《Her Calling》T E N


6lack, free.

"Is that her?" I heard her ask as I moved as fast as I could. Her voice didn't sound malicious at all.

It was unfortunate that it didn't, it would've been easier to hate her. Alas, it sounded soft and somewhat afraid – as though she already knew the answer was 'yes' and she was dreading it.

I'm only assuming he told her about me, although, isn't that reason enough to hate her? She's deliberately leaving me mate-less.

My wolf hearing just wouldn't let me rest, "Yes." I heard him answer.

"Oh my goddess, I have to speak to her – wait!" She yelled after me, "Please, wai –"

Micah's voice was loud as he intervened, "What the hell is wrong with you Maddy? No, leave her alone."

"Oh please, that's what I told you to do but look at you, you went after her."

I started to wonder when I'd get far enough from them as to not hear their conversation until I realised there's hundreds of people here. I'm obviously hearing their conversation specifically because, subconsciously, I want to hear it.

I could feel their eyes on the back of my head, I almost wanted to laugh. He was powerless here on human soil, he couldn't demand them to stop the plane. He couldn't do shit but watch me leave, if he mishandled me I could cry out and they would arrest him. I was free to leave but I just couldn't move.

I stood a few feet away from the ticket lady and she was giving me a weird look that clearly said 'if you don't hand me that ticket, I will shut the door miss' however, I couldn't move.

My hands were gripping the trolley and I genuinely could not move. I looked away from the lady and stared at my hands and then my feet, why couldn't I move? I could still feel the eyes on the back of my head and I fully knew that they were watching me as hawks gawk at their prey.

The lady approached me, "Is this your flight, Miss?"


She nodded, "Well, I'm going to have to shut the door if you're not going to hand me your ticket."

I looked into her eyes, "I-I know."

She glanced behind me, "Is that your boyfriend and best friend?"

I snorted, "No."

Her eyes went wide and she quickly looked away from the pair, "I apologise, they're looking at you so intently and the boy looks very saddened by your departure. I just assumed... my apologies."

I smiled sweetly at her, "It's okay, really." Looking behind me I saw the pair now caught up in another hushed conversation, "Is there some place else I could go?"

"What do you mean?"

Pointing at the board flashing 'London' I elaborate, "I can't go there anymore so isn't there some flight leaving right this moment I could quickly hop onto."

The lady twisted her lips as she made a quick face, "Unfortunately not, although, there will be a quick layover. Perhaps you could get off there?"

My eyes grew a few sizes at the sound of that, "That would work too."

She smiled brightly at me, "Perfect, now, let's get you on this plane."

Once seated in Business class I glanced over at the television screen and took note that the layover stop would be in the United Arab Emirates. I should have known, honestly.

I had been to Dubai once in my life but it was an extremely quick trip, I had no time to do anything – let alone explore so this would be a great place to go.


It was slightly obvious if I could not be found in London but it would give me enough time to have some time to myself before Micah's wolves came searching.

He is the King and although he chose his Queen, I know he won't rest until he feels as though I'm still in the palm of his hand. It's just a typical male wolf thing to do, now not only is he an Alpha he is the King there is no way what I've just done would be okay with him.

I only managed to get away with it because we weren't on any form of wolf territory. Although once I step foot on any wolf territory he could send anyone to come and get me and I would have to leave because no smart Alpha would disobey or obstruct the King's demand.

So now you could be asking yourself, why would I bother myself with wolf territory? I just don't want to subject myself to human territories and rules. I don't dabble in their affairs, I'd much rather live within my own. Of course I would have to ask for permission to enter the premises and obtain a visitors permit. I would have to call – I'm too far to link – my father and ask him to tell the Alpha in Dubai to expect me.

Pulling out my phone, I decide to do it now before I forget. I FaceTime Audio him, that way I could use the wifi on board and not my network.

"Pa," I greet.

"Lerato, uRight?"

[Are you alright]

"Yebo, I just needed to tell you ukuthi uMotheo was at the airport, so I won't be going to London. I'll get off at Dubai, it was a connecting flight anyway."

[Yes, I just needed to tell you that Motheo...]

His next words were laced with venom, "Unespindi lomtwana." The Zulu in my father jumped out and I was not mad at all because he was indeed correct, Micah had a lot of guts doing that. What was he even thinking? The nerve.

[This child has guts/nerve]

"Well, him aside Pa, I wanted to ask that you please contact that Alpha in Dubai and tell him to expect me. What's his name again?"

"Let me check," I heard some ruffling before his voice sounded again, "Well, first of all there's three of them Lerato."

"Oh," Was the only thing I could say, I didn't know where I would be specifically.

I let out a disgruntled sigh, "I don't know where I'll be."

He chuckled, "Okay, let me see which is closest to the airport."

I smiled, "Thank you."

I heard him type on his computer obviously checking the distances and all. I know I said my parents don't make much time for Anathi and I, however, as you can see when needs be they will. My parents have always been attentive, they just got less so once we grew up and TJ needed to be trained. I guess, I was just jealous and missed the coddling.

It's just unfortunate that something this heart shattering had to happen for them to put me under a microscope again. At this rate I don't see how I wouldn't be under one anymore, my brothers have mates and pups they are fully into their adult lives.

I won't be completely there any time soon – probably ever.

It's not impossible to be impregnated by someone who wasn't your mate, so I could move on completely now that I've rejected Micah. That is how they operate over at the Arctic Pack, some eventually trail back to their mates but most completely forget about their mates and start a family on their own.


It is frowned upon by most elders and that is why Lonwabo didn't just grab any she-wolf and impregnate her. Besides, he's a Royal so he couldn't do something so frowned upon. That is also why if word leaked of what Micah is doing it could ruin his image.

That is another reason why I'm certain he'll come after me, well his goons, because if I utter a word about this his reign could be cut short. He could be completely outcast and even though the Royals are the all mighty beings, they too do not want to be disliked or under scrutiny.

I wonder how they all allowed him to do this knowing what danger he was putting them in. Or did he not tell them?

My father's voice pulled me out my thoughts, reminding me that I was still on a phone call, "The closest Pack is the Origen Pack ruled by Alpha Khalil. I'll contact him now and let him know of your trip plans."

When we landed in Dubai I was exhausted, it hadn't been that long a flight but I hadn't gotten much sleep these past few days anyway. Now I was a whole three hours ahead than everyone back home and my body was being dramatic if you asked me, just a measly three hours.

Unfortunately because my actual destination wasn't Dubai I was now dressed incorrectly and besides that I had to find accommodation and it wasn't sunset time here. It was four hours ahead from London time so it was already nighttime here. I cried out in frustration as I sat in the luxury lounge waiting for my luggage to be freed.

My phone began ringing and I picked it up once I saw that it was my father, "Pa."

He skipped the greetings, "Are you at the airport?"


"Alright, good Alpha Khalil sent someone for you seeing as it's late and all he didn't want you to have to stress about all that at this time."

I nearly cried in excitement, "Oh goddess, bless him."

My father laughed, "You're welcome. Have fun, Lerato. Please."

I smiled, "I will and try not to hate the Ceremony too much."

He grunted before we said our love you's and goodbyes. I collected my luggage and found the man with the board written my last name. He lead me to a black Range Rover and I thanked him, he told me his name is Amir and he's a wolf too. Told me there's no much difference between our Pack's and knows that his Alpha and my father are quite friendly. Not to mention he stated several times that his Alpha was 'kindhearted.'

I eventually told him I was too tired to respond anymore and fortunately he wasn't offended and let me be. I shut my eyes but that turned into sleeping.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was about to be lifted out of the car, however, I quickly backed away from the arms that were trying to scoop me up.

"Woah, woah, woah. It's just me," Amir held up his hands, "I placed your luggage in the hotel room but I didn't want to wake you so I was just going to carry you. If you're up for walking that's cool too."

I smiled, "That's really nice of you Amir, thank you." Stepping out the car I realised just how dark it was out, "Ugh, I'm really upset I didn't get to explore."

He laughed, "If Alpha agrees I could take you around tomorrow if you'd like." He offers.

I smile broadly, "Oh, I would appreciate that so much Amir, thank you. I was a bit afraid of exploring all on my lonesome."

"I was wondering why you would come here on your own." I knew he didn't mean to be nosey, he was genuinely curious. Couldn't blame for that.

I smiled sadly, "My mate is in love with someone else."

His eyes widened, "Jesus," He mutters, "I apologise Ms. Zamo."

I shake my head, "It's alright Amir, well, let me not keep you from your nightly routine."

He nodded, "It's no bother, it was very nice to meet you Ms. Zamo and I do hope I can escort you tomorrow."

"Please Amir, it's Lerato and something tells me I'll have to meet your Alpha tomorrow so I will be seeing you again."

He laughed telling me there were other drivers that Alpha Khalil could dispatch but I still told him I knew it would be him. Amir left just as I entered the hotel, I was a bit shocked they had a hotel in the Pack. Was it that close to the human territory that they could actually stay here? I lowkey wished I hadn't fallen asleep so that I could have the slightest clue.

I suppose it was alright because I would be able to have any questions answered tomorrow. I checked in and the lady gave me the keycard to my room.

Upon entrance I realised this was definitely one of those fancy Dubai hotels. I was in shock, first of all I got the penthouse! Alpha Khalil was turning out to be just as 'kindhearted' as Amir had said.

The elevator dings open and you walk a few steps before the door welcomes you. I was thankful the elevator was not the door, I always hated that about regular penthouses.

When the double door is opened you are welcomed by a colossal window with a clear view of the land and the ocean. Goodness me it was gorgeous, before the window – it is just so massive you can't not be drawn to its view first – there is a little entrance space then two steps taking you to the open lounge.

Shutting the door I see there's a walkway to the left, I walk over to see a single door, opening it I see a toilet and basin. I exit and take the two steps down and to my right is a kitchen adorned with white and silver cabinets and appliances. There's a large table opposite the kitchen island. To my left is a wall that I'm assuming separates the room to the lounge, mounted on the wall is television screen.

I walk into the bedroom and I'm stunned at the size of it. The colour scheme for this penthouse is clearly white and silver / grey. The room has a diamond incrusted chandelier hanging from the ceiling and reflective cupboards and dressers as well as bedside tables on either side of the bed. A plush white fluffy carpet that screamed no shoes – which I have removed – and a large grey headboard.

A glass separating the bathroom that looked to be just as massive with an unnecessarily large shower and sleep worthy bathtub that overlooked the city. I laughed, this couldn't be real.

I had been in my fair share of fancy hotels but this? Oh this took the entire cake, my stay here was already starting on the highest of notes. I slipped into bed thinking I could not wait to meet Alpha Khalil of the Origen Pack.

The wait is semi over, so, what are our pre-thoughts on Khalil? (I love that name so much)

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