《His Missing Angel.》Chapter 16


Kross has been running around the house since he woke up a few minutes ago and now he won't settle down.

"Kross sit down little boy". I said watching him run out of the room and back in

"EMANI COME GET YOUR BROTHER". I called out walking to the kitchen where Ermias was cooking

"What was you in there doing to my son". He asked when I walked over wrapping my arms around him

"Nah the question is what was your song doing to me". I said causing us to laugh before releasing my arms

"Don't we have that video shoot with Belly and Dom Kennedy today". I ask taking a seat at the bar watching his

"Aww Yea the Double up shoot I forgot what time is it". He asked looking back at me

Pulling out my phone I look at the time and it read 8:25 a.m.

"It's 8:25 and we need to be there at nine thirty so when you done cooking we just head out". I said placing my phone on the counter

"While we talking about me don't you got that tv you working on what's it called again Games People Play". He said turning back around to continue cooking

"Yea we're shooting tomorrow though so I was going to take the kids to your mom or sister whoever's available to watch them". I said watching his fix the plates

"I would say my sister but shit she work so your best bet is moms". He said and I nod picking up my phone texting her

"AYE Y'ALL COME EAT". He yelled and I could hear their footsteps coming towards the kitchen

"Y'all going to your grandma house because we got to work depending on how long things run we will pick y'all up later on tonight". He said talking to Emani as she nodded eating her food


"Alright when are we going over there". She asked after she chewed the rest of the food on her mouth

"After y'all get done eating so come on and finish up". He said putting a piece of bacon in his mouth

After everybody finished eating Lauren took the dishes and went to wash them while I got Kross ready.

"That don't match little boy put it down". I said taking the shirt from him and putting it back in the drawer

"DADDY DO I NEED TO PACK EXTRA CLOTHES JUST INCASE". Emani yelled from her room across the hall

"NO MY SHOOT SHOULDN'T RUN THAT LATE". I yelled back pulling the shirt I had over kross's head

"OKAY". She yelled back as I continued to dress Kross

After I finished getting him dressed I grabbed his bag and walked downstairs to the living room.

"Y'all ready to go". Lauren asked looking up from her phone

"Yea we just waiting on Emani". I said sitting on the couch with Kross on my lap

"No you're not I'm ready". Emani said walking down the stairs with her backpack

"Let's be out". I said standing up with the bag and walking out the front door

Lauren came and took Kross opening the back door buckling him into his car seat while Emani got on the other side.

getting into the car I wait for Lauren to get in and when she finally did I drive off heading to my moms house.

Pulling up outside my moms house I get out grabbing Kross and walk up to the door knocking. After a few minutes the door swings open and it's my dad.

"Wassup pops where moms". I said giving him a hug with my free arm as Emani walked in

"Hey son And she In the bathroom". He said and I nod


"Tell her I said hey but I got to go before we be late". I said handing him Kross before walking out and getting in the car driving off

I made it to the shoot a few minutes before I was originally supposed to be here so we trying to figure out where I need to be sitting for the video.

"Nipsey move over right here and be bagging up the weed". The director said and I sit down where he pointed

"Alright now Lauren go up the steps and begin". He said putting his head down looking into the camera

"Hey, here it is". Lauren said walking in swinging the backpack in front of me sitting down pulling out the money holding it out to me

"Awe I like your style my youngin', that's three". I asked looking at her as I reached over to grab the money

"Yup". She said smiling looking at me causing her dimples to pop

"You need some help". She asked watching me grab some weed out the bag as I took a drag from my blunt

"You smoke". I asked holding the blunt out to her

"No". She said smiling scrunching up her face

"I'm just testing ya". I said dropping some specks of weed into the white styrofoam cup that was on the table

"You know how to do this". I asked looking down

"No but you can teach me". She said watching my movements

"Ight So". I started when the director yelled cut

"Alright that was good we're going to do it one more time and then keep it rolling". He said and I nod watching Lauren get up about to leave but I grab her hand causing her to turn around

"What". She asked with a smile looking down at me

"Come here". I said and she fully turned around bending down grabbing her face I kiss her before pulling away

"Alright you can go ahead and go now". I said watching her turn her red face away from me before leaving

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Alright cut good job everybody". The director said clapping causing everyone else to clap

"You did good baby". I said wrapping my arm around her shoulder

"Thank you". She said smiling up at me

"Now let's go get my babies". I said watching her walk ahead of me causing me to look down and smile before following behind her

This girl is my world man...

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