《crush imagines》happy birthday?


k so for those of you who've read the other riverdale imagine thing i posted, i deleted it for my sake. i didn't like it so here i am w/ a new one!

and happy easter!

and in this one, betty and jug are never together.

also before you get confused, abs is my nickname so go w it.

(lowercase intended) ♕


i finished up with maths, my last class of the day before packing my bag and walking towards my locker, just down the hall.

before i get there, i see jughead talking with archie. he makes eye contact with me before making his way in my direction.

on the way, reggie and his group of football friends decide to shove jughead carelessly. "hey, guys! back off!" i shout at them. they barely acknowledge me before continuing.

"how was math?" he asks me as i open my locker. i shrug. "y'know, same old." i tell him, before shutting my locker.

"so where are we headed today?" i ask him as we walk out of the large school.

"pop's i guess." jug says. "m'kay. then you can help me with my math homework." i tell him as he lets out a slight chuckle.

"i'll get a chocolate milkshake and onion rings." i tell pop, jughead orders the same. i send pop a wink before he walks off, smiling.

"oh no, what was that wink about, amanda?" jughead asks me, chuckling. "nothing." i reply,

"juggie," i begin. "yeah?" he replies, placing his hands on top of mine.

"happy birthday." i tell him. he rolls his eyes. "you know i hate it when you do that, yet you've done it for twelve years now." he says.

"you can't stop me." i tell him. pop soon comes back with two cupcakes and a sparkler in one of them. he gives jughead the one with the sparkler and me the plain one.

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear jughead, happy birthday to you." i sing, nice and slow, not breaking eye contact.

"that's what the wink was for?!" he asks me. i smile. "hey, you listen to me, son. even if you don't wanna celebrate your birthday, i do. because it's the day that god sent me my best friend, and so yeah, i am gonna celebrate that." i tell him, with a little bit of sass.

he looks at me, a little taken aback but shrugs. "okay..." was all he said, chuckling slightly.

we made it to archie's house and he takes my hand, pulling me inside.

"we can celebrate today together then-" he begins before lights get turned on. "SURPRISE!" we both turn around and see archie, betty, veronica, kevin and his boyfriend, joaquin with a huge party set up.


jughead immediately looks at me, an eyebrow raised. "hey, don't look at me, i had no idea about this." i told him, my eyes shifting back towards our friends and stuff.

"and i was thinking we'd have a night to ourselves." he mumbles in my ear.

"well c'mon then, i didn't remake this cake twice just so you could stand there!" betty said.

jughead and i walk up, hugging archie. "you shouldn't have." jughead said, being completely honest.

i leaned in and hugged archie and furrowed my eyebrows together.

"have you been drinking?" i ask him. he laughs and looks back at me. "what? no." he lies.

we walked towards the dining room and waited for betty to bring out the cake.

and again, we sang the birthday song.

"make a wish." i said, placing my hand on his shoulder as he blew out the candles.

they all cheer and we eat cake, having a decent time.

betty, jughead and i walk into the kitchen to see archie and ronnie hugging. "oh, sorry." jughead apologizes. "we're just coming to get ice-cream." betty tells them. "is everything okay?" "yeah. no, i'm just not in a party mood like i usually am." veronica says. "that makes two of us." jughead mumbles.

"wait. you're not actually upset that i threw you a party, are you?" betty asks, scrunching her brows. "it is nice, betty. i appreciate it. it's just i would be happier if it was just the five of us at a booth at pop's." jughead tells her. "yeah but we always do that, i wanted to do something special." betty retorts. "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." jughead says. "why is everything so doom and gloom with you, jug? why can't it just be normal?" i face palm as she finished her question. "i'm not normal. i'm not wired to be normal, betty." just then, the doorbell rings.

"who else did you invite?" i ask archie before making my way towards the front door.

"no one!" he yells, a little harsher than expected.

the door flies open, revealing cheryl, chuck, and over thirty other people.

"did you really think you could have a party without inviting moi?" she says, making me cringe. "or me?" chuck adds. "actually, we did." i say, trying to shut the door.

"back off." cheryl says, chuck shoving the door open and knocking me off my balance. jughead shoots a glare at cheryl before grabbing my hand and taking me towards archie's shed.

a few minutes later, we can hear music blaring through the thin glass on the windows.

"why would they do this?" i ask, burying my face into my hands. i feel jug's arm wrap around my shoulder and pull me closer to him.


"i dunno." he said. "y'know what we can do to blow some time?" i ask. he mumbles a 'hm'.

"nap." i suggest, making him chuckle slightly. "i mean, there is a lock on the shed door, why don't we lock it and take a nap?" i say, getting up and locking it.

"good idea." he says before laying down.

i soon join him by laying next to him, his body engulfing me so that we're spooning.

we drift off soon after, happier than we've ever been on his birthday.

we both wake up after the music got too loud to handle and we could hear everything.

"let's go to your house." jughead says, our fingers intertwining. "oh, hey guys. jughead, you didn't have a piece of cake, that's bad luck." ethel says. "oh, this whole nights bad luck. we're ghosting." jughead tells her. "see you at school, ethel!" i tell her before we're off again.

we make our way to the front door and two people step in front of it. i'm sure you can guess who it was.

"hey, where you goin', guest of honor?" chuck asks. jughead tries to walk through them before being shoved back by chuck.

"get out of the way, chuck." jughead says, gripping my hand a little tighter as i stroke his with my thumb. "oh, but you can't leave now. we haven't even played our game yet." cheryl says, making me clench my fist and accidentally break skin, making it bleed a little.

"listen up, party people!" cheryl begins. "everyone has their secrets. and we've all done our fair share of sinning. that's one thing me dear brother's death has revealed." she glances over at chuck. "so let's play a little game to get those secrets out in the open." cheryl finishes. we all look at her with a disgusted face. she reaches towards the lock and locks it.

we all stand in the living room, jug and i leaned up against a table, his hand still clutching onto mine. "what the hell is secrets and sins?" jughead asks. "it's a version of truth or dare... in which we own our truths by telling it like it is." cheryl replies.

she starts off with veronica, and talking about all the bad moments she had, including how her father bought the drive in.

then veronica accused cheryl of killing her brother over 'twincest'.

next, doiley dildo as i call him, talked about archie and ms. grundy at sweetwater river the day jason went missing.

chuck's gaze lands on me. "i guess it's my turn now. i have a secret to reveal, starring amanda." he said, jughead's eyes shifted towards me.

"jughead and amanda were seen, banging each other in archie's shed just over an hour ago." my jaw dropped, knowing it was a complete lie. "goodbye clean amanda, hello slut amand-." before i knew it, jughead had thrown his fist at chuck's jaw, knocking him back.

i let out a yell just as he went in for a second punch but chuck blocked it, punching him into archie's glass table.

tears were on the verge of spilling out as i leaned down towards jughead. his dad was ushering chuck (with a ton of violence) out of the house.

"hey, jug, get up please!" i said. he slowly stood up. the glass had cut his cheek.

after everyone had left except archie and veronica, jughead and i fell back asleep on the couch in the living room.

i wake up, noticing jughead was already gone. next to me i notice his beanie sitting on the couch.

i place it on top of my head and smile, knowing that my boyfriend wore this hat all the time. "excuse me." i hear, making me literally poop my pants.

my head flips around and i see jughead sitting on a chair with tea in his hands. then we hear creaks on the floor and see veronica walking down, carrying her heels.

my eyes widen as i give her a smirk. her face turns bright red. "amanda, jugh-" she begins. "don't- don't say anything. our lips are sealed." jughead says, a little smirk on his face.

she smiles before leaving.

"i knew it." i mumbled, causing him to chuckle.

i go and sit on his lap. but instead of showing me love, he pulls the beanie right off my head and pulls it over his dark hair.

"it looks better on me." i tell him.

archie sweeps the floor, but leans up against the counter to talk to jughead and me.

"so, you and ronnie, huh." i say. he looks down and smiles. "i guess so, but please don't tell anyone." archie says.

"don't worry, we aren't telling anyone anything literally ever." jughead says, chuckling before drinking out of the milk carton (while sticking up his pinky finger!!!) and then passing it to me.

"hey, archie watch this." he says to archie before tickling my ribs as i spit the milk back into the carton from laughing.

"st-stop!" i yell, laughing like crazy. "remind me not to drink out of that carton."



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