《Her Calling》O N E


shawn mendes, stitches.

"Lera c'mon, we really need to get a move on, bro." My best friend Amanda whined from the other side of the door. I placed my beaded crown on my head and made my way out of my walk-in closet.

"Okay, how's this? Do I look good enough? Is my wig on straight?" I looked over at her and cursed her gorgeous naturally curled locks.

Amanda comes from a fully mixed family, any trace of black or white heritage would have to be found in black and white photographs. She had perfect caramel skin, big brown eyes, straight teeth as a result of braces in grade five and a larger than life personality. She was very much down to earth too though.

We had braces around the same time, there wasn't much we didn't do together. We were very much joined by the hip. Unlike Amanda, I was a slightly darker shade of brown than she. Brown doe eyes and natural 4C hair that's usually kept under wigs or in braids.

I was petite at only five foot five, accompanied by a noticeable chest area and rounded butt and hips. The perfect hourglass figure, so Amanda would always say.

"Oh, whatever Lera you never get anything wrong. You're gorgeous." She pushed me out my room. We then continued down the stairs and towards the door leading to the garage.

I was in a white off the shoulder dress, accessorised by the beaded belt around my waist and red beaded bangles, paired with orange gladiator sandals. While Amanda was in a pastel pink dress that was fitted yet flowy. She paired it with a pastel pick faux fur coat. Her curls straightened out then lightly curled at the bottom.

We were off to the Grand Ball, every ranking wolf is expected to attend. If not the Alpha King would deal with you and no one wanted to meet him under bad conditions. So, we all attended year in and year out. I found it a little like Gatsby's elaborate parties, no one says it but we all know the King is on the search for his mate. He hasn't found her and that doesn't put him in such a great light. Many wolves have even gone out to assume he has no mate.

That wouldn't make him less of a King, his uncle, Lonwabo, had no mate, meaning he had no kids which is why the title went down to his brother, Kenneth. He had found his mate whilst his brother was still King so he had heirs. He quickly passed the title down to our current King. King Theo, Kenneth did so because he hated... perhaps even resented being a Royal. This has been common knowledge, he never hid from that fact. So when he was appointed people were afraid, thinking his hate for his royalty would make him a horrible ruler. Fortunately it did not, he was great. Theo even better.

So needless to say we were all in good hands as long as we attended because the whole Royal family would be there. The other Gatsby-esque thing about the Ball? No one has actually ever seen the Royal family. Sure you could try and say whoever shows face to every Ball is clearly one but... everyone shows face every single year. You see new faces and old faces all the time, besides there must be thousands of people attending how would you know?


All we get is a newspaper every morning from the Royals, detailing everything they think we need to know. Every household receives the paper courtesy of the witch that resides within the Royal Castle. This is the one tactic that annoys Amanda – mainly because she has to fetch this paper from the front door of her home every day.

She thinks 'it's the twenty-first century, they really could just send an email. Or jeez, create a Twitter page, we'll check it when we wanna know if Theo has found his mate or not.'

According to her that's the only interesting thing they could grace us with – Theo and whether or not he's getting Bound.

We arrive at the Ball ten minutes early to find the ballroom completely filled, "Are we ten minutes early or ten minutes late?" I ask her over my shoulder.

"Jeez, that's what I was going to ask –" Her words are interrupted by my father's voice.

Appearing before us with his fast strides, "Nice of you two to finally join us." He rolls his eyes.

"Hello to you too father." I mimic his actions.

Amanda nods her head, "Alpha."

An Alpha is the leader of the Pack, below him would be the Beta – his second in command and below the second comes the third, the Gamma. Those make up the 'ranking wolves'.

The Alpha King being our ruler, every Alpha from every Pack in each continent reports to him. Seeing as that's Alpha work I wouldn't know the nitty gritties, just that he handles all the higher information that is sent to him. With there being so many Packs he clearly needs all the help he can get so finding his mate would be very beneficial to him.

"Amanda." He smiles down at her, my father's height was ridiculous he towered over most wolves.

Replying to my father's first words, "We're early, you suckers just love sucking up to the Royals. I mean you could arrive at the very last minute and I'm certain they would not have a single clue."

"Still wanting to feel the Kings fury I see." My father drawls.

"Yup, how do we even know he punishes those who don't attend if one of us doesn't try it out? I nominate myself," I glanced down at my watch, "I've got three minutes until it begins. I'm going for it." I turned but my father held onto my hand.

He kept me in place as he dealt with my playful theatrics.

"I'd rather my only daughter doesn't try it. How about you Amanda? Muzi has two other daughters I doubt he wouldn't be that crushed if you went ahead." I laughed, my father loved to tease Amanda, she might as well be his daughter.

Amanda's father and mine have been friends since birth so it was a no brainer that their first born daughters would be so close. Amanda's little sisters are my little sisters too. The Alpha and Beta families were practically one.

"Wow," Amanda finally managed to choke after all the laughter, "You are cruel, Alpha."

Even though our families were so close Amanda, her siblings and mother could never really call my father by his name. As much as he insisted they insisted harder.

A glass was lightly tapped, our heads automatically turned to the MC. She moved her manicured nail away from the glass and smiled revealing her dead straight pearly whites. She was dressed in a red dress that wrapped around her waist then cascaded down delicately caressing the floor. Her blonde hair parted in the middle, perfectly framing her round face.


"Good evening everyone. On behalf of the Royals I would love to welcome you to the annual Grand Ball. I do hope you will all mix and mingle, getting to know one another and discussing your packs futures. To forming alliances and a good time." She raised her glass and we all followed suit.

Ten o'clock struck and I was exhausted, even though I was now sat in the now partly empty dining hall. I had another two hours to go and I was certain I wasn't going to make it. Just as I was about to turn to the MC, Danica, who was a high school friend of mine, and tell her how exhausted I was I smelt something.

I immediately perked up, my tiredness slipping away, "Can you smell anything?" I asked Dani.

"Oh thank goodness, a question not relating to how I became the Royals' MC."

I was very curious, had she met them? Did they just mail her or did they use a raven, Danica doesn't have a witch on had to magically poof the letter back to the Royals so did she mail it? How. Did. She. Do. It?

According to Danica it was like Whatsapp but magically. One day she received a letter on her window pane. She reached over and grabbed it, all it had asked was whether or not she wanted to be their MC. Below it had an empty line, all she had to do was write yes or no and it vanished. Back to the Royals.

"No babe." She completed.

It was so strong, so delicious and looking around clearly only I could smell it. My heart automatically sped up and I got excited. This is it, I'm going to meet my mate. Of all the places I could possibly meet him, of course this had to be it.

"Okay, uhm... Catch you later Dan." I practically ran out of there and out into the night breeze. A piece of the moon shinning down at me. I smiled up at her.

I walked further away from the building towards a gazebo, the wind was blowing his scent right through the sliding door into the dining hall. He clearly couldn't catch mine because I was walking against the wind, he must be smelling the sweet smell of the garden because that's what's ahead of him.

As soon as my heel came into contact with the wooden flooring of the first step he turned to toward the noise. I looked up at him and took in a sharp breath. He was gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous, I could be incredibly biased because he is my mate. But I think you can all believe me when I say, he was gorgeous.

Before I could make eye contact with him though he started to walk away, making sure not to touch me as he went by. My heart stopped for a moment, is he rejecting me?

"Are you rejecting me?" I voiced my thoughts.

Without turning he responded with uncertainty, "Yes... No, I don't know."

His voice ran a shiver down my spine, it was deep but not too much. It commanded attention, the pronunciation of his words sounding private school taught.

"What?" I croaked, suddenly finding it hard to breathe even though I could feel the evening breeze on my bare arms. I tried to love closer to him but he held his hand up.

"Don't," He warned, "Just carry on like you never met me, trust me, it will be easy. You'll never see me again anyway."

Shocked would be an understatement, angry, disappointed the whole damn lot would be an understatement. My knees were weak and my eyes watery. I just couldn't believe this. How could this be happening? This shouldn't be happening!

"Why?" Is all I could manage.

I knew he had heard me although he pretended he hadn't, silently walking away and taking my heart away with him.

Maybe I should have fought, maybe I should have yelled, maybe I should have followed him but I couldn't. As soon as he was away from view I buckled, my legs gave up and I landed on the ground. No sound escaped me but the tears sure did, Alpha blood or not, they tumbled down my face. What would I say to my father? How do I begin to explain what had just unfolded to anyone. Should I even mention this? Surely not. Besides my bruised heart what is there to talk about.

I picked myself up, wiped my tears, dusted my dress and headed back to the party. First I made a B-line for the restroom, I had to make sure there was no evidence of tears running down my face. I opened the door and the bright light hurt my sensitive eyes for a moment, I touched up my face and mascara before heading back out.

"Oh, you're back," Smiled Dani, "Amanda and I were about to start looking for you."

"Why?" I mindlessly questioned.

"It's midnight, we can leave now. Let's freaking go." Amanda marched forward, leading the way out.

Laying in bed that night a series of things went through my mind but I was certain of one thing. I would not tell a soul about my rejection, my ego couldn't bare it and neither could my heart. In all honesty, I held hope that I would bump into him again, that I would somehow see him again. Who was he though and what Pack did he belong to? I hadn't recognised him when I got that glimpse of him, so I don't even know where to start looking for him. Should I though, he did say I would never see him again. Would that mean that he would purposefully make it more difficult to find him?

I had one more day in the Palace, so one more day here with all the same people, one more day here with him. And you could bet a million rand I was going to make sure our paths crossed again and this time he'll look me in my eyes and reject me if he truly wants me gone because I won't give up without a fight.

I guess I need to say this: that is the rejection. 😂

Our leading lady, Lerato in her described dress.

Amanda in hers.

Our MC Danica in hers.

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