《A Blind Ninja's Tale》An Invasion


The moment I felt the genjutstu I knew that their was something wrong. After quickly doing the release sign I could tell what was wrong. It's an invasion! What do I do. First things first is to find dad. It didn't take long for me to home in on his chakra. It seemed him and Gai were working as a team. "Dad!" I hit a nin heading towards them as I approached. I could sense his relief at hearing me. "Shurui! I'm glad your safe. You should head to the designated safe zone. I frowned at my dad. "I'm a ninja dad and I'm going to help. Where's your team?" I heard him grumble as he answered me. "I sent them and Shikamaru after Sasuke and Gaara." I was kinda shocked. Heading after Gaara is dangerous. And Shika isn't recovered from his match. Stupid father not thinking. I sent him a scorned look. And I could feel his nervousness. "He he he thinking now that wasn't smart." I sent him a serious look. As I homed in on Shikamaru and rushed off after them.

Grrr their she goes of after that boy again. Then again she could be just going to help my team. "Cheer up my rival! Theirs a lot worse boys than him!" I glared at him as I vented my frustration on a nearby enemy nin.

It didn't take long for me to catch up with Shika. When I found him he was in trouble. He had a group of nin in his shadow capture. He was struggling to hold them. I quickly knocked them out and went to Shika. I could tell he was exhausted. "Sit still Shika and let me give you some chakra." I heard him mumble troublesome woman as I started transferring chakra to him. "What were you thinking putting yourself in that situation?" I was worried about him and I could tell he realized I was more scared than angry. I felt his lips against my cheek as I finished giving him enough chakra to get back to the arena. I looked up as a new aura approached. This one I knew as Shikaku. Shikamaru's dad. "Glad I found you two but from the looks of this place I guess you dealt with the immediate threat." I nodded as me and Shika got up. "Shikamaru we need to help organize with the jounin in the arena. Shurui. I know you want to help but the simple truth is your the best medic nin in the village and the injured need your help." I hated to admit it but he was right. I sighed as I looked over at Shika. I could tell even blind that he agreed with his dad. "Ok. I'll head to the injured. You two be safe. They both sent me a yes mam as I headed to the hospital.

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