《His Missing Angel.》Chapter 7


I been trynna get in touch with Lauren ever since I left her apartment a few weeks ago but she ain't been hitting a nigga back up so I been chilling with Ajiona and we actually got closer.

"Baby you hungry". Ajiona asked walking into my room looking at me

"Nah I'm good I'm about to leave in a minute". I said standing up from the bed and there was a knock at the door

"Stay up here and don't come down till I come get you". I say grabbing my gun and walking downstairs peeping out the side of the window and I see Lauren

Putting my gun down I shake my head before opening the door and stepping out when she tried to walk in.

"Um okay I can't come in now". She asked with a small laugh

"Nah not when you can't hit a nigga back up". I said looking down at her

"I've been busy now stop playing". She said laughing sarcastically before trying to go around me

"I'll come to your house later on today". I said and she stared at me before shaking her head looking down and looking back up at me

"Don't even worry about it I won't be there". She said walking off back to her car and I watch her get in and drive off

Walking back in the house Ajiona came down the stairs dressed.

"I need to get home my little sister taking me to my checkup today". She said walking over and kissing me

"Aight go outside the doors unlocked I'm finna come out there". I said and she nod walking outside while I went to grab my phone

On my way home from Ermias house I call Bree to tell her what just happened.

"Nope stop crying turn your car back around and send me the address". She said and I could hear shuffling around on her side


"Bree We not about to go over there and fight that man". I said laughing wiping my face

"And why the fuck not". She asked as I pulled into the parking lot

Driving towards my parking space I could see her standing outside with her phone between her shoulder and ear with a bat under her arm as she struggled to lace up her shoes.

"Bree what are you doing". I ask laughing as I cut the car off and get out ending the call

"You thought I was playing you was crying I don't play with shit like that don't act brand new like I won't go to war behind you". She said swinging the bat back and forth

"We went to jail last time we decided to do things your way". I said causing us to both laugh

"Girl he had you fucked up which had me fucked up which had both us fucked up and we some crazy bitches together ". She said walking inside my apartment behind me

"It's cool I'm not stressing him I got to go on set today for the movie guess who I'm working with". I said and she stood there staring at me

"Who bitch tell me". She said throwing a pen that sat on my counter at me

"T.I". I said and she started smiling big

"I already know what you're going to say and I'm on it". I said and she squealed running over to my hugging me

"See this why we fucks with each other I don't even have to say shit and you already know". She said and I nod

" Don't be acting crazy running him off now Bree". I said causing her to look at me

"When have I ever acted crazy and why you come back home don't you have to be at the movie set in a few minutes". She asked and I warmed up the empanadas I made last night


"Girl I'm hungry so I came to eat". I said taking them out the microwave

"That's what fast food is for". She said In a duh tone

"Why would I get fast food when I have leftovers that's a waste of money and food but come on get out I'm finna leave". I said placing them in a container and grabbing a sprite out the fridge

"Well excuse me miss thang you know I don't eat leftovers they don't taste the same". She said walking out of the door after me

"Girl hush and lock my door I'm running late". I said kissing her cheek and rushing off to my car

Getting in I put the container on the seat and drive off.

By the time I made it to the movie set I was done eating my empanadas. Getting out I grab my things and walking inside the building.

"Finally Lauren they need you in the dressing room and then hair and makeup". Melody said walking over taking my phone and purse

Walking to the dressing room they get started.

After leaving the block and spending a little time at the studio I headed over Lauren house even though she said she wouldn't be there.

Getting out of the car I take her key that she gave me for "emergencies" out and unlock the door. Walking inside it smelled like them lil moon things she be making and it smelled good. Closing the door behind me I lock it and walk towards the back to her room. Looking around I take my shirt and pants off leaving me in my shorts and socks.

After doing all that I lay down and cut on a Dr.sebi interview.

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