《From Ninja to Pirate》13


I promise I will save you,

When you cannot stay afloat,

And if your tears can fill an ocean

Then for you I'll be a boat.


Fuyuki and Natsuki fit in like a key and a lock. They got along well, with near equal power, though Natsuki was far stronger in strength, Fuyuki had the experience. She gradually opened up, telling stories of her past as if it were a legend, and one day, told him the truth.

"What's the story today Natsu?"


"You know, the ones about the boy called Naruto, and how he was rejected by the village for having a demon beast sealed in him."

"You really like those stories don't you Fuyu?"

"It reminds me of my mum. She used to tell me stories." He admitted, and Natsuki's face became softer.

"Well, today's story is going to be about Naruto's first kill. Remember the story when Mizuki manipulated him to steal the scroll of hidden jutsus? Well, a few years later, when he was running away from more villagers, he was backed up to a corner, and look who it is, the one holding a small sword at his face, the one and only bastard, Mizuki himself." Fuyuki listened to the story, his whole attention on her, and her voice. He smirked when he heard the similarity between all three of their names though.

Natsuki, Fuyuki and Mizuki. Tuning back in on her story, he found himself lost in the world of ninjas once more.

"Mizuki left scars all over his body, and Naruto couldn't stand it. For the first time, he let all his anger loose. He let the demon control his body, evil chakra filling the atmosphere.

Now, though he was called the demon beast, the fox demon was truthfully, one of the most compassionate beings you could ever meet. He wasn't good at expressing it though. Through curses and growls he would tell you his love, through sneers and jeers he would show you his true nature. So what the villagers had been doing to the poor boy only added a new reason to kill them.

The nine tailed fox would make them unconscious, all except one. He receded back into Naruto's seal, and let him choose what to do next.


Mizuki laid there on the ground, looking at his fallen friends with broken eyes.

'You! You killed them!'

'Mizuki-sensei, I'm not that powerful! What do you mean!?' Naruto, totally clueless about the situation, had no idea what on earth was going on, with memories from when the beast controlled him, gone.

'You really are a demon!'

'No I'm not!' Naruto pushed Mizuki onto his arse, and tried to walk away, his mind still like a maze.

'Never face your enemy with your back!' Mizuki yelled, and tried attack Naruto once more, but when Naruto surprisingly kicked his stomach, causing him to double over and let go of the knife, what he didn't expect was that knife to be taken by Naruto. 'Are you going to use it! Like the true demon you are!? Go on! You'll only further prove the point that you're a devil in disguise!'

'NO!' Naruto tried to drop the weapon, but Mizuki, like the dumb man he was, stabbed his chest with the knife.

'Now, you're the murderer!'

'What have you done!?'

'Killing myself for you, so that you will be the wearer of this sin.' Mizuki answered. 'You're never going to a Hokage you demon! A Hokage must never kill his own people! Good luck with that you fucker!'

'No! No! No! You can't do that!' Naruto shook the body of Mizuki, but what was done could not be reversed. Mizuki lay on the ground, coldly, like his heart used to be. 'You destroyed everything!!!'

Naruto took the knife, which was on the ground, and stabbed Mizuki multiple times all over his body. Another five minutes later, there was a bloody mangled body next to a blond-haired boy with three whisker marks on each cheek, his face and clothes splattered with blood.

Looking at what he had just done, Naruto ran, ran far from the scene, running to the woods, which became thicker with trees as he ran more, turning into a forest.

He broke down crying, his sobs echoing and amplifying, until a few ninjas could detect the noise. They leapt to the forest only for the noise to die down. A few moments later, of simple tracking, they found a young boy around the age of twelve, covered from head to toe in blood, his body spasming.


That was the first time he lost control of the demon, though there was one more time. The time when he thought everything would be alright again.

He overheard his parents plotting something. Plotting to send him to another dimension; a place where their son wouldn't be their problem anymore.

He lost it once more. They betrayed him. They convinced him that they loved him once more. He gave them a second chance, but it was gone.

Letting loose the mighty beast of nine tails, the Hokage and his wife used the jutsu on Naruto, and I was sent to this dimension."

"I? Why you? Isn't this a story?" Natsuki smiled sadly.

"I've been in this world for only nine years."

"But you're eighteen! Don't tell me you grow twice as quickly?"

"Not at all Fuyu. I am simply from another world. One with ninjas. A world where Uzukaze Naruto existed. A world where I lived in, before I became, well, me."

"So you're saying..."

"Yes. I was Uzukaze Naruto. Son of Uzukaze Kushina and Minato, leaders of the village hidden in the leaves, the holder of the nine-tailed fox demon, Kurama. Now, I'm simply a girl who wishes to be the fifth pirate emperor, who promised to fulfil my dream to my father and my late brother. I'm pleased to meet you, my dear first mate, Kurama Fuyuki. My name is now, Akagami D. Natsuki." She said dramatically, taking a large bow at the man.

She laughed at his gaping face, and made a clone, making it look identical to Fuyuki. "That's what you look like right now!!!" She laughed some more when his eyes bulged further.

"You can still do ninjutsu!?"

"Of course! As I said, I came to this world as a child, not a new-born baby with no memory. This world seems to be the opposite of mine, because I was awful at jutsus before, but now I'm great!" She twirled Kusanagi around her arms, when she tensed, along with Fuyuki.

"Who's there! We know you're there." Fuyuki yelled, though slightly unsure. There was something about the person's haki which made it difficult to sense them, but

"How did you know?" A young boy, around the age of Luffy walked out, with shoulder length green hair which was tied in a low ponytail. He had a small sword by his hip, and a gun in his hand, but he didn't seem to have the confidence to wield the weapons.

"We could sense you."

"That's impossible!!" He yelled, a blush creeping up his neck and ears.

"Hm? How so?"


"You're like me aren't you?" Fuyuki interrupted.

"So he's a devil fruit user, I'm guessing. Or were you trying to say that he's also a boy, like you, or he's dumb, like you? There are many possibilities out there Fuyu, get to the point!" Natsuki sassily said.

"Oh shut up. He's a devil fruit user."

"What m-makes you t-think that!?"

"First, you're stuttering. Second, you were surprised that we could sense you. Meaning you're used to people not noticing."


"Give us an answer boy! We haven't got all day!"

"Alright! Yes! I am a devil fruit user! Happy!?"

"Very. Are you? You seem quite angry with all that shouting. Shall I get you some water to calm your nerves?" She sassed once more.

"No need. Who are you?"

"Why doesn't anyone have any manners! It's common knowledge to say your own name when asking for other's."

"Okay! Calm down! Geez! My name's Haruki."

"Oh my god... Fuyu, do you think this is kami telling us to name our crew, the seasonal pirates or something? Because it's working..."

"Maybe captain. Maybe. My name's Fuyuki, kid. Good to meet you."

"I'm Natsuki. So, since we're on the subject, would you like to become a pirate?"

"No! Pirates are vile, insolent monsters! They use others for their own disposal and kill people relentlessly!"

"Ah. I've never done that. Have you Fuyu?"

"Nope. I was accused of those though."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're a bit thick aren't you? I'm saying that we're pirates, and that I want you to join our two-man, well one-woman, one-man group!" The boy, now blue in face, ran past the groups of people at the port, where Natsuki and Fuyuki's ship rocked in the sea.

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