《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 34


It was incredibly quiet in the house. As Adrian said, he went out for the day which still annoyed me. I woke up and he was gone. He left a note to remind me and warning me to not go outside. Still sent shivers down my spine. For a moment, I did think about what would happen if I did go outside. Would he know when he came back? Probably and I needed to remind myself that his pets were upstairs and if they knew, he knew.

Already it was coming up to noon but luckily, I was obsessed with one of the many games he had. But when I had lunch, suddenly playing video games wasn't of interest anymore. I sat down in one spot next to the window. It was my spacing-out-scenic spot. It was there I was able to look over the valley. I felt annoyed that there was no balcony. I would have loved to feel the sun and the heat. I hoped Adrian would come back soon. Perhaps, if he came back before sundown, I could go out.

My eyes focused on the jungle. Looking for anything. Adrian or a native animal. I would see birds but nothing much. I did see a bunch of capuchins a few days ago but that was it. I often wonder if it's because of Adrian that not many animals come by here. They know that there was a dangerous predator here. Maybe that's why he needed the whole day to hunt.

After watching what seemed to be quite some time, I tried to do something else. I ended up watching a movie while lazing on the couch. But broadness began to set in and after one yawn, I slowly fell asleep.

The room soon became silent as the night. They would stay when it got noisy, but the quietness had brought them out. Appearing from their hiding place, all look towards the one bright object in the blue room. Her heartbeat was slow but steady just like when she was asleep under their master's control.


They've been watching her. From the moment their master had said so, they watched from the shadows. They knew to stay hidden for if she saw them, she would feel...uncomfortable like a little mouse. However, this moment had brought an opportunity to get close.

Four of them silently slithered out from their hidden place, making their way towards her. They paused whenever she made any movement. But continue the approach. Upon reaching her, they yearn for the heat that was beaming from her.

Carefully, they began to coil around her. From above her shoulders always down to her legs, being vigilant of their hold of her. Their instinct would be to squeeze her tightly, but they held back. Finally, they settled, relaxing their hold to allow the sleeping girl to breathe.

She slightly moved only to curl herself in their grasp. Parts of her body grew warm to their liking. Everything quickly became calm as they continue to watch over the girl.

But deep in the jungle far from where the girl slept, something else was happening.

The afternoon sun was starting to hit the top of the trees. Though the jungle was filled with all sorts of natural sounds, there was one that was out of place. That of a man singing out of tune. Though he didn't care, there was no one around to complain. He happily sang as his boat travelled along the river.

It was of his second day along the river with another day to go before reaching the next town. He would soon need to stop to sleep for the night. The man reached down to a bottle of alcohol which was half empty. His throat and tongue burn with delight at the taste, cheap as it was.

Savouring the wet lips before placing it back down. He suddenly swayed believing it to be the alcohol getting to him. Unknown to him, it wasn't the alcohol. When he was stabled, he began to look for a place to settle knowing that the drunken state will soon kick in and he would need to rest. There was a small island in the middle of a fork that split the rivers. It was mostly of sand and with a single large tree which would be used as each shelter should any rain come.


As he was heading there, he felt the boat sway a bit roughly that time. The man looked over on each side of the boat but there was nothing. The first thing that came to mind was caiman or even some river dolphins. But he wasn't worried. They won't bother him while he was in the boat. He soon turned off the engine before steadily as he could be, started to move things around, making a small makeshift bed to lay on for a while.

Suddenly, he ended up falling forward almost banging his head again the edge of the controls. Swearing to himself, wondering what the hell happened. The boat once again swayed but harder. The man blinked a few times realizing that something was attacking the boat. Gritting his teeth together, he managed to get up to look around once more.

But looking around, it was all still. There were no movement or any signs of an animal. Only when he started looking closer over did he notice something glowing in the water. Attentive to the strange glow, he got closer to the edge of the boat and leaned over.

The glowing object was not of one but two small. Whatever they were, he found it strange to see something bright that was submerged in the murky water. But the closer he got, the more they started to look like...eyes.

"What the...?"

Life flashed before his eyes as something lunged out of the water. A sharp pain immediately came to his shoulder but not before feeling himself being engulfed by water. As whatever it was, pulled the man in. The water was murky, but he was able to see something long and dark in the water.

The creature started to wrap around his body and squeeze. He felt his lung burn but wetness fell in his throat as he slowly drowned.

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