《Her Calling》N I N E


billie eilish, when the party's over.

The air was thick with suspense, I didn't even want to open my mouth. Everyone was looking at me but their eyes were shifting colours from their many shades of brown to black. My family was raging. I almost regretted doing it face-to-face, maybe mind-linking was the better plan after all.

However, I didn't think mind-linking was the respectful way to go about it, so I had to do it face-to-face, I had to let them know what was going on with me. After the week I just had and the scare I gave them all, they deserved a sit-down and the honest truth.

I've been lying to them for months, lying about my whereabouts and finding my mate, it was time to come clean about it all. Besides owing it to them, I was ready to actually have their support and to not have to lie anymore – I hated the lying worst of all.

"None of us will be attending." My father spoke first.

"Pa, you can't do that. Please, you have to go."

"No Lerato, how else will they get the message? I can't go to that palace and give that pup a piece of my mind so, this is the next alternative. The Cradlestone Pack will not be attending and that's final."

That was the first time I had ever heard my father disrespect any Royal, he was clearly fuming and I was one hundred percent behind him. He was right, it was the only way to send a message.

Sure enough, I could point Micah out to anyone, I could never forget that face, but I wouldn't be attending anyway. Besides that, it's not like I want to cause a scene and I most definitely don't want Micah hurt – or my father.

"Okay father, I understand."

"I'm so sorry my child." My mother walks up to me, engulfing me in a hug.

I surprisingly didn't cry into the hug, I really was passed those emotions. Now more than anything I was just looking forward to this vacation.

Letting go, I sat back in my seat and announced the vacation, now that they knew the motivation for it.

"With all of this and the constant buzz and celebratory atmosphere, I've decided the best thing for me to do is go away for a little while."

At first, they are all quiet, TJ and my father sharing an identical look, Muzi and my mother instantly nodding their heads. Neo and Lungile, Anathi's mate, were silent heartbreak sprawled all over their faces.

"I think that's for the best," Lungile spoke up.

"I think so too, I can't stay here with all of this going on."

"There must be something we can do, Thato." My mother said, pain in her voice.

"Like what Anda? He's the Alpha King, not just some other Alpha, we're defenceless against him."

He was right, while I appreciated my mother's fight. This is the wrong wolf to want to go and confront. Even though this is a major dick move, he is still our King we still had to respect him.

"What will we tell the Pack?" TJ asked.

This was my greatest worry with the whole family and the Beta family not attending. It will look incredibly suspicious and need explaining. My shame will not be put on blast that much I am positive about. I could never return here if that were the case.


"We cannot tell them the truth," I say quickly.

My mother gives me the most horrified look, "We have never lied to the Pack, Lerato and we're not starting today."

"We don't have to lie, omitting the truth sounds like it's lying but it isn't really," I said, not really believing myself either.

Whatever we said, if it wasn't 'Lerato is our rightful Queen,' it would one hundred percent be a lie.

"Lerato, that's the most ridiculous thing you've ever said so we're just going to pretend you never said that. Save you the embarrassment." Anathi said, shaking his head.

"Maybe we just should go, Lerato's absence will be message enough." Neo says, "If she does not want the Pack knowing this we have to respect that. However, we cannot lie to the Pack because eventually, they will find out. The truth always comes out, rather we are left out of that narrative." She spoke like a true Luna.

TJ was clearly proud of his mate, as he gave her hand a light squeeze and kissed her shoulder. She smiled back at the cute display of affection.

I looked away from them, my heart aching the slightest bit.

"Neo's right, Thato, we should go. It's the only way." My mother said.

"What will you do?" My father's question was directed at me, "You cannot stay here alone. That will be suspicious too."

"The day before the Ceremony, I'll leave in my car following you all as usual. Then at the t-junction when you all go left, I'll go right and head for the airport."

"Airport?" My mother almost yells, "Kanti uhambapi Lerato?"

[Where are you going?]

"London, I've always wanted to go and I know for a fact I'll have a good time."

"Lerato, that's very far."

She's right, it was very far but that was the point. I wanted to be as far as possible and I wanted to be somewhere that would feel like a fresh start without being one. I had left the country on a few occasions but oddly enough it was never to London, the one place I had always wanted to visit.

Now would be my chance and I would grab it with both hands and make sure to make the most of it. The only downfall I suppose is that I would be travelling alone, my best friends' would be at the Ceremony so I couldn't go with them and well, the same goes for my brothers.

"When will you be back?" My father asks.

I sigh glancing at my manicured toenails, they were painted white and could be seen since I was in flip-flops.

"I don't know, Pa."

The days ran as fast as Usain Bolt after that, I don't know what they were rushing for. The Pack was buzzing wild with excitement, I had never experienced this. You feel the buzz not only in the link anymore but in the air, you would swear they were all attending the Ceremony, or better yet – they were the ones being Bound.

In Ceremony's the Alpha and his to-be Luna or vice versa would stand before the eldest Pack member and swear their loyalty to one another. They would listen to the scripture being read by the elder, standing before her/him hand-in-hand heads bowed.

Once the Ceremonial Scripture – there are scriptures for death and birth too – has been completed the pair will turn to face one another and vow their devoted love and companionship, they are then bound once they leave their mark on one another.


This is when they each bite the others' neck, really it's right above the clavicle, this showing off that they are officially bound. It barely hurts, just like an injection.

As I stated the Ceremony is just for Alpha's/Luna's and of course the Royals. One can only imagine how much more dramatic theirs most probably is.

'All passenger's boarding flight G152 please make your way to the terminal.'

The lady's voice sounded out the speakers, catching all G152 passenger's attention – including mine.

I rose from my seat that was near the gigantic window overlooking the aeroplanes being loaded with passenger cargo. I had to enter the human territory to board this flight, we can't have our own airports, I guess it would draw too much attention.

We live separately to humans, I never really bothered myself with the politics between our kind and theirs. It never really interests me, besides that is the King's business, he is our ruler after all.

I almost let out a slight chuckle realising that would've been my business too had my mate actually cared for the Moon's bonding.

I wonder what my life would be like at this very moment, people fussing over me and making sure everything was just right for my Ceremony tomorrow.

The chatter and the buzz in my Pack would be much much crazier if I were at my rightful place at this very moment.

My parents would be happy and proud that their daughter was chosen by the Moon to become the next Queen.

'Last call for all passenger's boarding flight G152 to London.'

I didn't ignore her this time, getting behind my trolley I started pushing it toward where I assumed the terminal was. I kept raising my head to glance over at the boards above me to find my way.

I could just about see the lady who was smiling and ripping tickets by the entrance when my arm was grabbed, drawing my attention toward the owner of the hand and away from the fake smiling lady.

My white puffy jacket was blocking away the cold breeze sweeping through the air conditioner. I was well prepared for the cold that was about to attack me across the sea.

What it also blocked was the sparks I was damn sure I would be feeling right now if I weren't wearing it.

"You're leaving?" The words escaped his lips as his eyes searched mine.

I don't know what they were searching for, there's no more pain in these eyes and there certainly isn't any regret.

"Yes." I rip my arm away, attempting to push my trolley towards the lady who was reaching the end of the line I was not a part of.

"Lerato, please don't do this. Just let me explain."

He buried his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Explain!? Explain what exactly King Motheo?" He flinched at the word as if it weren't his title.

I couldn't stand to look at him but at the same time, all I wanted to do was look at him. He had the hood over his head but I could see his face as though the sun was shining its light right above him.

His skin shone like honey and all I wanted to do was have a lick at it, yes, I said lick. His beard was trimmed and perfect as usual, his crystal whites still beaming and his chocolate eyes still swirling. I bet his hair was still that kinky curly puff under that hood.

He was still perfect to look at.

"Explain that I'm being robbed of a future, of my life, of my mate? Do I mean nothing to you?" I was trying my hardest not to yell, "Or do you Royals just get your pick of the litter, forget the bond." I sneer.

"No, Lerato it isn't like that. It's just... Maddy has been there for me, I've been there for her. She deserves –"

I couldn't hear any more, "What about what I deserve, mate. What about me, King? Is this why you hid your identity from me? So that I don't get too excited about the role I'll never claim?"

"No, I just didn't want to be King Motheo for those brief moments."

Didn't need to be the King around his own mate, huh, I never was a mate to him after all. Just an escape.

Not someone to confide in, find solace and comfort in – no, just an escape from his real life, his real 'mate.' I was just a substitute in this new version of his life.

I laughed, "Please get away from me Micah."

"Lerato, give me a chance –"

"You get no chance, Micah!" I slipped up and yelled, "You don't get another chance, you shouldn't have waited outside the bakery. You have someone waiting to be your Queen in that Castle, someone that isn't me. You can't undo that, you can't undo the betrayal nor the hurt. You've chosen your Queen and she's not me."

I lowered my voice once all the heads had turned, my emotions had gotten the better of me but I had to get them in check. I couldn't let him break me again, I couldn't be that weak again.

I had to keep my voice strong and steady, couldn't let it dip, couldn't let my eyes water.

I had to be strong even though I just wanted to burst, I just wanted him to tell me he got rid of Madeline and that I wasn't 'the other woman,' that I wasn't the one being hidden like the mistress of the President.

I wanted him to choose me, I needed him to.

"I had no choice."

But alas, he did not.

I shut my eyes and willed myself not to burst just yet, "I, Lerato Zamo, reject you, King Motheo Micah Mbatha as my mate and my King."

He bowed his head in defeat but didn't utter a word, his eyes were shut and his fists clenched, "I'm sorry it had to come to this." He whispered.

My hands clenched too as I felt the rip in my heart, I could almost feel it breaking. I knew the consequences of what I had just done but it was the only way.

"Theo!?" I heard her voice.

I hadn't heard it since that day in the bakery but I knew it belonged to her, I knew it was her.

He finally lifted his head to look at me, ignoring his future Queen, "Don't go, let me make it up to you. I'll find a way, just stay."

Madeline reached us before I could respond, her face displaying her distaste for the scene before her, I didn't wait to hear her voice again. I turned on my heels and pushed my trolley away from the couple.

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