《His Missing Angel.》Chapter 5


Talking to Bree I feel like someone was looking at me so I turn and I see this Tall light skin tatted man staring at me. He's very tall I like that.

"Girl what you looking at". Bree asked looking at me causing me to look back over to her

" nothing".I said shaking my head

"you ready to go dance". She asked standing up grabbing my hand standing me up

"You know I don't dance". I said when a twerk song came on and I bent over shaking my ass

"But you don't dance though".she said laughing as I stood back up

"What I like this song but I'm going to the bar you coming or what". I ask waiting for an answer

"Um hell yea we getting fucked up tonight bitch". Bree said speed walking to the bar with me in tow

"What can I get for you guys". The bartender asked wiping the counter down

"8 shots each and some henny". She said causing me to snap my head in her direction

"Are you crazy Bree I'm not drinking all of that". I said and he already placed the drinks in front of us

"I said we getting fucked up tonight". She said picking up a shot holding it up towards me and I reluctantly pick up one of mines clinking them together before throwing them back and placing the shot glass on the bar upside down.

After the fifth shot and drinking the henny in between it was over for me.

"I'm-I'm going to the bathroom". I said standing up and stumbling away from the bar to the bathroom but on my way there I bumped into somebody

Looking up I see it was the man from earlier looking down at me.

"You good mama". He asked and it took me a minute to realize he was talking to me


"Yes t-thank you". I said blushing looking down

"You got a phone". He asked and I nod reaching down into my bag pulling it out and it was snatched out of my hand

Since I didn't have a code he typed away before handing the phone back to me.

"Where was you headed". He asked holding on to my waist

"The bathroom". I said and head nod turning around leading the way

"After you come out of here an Uber gone be waiting for you and your friend". He said and I nod walking into the bathroom handling my business before walking out

Looking around for Bree I spot her standing by the elevator so I start walking towards her. Hearing my phone ring it lets me know the Uber made it so I walk faster pressing the down button.

"My future husband made me leave the bar". She said causing me to laugh

"I think you had a little to much to d-drink". I said stepping off the elevator and walking out of the building to the Uber and getting in

I'll get she'll get her car tomorrow.

Watching her step into the elevator I feel someone kissing on my neck causing me to look down only to see Ajiona.

"You want to go back to my place daddy". She asked rubbing up and down my chest

"To sleep hell yea". I said watching her every move

"We can do that after let's go". She said grabbing my hand

"Wait let me tell my brother I'm heading out". I said walking over to him getting danced on by two girls

"Aye I'm heading out with Ajiona". I said causing him to look up and nod handing me the keys

"You staying over there tonight". He asked rubbing on one of the girls ass


"Yea I'll see you in the morning". I said walking back over to Ajiona

"Let's go". I said grabbing her hand and stepping on the elevator

Once we step out of the elevator I walk towards my car getting in.

Seeing a car in the driveway I park beside it looking over at Ajiona.

"Who car is that". I ask cutting the car off and getting out

"That's my sister car but she's not here". She said unlocking the door and walking in

"Why y'all moms never here". I ask following her towards her room

"She works". She said closing her door

"What type of job". I ask folding my arms leaning against her door

"Why you asking me all these questions". She asked mugging me

"Girl I trynna see why she got two kids and she never here but whatever". I said with a shrug before I started taking off my clothes and getting in the bed

Grabbing my phone I go to my messages and save ole girls number before texting her.

I hope you made it to where you was going safely hit me up when you wake up. I typed out before putting my phone down. Feeling Ajiona rub my chest she starts to go lower so I move her hand and she looks at me crazily.

"What's the matter with you". She asked staring at me

"Nothing man but I'm just trynna kick it and sleep ion want sex everyday all the time". I said closing my eyes and I could hear her smack her lips before turning over

"I don't care about yo little attitude Ajiona". I said putting one hand behind my head and one in my shorts

"Leave me alone Nipsey". She said and I shook my head with my eyes closed

Lying there I started to think about the girl from the party. She was beautiful and had a nice ass smile too. After a while of thinking about her I drifted off to sleep.

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