《crush imagines》valentines day


sorry about this very late update...

but i grant you with this photo to make it up.


I woke up, feeling awfully glum about today. It's the one year anniversary since my ex boyfriend and I broke up. Valentine's Day.

Yep, you heard me right. He broke up with me on Valentine's Day. I mean c'mon, who does that?

I reach over to my bedside table and grip my phone. I press the home button and feel blinded from the brightness of my illuminated screen. I groan, and slowly get up.

After I shower, get dressed, eat my ego waffles, and mop around for a while, I receive a text from my good friend, C/n.

Yes, folks. C/n C/l/n. The boy whom helped me through the hard time known as a terrible breakup and turning it into another adventure, or as some people call it: experience.

-hey, wanna hang out?

I smile and quickly type back.

-sure, be there in five.

So, I got my lazy butt off my couch and head towards my Ford. 'Today might not be so bad...' I think to myself. 'Errr, don't jinx it!' I tell myself, again. I have a tendency of doing that.

I drive over to his house and walk up to his door, knocking three times. He answers the door, a wide smile on his face. "Hey Y/n!" He said, while letting me in. "Hey C/n, how's it going?" I asked. "Great."

He brought me inside, into his dining room. Although it didn't look like it usually did, it was much darker, only lit with candles.

I raised my eyebrow and sat down, as he sat across from me. "What's all this?" I asked him. He shrugs, scratching the back of his neck.

He placed a large plate of spaghetti onto the table, centred. "This is absolutely amazing!" I told him, as he took I bite out of the spaghetti.


We ate it all, and he brought me up a small hill to a nice area with fairy lights hanging on trees.

"Wow." I begin thinking about all the times we've had fun and how sweet and compassionate he was towards me.

And then it struck me.

I'm in love with him.

As he was wandering around, i stared at him, making sure to memorise his face and personality for memories.

"C/n," I began. He turned around as our eyes me. "I'm in love with you." I told him, running up and kissing him.

It was a heartbreak in the beginning, but ended up being the beginning of a new relationship.


ugh i'm so lazy why.

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