《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 33


The next few days were calmer than before. We started to do things together. Watching movies, playing board games. Things were going back to how they used to be. But we have our moments alone. Adrian would go upstairs to check on his pets, leaving me be to do what I want but limited to inside. I've gotten myself interested in reading some of the books Adrian had so that kept me busy.

However, my mind couldn't help but wonder what was happening outside. As in back home. By now, everyone would be aware of my disappearance. I never stated where I had left and even if they tracked me down to South America, I basically left a cold trail. The lodge was the last location and Adrian would have made sure that he didn't leave anything that leads here.

The weight of the book in my hands became heavy and dropped to my lap. I started to think about my parents. They must have known by now of my disappearance and were worried sick about their missing daughter. I wish I could contact them. Tell them that I was okay and not to worry about me.

"What is the matter, my love?"

"Gahh!!??" I exclaimed, jumping in my seat. Turning around to see Adrian looking over me. My heart was pounding in my chest. Why did he have to slither quietly? He apologized before taking a seat on the other end of the couch.

I took a deep breath, calming myself, noticing Adrian tilting his head a bit with a concerned look still printed on his face.

"Thinking about my parents." I slightly mumbled when the emotions came back. "I am worried about them. Could only imagine what they are going through." I gasped once more when Adrian's tail slipped in behind me, under my arms and over my stomach, then continued off the couch before stopping. The weight of it wasn't that heavy but it gave me some comfort.


"For your family and friends, I understand but I cannot pull them into this. The dangers and consequences are too risky." He sighed, "And your friend was lucky that I was able to send her back with no memories of what happened."

"I know but still..." I trailed off, knowing that there was no other way without getting them hurt. The tail moved again, curling around my back before coming down again but slipping under my knees. I quickly held onto them as the coils lifted me over to Adrian's lap. His arms pulled me in close to his chest.

His lips gently press against the corner of my forehead before I turned to centred them. His hand gently rubbed my back. All the worries and sadness I was just feeling were now gone. We were like that for quite some time before Adrian broke the silence.

"I will be going out tomorrow." He stated which made me blinked out the peaceful trance, "It may take all day."

I perked up and looked at him confused. Him? Going out? Where?

"Why?" I asked.

"Need to pick up supplies and hunt as well." He explained, "And no, you can't come along." Took the words right out of my mouth. I could only huff and turn my head away from him. I heard him chuckled at my childish action. Suddenly, I tensed and began to giggle when something small started the tickle around my jawline under my ear. Naturally, my shoulder began to squish up against my head to stop it but Adrian's snake-like tongue still managed to slip through and continued.

"Adrian! Stop it!" I continued to laugh as I was trapped in his grip. Squirming around wasn't really helping with my limited movement. However, that didn't stop me from grabbing a nearby cushion and shoving it right into his face. For a moment, I held victory, but the battle was not over when I let off another burst of laughter.


Adrian's tail trapped my legs together and with the tip of it started tickling my feet instead. His grin appeared behind the cushion as I once again started to wriggle out of it while laughing, trying to tell him to stop.

I fell back onto the couch, laughing so much, tears of joy started to fall. Finally, the tickling stopped, and I was able to breathe. I felt my cheeks ache from all the smiling and laughing as they were able to relax. Adrian crawled over me, smiling at me continuously as I started to calm down. But my smile never faded.

We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I was happy. Adrian has never forgotten how to bring happiness. That I was glad for. Not wanting to wait any longer, I hooked my arms around him and pulled him down into a kiss. There was a bust of passion and warmth as he kissed me back. He slipped his hands underneath me. One on my back and the other behind my head with his finger combing through my hair.

We held each other tightly as if some forces were going to pull us apart. My body began to burn hotter with each passing moment. And I wanted nothing more than to stay and enjoy it. If only it could last forever as our bodies shifted...only to suddenly fall off the couch.

I landed on top of Adrian when we both cried out in shock at the drop. We looked at each other in a moment of bewilderment before we burst out laughing.

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