《Ninjago: One More Ninja》Chapter 23: The Art of the Silent Fist


Just outside of Garmadon's Monastery, the Ninja are busy hiding their vehicles. Nya gives Lloyd a techno suit to disguise him from any aerial drones.

"Sorry Aria we don't have one for you, you kinda just wear whatever you want anyway" Nya said

"Don't worry about it, I wouldn't have warn it anyway" Aria shrugged

They heard Misako's voice "Lloyd?" Oh. What are you all doing here?"

The ninja all turned to Misako

"The Overlord's back and New Ninjago City has fallen under his control. He has Sensei Wu" Lloyd explained

Misako hugged him "Wu's tough. There's a reason he's lived as long as he has"

"Yeah he's only like 200" Aria said and Lloyd rolled his eyes

"Well, where's Dad?" Lloyd asked

"Yeah, where's Lord Garmadon?" Kai questions

"He no longer goes by Lord. Here, he is Sensei Garmadon and he won't be back until this evening's lesson" Misako said

"Well good that he doesn't go by Lord anymore cause I now do" Aria said

"Lord Aria?" Kai questioned

"I prefer princess Aria considering my last name is also Lord" Aria corrected

"Then what is your middle name?" Kai asked

"You don't want to know" Cole interrupted

"Uh Misako, did you just say Sensei Garmadon?" Jay questioned

"No Jay she said Salsa Garmadon, what do you think, should we eat him?" Aria questioned sarcastically

"Aria could you not" Lloyd said putting his hand on her shoulder "this is serious"

"And I'm seriously hungry" Aria said

"I'm glad he's on our side now. With Sensei Wu gone, we could use the help" Zane intervened

"Come in, but your weapons are not allowed. Ever since Lloyd saved his father, Garmadon sworn an oath to never fight in hope to make up for his evil past. It's an oath he takes very seriously" Misako said

"Does my fans count as weapons?" Aria questioned

"Yes" All the ninja said

" You guys go on ahead, I will stay back and watch over them" Zane said and the Ninja give him their Techno Blades. Aria hid her fans in her belt

Zane sighs as he watches the others leave to Garmadon's Monastery.


Some kids were playing with a ball and the ball got kicked in the ninjas direction, Kai catches it before it hit Aria. The kids run up to the Ninja.

"Ah, at least there's some places left in this world I'm still considered cool Cole says and Kai tries to give their ball back, but the kids run up to Lloyd instead.

"Oh, wow!"

"It's the Green Ninja"

Jay laughed "Nope, still totally lame"

"You're the green ninja's girlfriend" A boy said turning the kids attention to Aria "wow you're so pretty"

Lloyd chucked and wrapped an arm around Aria's waist "Isn't she"

"Lloyd" Aria mumbled embarassed

Kai was staring at them.

"I know that look" Misako said walking up to Kai

"W-What look?" Kai questioned startled

"You've fallen for Aria haven't you" Misako asked, it was more of a statement then a question

Kai sighed "Am I that obvious, I don't want Lloyd to be mad at me"

"Don't worry, I won't tell Lloyd" Misako said walking away


At nightfall, the Ninja sit down with the other students for training. They gasp when they see Garmadon's shadow has four arms. This turns out to be someone else, who opens the door for him.

"Ah, my son. So glad you could join us" Garmadon said

"Hey, it's been a while, Father" Lloyd greated

"Check out the new Sensei. Looking sharp" Jay whispered to Cole

"Silence!" Garmadon hits him with his staff.

"Ow!" Jay whined and Aria laughed

"Close your mouth and open your ears. Tonight's lesson is the Art of the Silent Fist. To fight without fighting. May I have a volunteer?" Garmadon asked

"How about me?" Lloyd questioned standing up

"The Ultimate Battle: Round Two!" Nya shouted

"Attack me. But please, no powers. I happen to like my monastery" Garmaodn says and the kids laugh. Lloyd charges at him, but Garmadon dodges, making him run into a table "You see, the key is balance. Let your opponent fight himself" He dodges more of Lloyd's attacks. "Let the enemy tire himself"

Garmadon yawns then dodges, Lloyd slams into a support column.

"Pupils, I give you the most powerful Ninja in all the land, the Golden Ninja" Garmadon says and the kids laugh, but the Ninja facepalms.


Lloyd summons an Energy ball.

"Easy, son. It is only a lesson" Garmadon said placing a hand on his shoulder

Lloyd calms down "Sorry, I don't know what got into me"

"You let the anger take over. I know that feeling well. Now, let's divide into groups" Garmadon says

Kai pairs up with Jay and hits him "Ow!"

"Perfect" Garmadon says

"Come on Lloyd, you never could beat me as a kid" Ara taunted standing up

"Alright you're on" Lloyd said excited

"Please don't destroy my monastery Aria" Garmadon pleaded

Aria smirked "We'll see"


Aria has Lloyd pinned down on the mat with the kids cheering when they heard a scream.

"The Techno Blades!" Kai shouted and they run out and see Zane leading P.I.X.A.L. to the monastery.

"It's P.I.X.A.L.. But how did she find us?" Cole questioned

"How about we take her apart to find out?" Kai suggested

"Please, she was only doing what she was programmed to do. She may hold many answers, but perhaps there is an easier way" Zane activates his Techno Blade.

Garmadon stepped forward "No. I—"

Jay stopped him "Ah, relax. Ain't a weapon, only hacks into things"

"Zane redeems P.I.X.A.L. She gasps. "Where am I? Why am I tied up?"

"You were under the control of the Overlord. How did you find us?" Zane asks

"They've mined Sensei Wu's memory. The Overlord knows all of your hiding places" P.I.X.A.L. answers

"My brother. Is he...is he okay?" Garmadon asked

"Yes, but the Overlord wants your son and Aria. The Golden Power is the only way he can escape the digital realm and become real" P.I.X.A.L. replies

"And why does he want me?" Aria asked

"Because you have Golden Power in your heart" P.I.X.A.L. replied

"Well we already knew that, but why, does he want to kill me?" Aria questioned

"No, he hopes to replace the Golden Energy In your heart with darkness, hoping you will no longer have the urge to be good" P.I.X.A.L. clarified

"Ok but why did Borg give us the Techno Blades to protect? Why are they so important?" Kai asked

"Because together, they can reboot the system, wipe the master computer clean, and destroy the Overlord virus for good" P.I.X.A.L. answered then gasps "I didn't come alone"

"Uh, who else is with you?" Jay questioned

"Nindroids" P.I.X.A.L. replied

"Nindroids?" they all repeated

The Nindroids reveal themselves.

"Five versus eighteen. Probability of survival too low to quantify" P.I.X.A.L. said

Nya stops Lloyd from using his Energy "No! Your power only strengthens them"

"But not mine" Aria said taking out her fans and powering them up

"We need to get out of here" Nya said

"You guys think of something, i'll hold them off" Aria said sending blades of darkness at them, slicing them in half

"So happy you're on our side" Kai said "Meet with us soon"

"I will" Aria replied "now go!"


The ninja safely emerges from a water wheel that they used to escape

"Won't be long until they find us. We should get a move on" Cole said

"But what about Aria?" Lloyd asked worried

"Right behind you greenie" Aria replied jumping on his back "I couldn't destroy all of them"

"Alright, let's get going then" Kai said

"I'm coming with you. If the Overlord wants my son, I'm not letting him out of my sight" Garmadon said

"I'll stay and look after the monastery" Misako said before heading back

"Wait. If he wants me, and the techno Blades are the only things that can stop him, shouldn't we split up, just in case?" Lloyd questioned

"Good thinking. Zane's Falcon knows the secret location of my Samurai X Cave. You and your father go and take what you need to get as far away from us as possible" Nya said

"I wanna go too" Aria said

Lloyd took Aria's hands "We need to split up, If he wants both of us it's best if we split up so if he gets one of us he can't get the other"

"Fine" Aria pouted

"What are you guys gonna do? Those Nindroids aren't gonna let you step one foot into the city" Lloyd asked the ninja

"We're gonna shut down the power" Nya replied confidently "but Aria you shouldn't come with us, I don't know what to do with you"

"I'm going to go off on my own, I know a place to hide" Aria replied

"Then it's settled" Lloyd kissed Aria's cheek "be safe"


Everyone in a mansion turned their head as the grand doors opened revealing Aria "I'm back"

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