asked first.

Once harnessed to the man we walked up to the door and another person opened it, I screamed as soon as he did.

"There's nothing to worry about, trust me!" The man behind me yelled.

"I don't even know you!" I yelled back.

"Well, who else can you trust right now!?" He yelled rocking us back and forth.

Getting agitated by the suspense I yelled, "Just do it already!"


I screamed for perhaps twenty seconds before I was mesmerised by the man-made beach. The Palm Islands were a work of wonder and art, I couldn't believe the sight before me. It was gorgeous, way better than what a photograph shows.

I scram once more when my body jerked temporarily moving against gravity. The parachute puffing out of the backpack, gravity once more pulling us down.

We descended peacefully and before I knew it, my feet were placed back on the ground. I let out a grateful sigh once they did, as magnificent and liberating as that experience was I still appreciated being on my feet.

"Thank you." I said to the diver as soon as we were separated.

He smiled whilst nodding his head, "It's a pleasure, did you enjoy the experience?"

"I did, it's beautiful up there."

I heard footsteps approaching so I turned my head to see who was coming up behind me only to be met with the same man as before. The one from the 'waiting room'.

I pointed at him, "You're obviously being a stalker."

He laughed, "Is chivalry really dead? I just came here to make sure you're okay, that's all. You did look incredibly nervous."

The diver spoke from behind me, "Don't scare our customers away, sir."

"Sir?" I repeated, "You own this place?"

He shrugs, "I own a lot of things, well, you seem just fine so I'll be on my way."

"Do you check on all your customers?" I call after him but all he does is turn and flash me a knee buckling smile.

Dammit, what is it with the men in this country and having such breathtaking smiles?

"He doesn't." The diver answers the question for the mystery man.

The answer only intrigues me, "So why'd he check on me?" I mumble under my breath.

Why do you think he did?

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