《From Ninja to Pirate》3


A lie is black, the truth is white.

A lie is wrong, the truth is right.

Then why frown at a lie for justice?

Why sneer at a truthful prejudice?

The truth scars, a lie wounds.

The truth avoids, a lie intrudes.

Would you rather, in this life,

Live in peace or rather strife.

Strife made by truth, peace made by lies.

Living as you listen to the echoes of cries.

Would you rather, in this life,

Die with a smile or laugh with a knife,

Though how can you tell, that the weapon was held by a lie,

With what can you tell, that the truth would always comply.

So we continue to live, never doubting the truth that holds a gun,

As we ignore the lie, that hurts none.


"So, reincarnations? That sort of thing?"

"Kind of. Not quite right though. You see, I am not your Natsuki. I came to this world when I was nine, the Natsuki you knew for nine years before I came is a completely different person."

"Wha-" Shanks started but was interrupted by a cough from his first mate, who gestured for Natsuki to continue.

"In my last world, I was a ninja called Uzumaki Naruto. I was born to a man named Namikaze Minato and his wife, Uzumaki Kushina, who were leaders of our ninja village, the village hidden in the leaves. The place was located in the fire kingdom, of the elemental nations, which had four more kingdoms, Wind, Water, Earth and Lightning. Each had a leader called a kage, who is a ninja who has reached the level highest amongst all ninjas, and each had a village to lead, the fire one, as I said, hidden in the leaves, Water, was a village hidden in the waterfalls, Wind has a hidden village of the sand, Earth, a village hidden in the rocks, and Lightning had a village hidden in the clouds. Get it so far?"

Benn and Shanks both nodded, so she continued.

"My father, the Hokage and his wife were expecting a baby: me, but it wasn't going to be an easy birth, because Kushina had a beast sealed with jutsus in her body. When she was in labour, the beast could break out easily, because the seals would weaken along with Kushina's body.

A villainous ninja wanted to use this as an advantage to steal the beast, and when Kushina gave birth safely, he took me, saying that to get me back, Kushina must offer the beast to him. Kushina did as requested, and the villain forced the beast to go on a rampage, though he lost control of the beast, causing the beast to break free.


Seeing the chance, the Hokage before my father, the third Hokage, offered his soul to seal the beast once more. This time into a new born, the Fourth Hokage and his wife's son, myself. When the beast was sealed in, the ninjas who were fighting against the angry beast, took out their anger for the beast who stole their loved one's lives on me, and hid me from my parents.

They told the couple a lie, saying that I had died together with the beast, the first two years they tried to hunt me down, but they soon forgot, leaving me on the streets, forcing me to fend for myself from a young age.

On the tenth year, when I was sitting by a tree, the Hokage and his wife were visiting the poor, and they found me. They took me in after realising the villagers lied to them and raised me as their son."

She took a breath, and the two adults processed the words in their heads.

"Everything was fine again, until the entrance exam to the ninja academy. I failed the exam to get in three times, and I guess I just wasn't 'elite' enough to be the Hokage's son, because the Hokage and his wife slowly forgot about me, and soon the villagers began to torture me.

Things got better after I entered the academy, though I stayed stupid because my parents didn't teach me anything, whilst the others learnt quickly. After two years, I failed my graduation exam, and when I was alone, a kind teacher told me that if I stole a scroll of forbidden jutsus, I would pass my exam. Ecstatic, I stole the scroll from my father's office, and decided to read over some of the jutsus, and at the time, I only learnt one, which was the shadow clone technique, where you can make a clone which had a physical body. Though would burst if the physical contact was too strong.

Later that night, I found out, that what I had done was treason, thus giving a reason for my father and the others to punish me. The teacher who made me steal got away with it, because my word against his, was nearly nothing."

Her father growled, haki making the atmosphere tense. Benn patted Shanks' shoulder, though it came more as a strong slap, which Shanks in his anger-stricken state could not feel.

"More years went by, and the Hokage's teacher decided to come and teach me. I thought that I would finally be taken seriously, but the first thing he did was drop me off a cliff, so that I could 'channel the demon's power', though I seriously doubt it. Thankfully, the demon beast, sympathised with me, and told me the truth about my parents, whom I assumed were just my adoptive ones, and the reason I was treated that way, and we became friends. He saved me whenever I was nearly dead, and I saved him when any particular comment from the villagers hurt him.


Later, when I was fourteen, I had a big chance, the teacher who made me steal the scroll was up to no good again, and I killed him. My first kill.

Though when I became fifteen, my parents got kinder again. It was almost creepy. One day, I overheard their conversation, saying how they had a jutsu to use if I went on a rampage, which would send me to an alternate dimension. They obviously thought that the beast had become me or had consumed me. After hearing their plan, which caused me to snap, they were forced into using the technique, and Kurama; the demon beast stayed behind, possibly on a rampage.

I woke up in the woods, in a different body, with the abilities of a ninja still with me, but better at it than I ever was in the ninja world. That's when I found you, dad, looking for me, and I knew, that this was the complete opposite of my past life.

I was now in a world of pirates, leaving the world of ninjas behind, now a girl, when I was a boy. Now with a family when I had none, properly loved unlike before." She finished telling her story, looking up to the two men, who had shadowed expressions, both trying to hide their quite obvious anger.

"How dare they hurt our Natsu!" Shanks finally growled, causing her to blink. They weren't angry at her! Her body felt like jelly when she sunk into her bed, tears brimming her eyes.

"Are you alright!" Benn immediately asked, momma mode on.

"I'm j-just, s-so happy, and relieved, a-and... th-thank you." The two men smiled, and a few minutes after she had calmed down, Benn decided to ask some of the questions which weren't answered by her story.

"So, is that why I sometimes seem to see about three of you, in three completely different parts of the ship?"

"Yeah. I wanted to practice my shadow clone technique, and some of my ninjutsu, but the memories of my clones can't be seen until they're destroyed, so they each work individually. So after they pop, I would scold myself because I said hello to you three or four times in a row..." She admitted.

"Why do you sometimes say 'dattebayo'?"

"Oh, that's a verbal tic which comes from my mother." She said, causing Shanks to look down.

"Final question. Why do you always watch out for Shanks?" The red-haired man looked up, and his daughter blushed.

"Well, when I came to this world, it seemed that this world gave me a dictionary to tell me the meaning of word's in this world which I didn't know. So when dad came along, I could act out that I knew him, because of this dictionary. Though when I thought of my mum in this world, all that came up in my dictionary was a wanted poster of a woman with black hair and blue eyes, with the word 'dead' underlined, and a giant red cross on the poster itself.

Dad always had a sad smile which seemed fake, so I would do my best to try and get him to be more open, because I didn't want him to be sad like I was before." Shanks looked at his daughter, a soft smile adorning his lips at his daughter's show of kindness.

"Can you show these jutsus which you know? It's still quite hard to believe."

"Already am." Her body popped, and another Natsuki appeared from the inside of the cupboard, then a tall man and a lady with red hair walked out of the cupboard as well. Then came out a small fox with nine-tails.

"This is another jutsu. The henge, where we can transform our bodies to look like something else. This is the Hokage and his wife, and this little fox is the much smaller version of my best friend, Kurama!" Shanks' glint in his eyes strengthened, though remembering the fact that this was his daughter's body in another form, forced him to stop himself from punching them.

Natsuki sighed and the two people and fox popped. The rest of the afternoon was spent with Natsuki explaining her powers to Benn, who seemed to have an endless amount of questions, when Joey, who was on look out, shouted to the crew.

"Dawn island in sight! Dawn island!"

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