《crush imagines》biking


what a babe^

hey wanna go on a d8

why did u say d8

cuz I thought it would be cute, I guess not

a for effort.

but yes, I will take u up on that offer.

good bc I'm already here

come outside

I shut my phone off and open my front door, revealing C/n with a goofy grin across his face.

"Where're we going for that date?" I ask him, inviting him in. "I thought we could go biking." He says, walking into the kitchen to grab a donut.

"I haven't biked in two years, what makes you think I want to?" I reply, raising my brow.

"You're the most spontaneous person I know, so I'm like, ninety percent sure you will." I chuckle and roll my eyes.

"Fine." I rush up stairs to change. I throw my hair in a ponytail and place my Nike dad hat on my head. I slip on some athletic wear and run back down.

"Alright, I'm ready." I tell him as he finishes his donut. "I think you're forgetting something." C/n says, taking a water bottle out of the fridge and passing it to me.

"Okay, now I'm ready."

We take the two bikes off of his trunk and I hop on, I little confused at how the gears work.

"Alright, so the higher I go, the easier it gets?" I ask C/n, seeing as he seems to know what he's doing.

"Um... sure. I can't remember." He says. "Let's just get on with it and see how this goes." He tells me, hopping onto his bike.

"Fine but if I die, I'm filing a law suit on you." I reply, giggling.

We begin to ride as I get the feel on how to ride a bike back. Once we make it around 4 kilometres, we stop to get a good look of the lake right next to us.


There's a huge rock placed right on the edge of the water and I spot a mini private beach. "C/n, I'm gonna check that out." I tell him, climbing down a few rocks.

Once I make it down, I turn and see a man, maybe mid sixties and a large beer belly sitting on the beach, naked. The man covers his thing with the clothes next to him. My eyes widen and I cover my eyes, screaming and running away. ()

"Ohh my gosh!" I yell, running back towards C/n. "What wrong? What happened?" He asks me, grabbing my shoulders to calm me down.

"I'm scarred for life!" I explain everything that happened. "Well did you see anything? Like his..." He asks, grabbing my hands.

"N-no, I was too concerned on getting out of there, I didn't look... down there." I reply, shutting my eyes to try to get the vision out of my head.

"Let's just keep going so I can possibly forget about this." I tell him, getting on my bike.

"We can go back home if you want." C/n suggests, getting on his bike. I shake my head. "No, let's just keep going. This was nice until that happened." I say, starting to peddle again.

Once we reach the end (it was about 17 km long), we turn back around and continue to make our way back to his car. "Hey why don't we stop and take a swim or something?" I ask, getting off my bike.

"I need a break, my bum and hands hurt." I tell him. He gets off and smiles. "Alright, but you don't have a bathing suit, do you?" C/n asks me, taking my hand in his as we approach the water.


"Nope, and I didn't wear a sports bra so I'm swimming in my clothes." I say, smiling.

He grins, evilly before shoving me off the rock and into the deep lake. "C/n! You assclown!" I shout.

He removes his shirt and jumps in soon after, making me laugh. "Assclown?" He asks, before splashing me.

I shrug before splashing him back. We swim for about twenty minutes before we get out and let the sun dry us off.

It doesn't go very well for me. I have a wet shirt on and I don't have a change of clothes. A breeze comes by, making me extra cold.

"Hey babe, why don't you just wear my shirt?" C/n asks me, noticing my bottom lip quivering.

"But what about you?" I ask him. He smiles. "I've got a six pack, why not show it off?" He jokes, making me chuckle.

"Fine." I say, taking it from him. I walk back down to the hidden area with C/n. He covers me from the trail that people were walking on and I quickly pull my shirt off, revealing my black bra and put his shirt on as fast as I can.

"Thank you, C/n." I say, hugging him.

"C'mon, I'm hungry and I'm really craving some McDonalds."

"Hi, may I please get two Big Macs, one Double Patty Burger with no mustard, onions, or pickles, a large iced tea and a large root beer, large fries, and two ice cream cones?" C/n asks, letting out a breath.

"Is that all for you today?" The lady on the other line asks. "Yeah." He replies. "Sixteen forty-nine at the window please." She says.

We get our food and then our ice cream.

"I want that one, it has more." I say, pointing to the bigger ice cream. "I paid for it!" C/n argues. "Okay fine, but only because I love you." He says, passing it to me.

"Yeah yeah." I reply, taking it from him. He looks at me, with fake hurt.

"I'm just kidding! I love you." I say, pecking his lips. "Yeah yeah." He mocks, smirking after.

"Enjoy that ice cream before it melts, babe."

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