《crush imagines》tutoring




i'm not gonna lie, it's not really my best subject. alright, so i am failing it by a little bit, but i blame it on my teacher. he kinda sucks.

i sit at my table with my friends, my chin resting in the palm of my hand. "y/n," my eyes shift up and look at my math teacher. "hm?" i reply, humming.

"i think you need a tutor, and i've got one for you if you'd like." he tells me.

"or you can quit and i can get a new teacher." i mumble under my breath.

"pardon me?" he asks. "oh um, yeah that'll be great." i reply, fiddling with my fingers.

"he will be waiting in the library after school for you." he says before waddling off to help some other students.

"you have to have a tutor? how low is your grade?" my friend asks, causing me to roll my eyes. "i dunno, forty seven percent or something."

they all cover their mouths as if i just told them i murdered someone. "no way!" they all exclaim.

soon the bell rings, informing me about my tutoring appointment thing in the library.

i rush to my locker, taking out all my science and biology books i need, which were a lot.

i carried them towards the library and walked in, listening to pure silence. the only noise i could hear was my own breathing.

i glance around, looking for anybody who looked remotely nerdy enough to be my science tutor.

just then, as i was wandering around, my foot decided to stop working, causing me to fall straight onto the ground. "shit!" i yell, making everyone look at me.

my face goes a deep pink colour as i hear a familiar chuckle from behind me. absolutely not. he didn't just see that, did he?


"that deserves a gold medal." i turn around and meet eyes with c/n, also know as the golden boy of our school.

he was a nice jock (or as i call it, cliché breaker) and he was sitting at the table right behind me.

"hi... c/n." i say, getting off the floor and picking up my books. "hey y/n, it looks like i'm tutoring you today." my eyes widen at his sentence.

"c-could you repeat that?" i ask him to make sure i heard right. "i am tutoring you." he tells me, flashing a blinding white smile.

ok. wow.

i sit down, placing my bag against the leg of the chair and put my books onto the table. "okay i'm ready i think." i tell him, adding an awkward giggle after.

"alright so for long division you have to times the two numbers together?" i ask, utterly confused. he pinches the bridge of his nose. "no, you see how many times that number goes into three in this case." he tells me. "oh! that makes a lot more sense." i say, smiling.

his eyes shift up to meet mine. "good."

days like this went on for months, until we ate lunch together, hung out after school, played sports together and so on. it was one particular day when our relationship grew.

"so y/n," c/n began. we were sitting in the cafeteria eating our lunch and talking about my upcoming exam. my eyes shift to meet his. "yeah?" i reply, swallowing the sandwich bite. "are you walking home today?" he asks me. i nod my head before taking another bite.

"how about we hang out after instead?" he suggests, fiddling with his fingers. i smile, and place my sandwich down. "yeah, that would be amazing!" i tell him.


he relaxes and after lunch we head off to class.

after school i made my way through the halls to my locker. i punch in my combination and grab all my needs. "hey." i hear a familiar voice and smile.

"hi." i reply, taking my books out. "my car's this way." he tells me, placing his hand on the small of my back, making my face go completely red as his jock friends yell 'get some'.

"just ignore them." c/n tells me, walking faster as his face also turns red. i giggle slightly as he opens the passenger door of his car for me.

"thanks." i mumble. he flashes me a smile and shuts the door, getting into the driver's seat.

he drives up a hill and into a forest, eventually reaching the top.

i get out and walk up with him until we reach the very top of the mountain. "woah..." i say, taking in the beauty.

"amazing, right?" he asks, grabbing my hand, taking me by complete surprise. "yes!" i exclaim, giggling.

after a few minutes of taking in the view he turns towards me, grabbing my other hand.

"may i kiss you?" he asks me, his face turning a light shade of pink. i chuckle before nodding.

he leans in, placing his hand on my back and the other on my cheek. he presses his lips to mine, sending the firework whole show in my stomach.

butterflies are nothing compared to what i was feeling.

we break apart and he smiles. "is it always like that?" i ask him. he shakes his head, still inches away from me. "it's never like that." he says, making both of us laugh.

and that's how the relationship started.

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