《His Missing Angel.》Chapter 3


Getting dressed I watch Bree do her makeup in my vanity mirror.

"I hope this apartment got two bedrooms just Incase I want to sleep over your house". She said causing me to look at her

"Girl you gone have your own apartment why you need to stay at mines". I said laughing as she gave me a really look through the mirror

"Because I'm gone be over there more than imma be at my own place". She said standing up

"Okay Bree but let's go because we was supposed to leave twenty minutes ago". I said grabbing my keys pushing her towards the door

"Really why didn't you say nothing I was just sitting here talking let's go". She said walking towards the car as I locked the door

"Bitch I just said let's go". I said getting in the car and putting my seatbelt on

Cutting the radio on I pull my seat up and drive off listening to the gps give me directions to the apartment.

"So there's a rooftop party tonight you want to go". She asked looking over at me

"Uh Yea I haven't went to a party in a while". I said looking from her to the road

"I thought you was gonna say no". She said with a look of relief

"Why would I say no". I ask with a small laugh making a turn

"Because you don't really pop out like that I'm not saying it's a bad thing but you know". She said with a shrug

"Yea I know what you're saying but we balance each other out you're the outspoken one and I'm the quiet one".I said pulling into the parking lot of the apartments

Getting out I walk to the apartment number my realtor aka my dads brother told me about and he was already standing there.


"Hey uncle rick". I said giving him a side hug and stepped to the side so Bree could give him a hug

"Hey babygirl you ready to go in".he asked twisting the knob and opening the door

"Damn Ouch I mean dang this is nice". I said when he pinched my arm causing Bree to laugh

"So we have the living room it's very big and spacious we then have the kitchen with granite counter tops and a bar like you described to me". He said as we looked around the kitchen and I ran my hand across the counter

"This is nice Lauren". Bree said wrapping her arms around my waist from the side and I threw my arm over her shoulder as we walked around

"So you thinking about getting the one next door". I ask looking down at her

"Hell yea I'm trynna move in today". She said causing us all to laugh

"You guys could get the keys tomorrow if you do decide to take it". Uncle rick said and we both nod letting him know we heard him

"I'll take it how much". I ask looking over at him

"It's 150 for the deposit and 650 a month". He said and I nod handing him the 150 and 2,600 for the first for months

"I said 650 Lauren". He said holding up the money

"I know what you said but if I don't give it to you now I'll spend it so it's best to get it out my way right now". I said causing us all to laugh as I grabbed the papers from him to sign while Bree gave him her money

"All done". I said smiling and he poked inside my dimple

"Stop uncle rick you know I hate that". I said laughing swatting his hand away


"Alright y'all both good I have to get out of here I have a house I need to show love you babygirl bye Bree". He said pulling me into a hug kissing my forehead

"Bye uncle rick". I said waving as I walk away to my car

"Let's go find something to wear to this party". Bree said buckling her seatbelt and I nod pulling off

Getting out of the car we walk into my house and I see my sister on the phone sitting on the couch.

"When you gone come back over". She said smiling

"Girl he was over here yesterday". Bree said saying what I was about to say

"Bitch was anybody talking to you". Ajiona said causing me to look at her crazily

"Girl watch your mouth don't talk to this one like that". I said mugging her and she waved me off

"Come on let's go see what I got in my closet". I said walking to to my room and unlocking the door

"Where's that dress you brought last week". She asked walking into my closet as I closed the door

"You talking about the black one". I call out putting my phone on the charger

"Yea". She said and I walk into the closet going to get the dress

"You should wear that girl you will look so pretty". She said smiling at me

"Alright I'm about to get dressed". I said walking out and into the bathroom

Cutting on the shower I take my clothes off and get in.

After a while I cut the water off and get out grabbing my towel and drying off. Putting on my bra and panties I slip the dress on and walk out

"Okay bitch I see you y'all my sister bad as fuck". Bree said recording me as I laughed

"Girl my hair not done and you looking bad yourself".I said and I started to flat iron my hair using the flat irons she left plugged up

"Let me go get in the shower so we can go". She said pricking up her clothes

"What time the party start". I ask looking at her through the mirror

"8:00".she said walking into the bathroom and closing the door

We were now on our way to the party and Bree was driving because I don't know where the party is.

As we made it to the road where the party was being held I see a bunch of cars.

"It's about to be packed in here". I said shaking my head

"Girl come on let's go party". She said cutting the car off and handing me my keys

Walking into the building we get on the elevator pressing the button to the roof. When the door opened it was a lot of people.

It's about to be a long night...

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