《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 31


As agreed, Adrian took me to the large cave pool after lunch. It was larger than expected and went further into the mountain. The waterfall poured out from a gap in the wall, high up near the ceiling. Vines and creepers covered the stone walls up high while moss and other plants covered the bottom. They hovered near the entrance, where the sun shined in but dare not go any further.

A few stone islands have kept themselves above the water, providing somewhere to rest upon. But the cave went in deeper than that and so did the pool but the cave quickly turned quite narrow. I wasn't sure if I would be above to fit in unless I got closer.

The water was astonishing. Fresh and clean but almost a bluish-green colour. However, what stood out was that it was clear. As in transparent clear. I could see the bottom which was deep but not a lot.

I sat upon the rocks dripping wet in my bikini, watching Adrian skimming through the water. I was surprised at how fast he was. He swam under the water for a bit before heading towards me. Popping out before climbing up next to me. I blushed as my eyes couldn't help by dart to his muscular torso. Though I quickly looked away, bringing my attention to his long tail wrapping around the rock.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine." I answered, "Just resting." Part of it was true, the other not. I still felt anxious being around Adrian and a part of me missed home. Being torn by my emotions was something that wasn't being taken likely.

"You're tense." He said bluntly. Shit... "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." I quickly said, not wanting to answer the question. Immediately, I went to drive back into the water, but my face barely touched the surface as Adrian's tail coiled itself around my waist. Pulling me back to his side, forcing me to lean against his still wet chest, engulfing me with his arms.


My cheeks turned red again as I was consumed by the warmth. But unlike the other times, the hold was firm with no intentions of letting me go. I tried to push away but to no avail. His tail started to curl higher to my chest.

"Adrian, let me go please." I whimpered in response. He buried his head into my neck. His deep breathing. My body began to relax. I couldn't help but slowly give into it. For a moment, there was nothing except peace. The waterfall still flowed in the background and a soft breeze coming from the mouth of the cave.

Abruptly, Adrian turned his head towards the entrance when we both started to shiver a bit from a sudden cold breeze. I wanted to get back into the water, but his grip wouldn't let me.

"That storm is getting close than expected." He finally said, "We may need to head back soon." I only sigh heavily in response. I wasn't looking for to being trapped inside when I was just being able to get out.

As Adrian said, the thunderstorm did come. And it came like crazy. I spent most of the time watching the thunderstorm as Adrian was making dinner. The way lightning acted was way different but much more exciting than back at home. Though a few times, there would be a loud one that scared me.

Adrian however, seemed unphased by it though I guess he must be used to it. Though I saw him crack a smile or two when I got scared. It was a dinner and a show that night for both of us.

An hour or so after dinner I decided to go to bed. At least in the cave, the thunderstorm was muffled a bit. It wasn't long before the lights behind the voile went out, leaving the soft lanterns the only source of light. Without turning to see, I heard Adrian slither in.


"Sophia?" he called, "You never answer my question early. Back at the pool."

"And I said it was nothing," I responded. Adrian laid down next to me with my back facing him. He placed a hand on my shoulder gently.

"And when a woman says that it means that there is something wrong." He spoke. Oh boy, he's not going to drop it. "And whatever it is, has been bothering you and don't think I know about your lack of sleep."

My mind was rushing like crazy. I didn't want to talk about it. The first, that came to mind was getting away from Adrian. I got up and started walking away.

"I really don't...agh!" Suddenly, I was wrapped around with my arms pinned to my sides. I struggle against it as his tail pulled me back towards him.

"Let me go!" I cried, trying hard to pull my arms out but the tail coiled higher to my shoulders to prevent me from doing so. "Let me go! Let me go! Please!"

"Sophia, you need to calm down." He said, worriedly. "I can help you." I only shook violently. Everything was black when I closed my eyes tightly. Once again, the tail moved higher, this time to my neck. It wasn't like around my neck. More of acting as a hand, it held my chin to stop my head from shaking.

"Sophia, tell me what's wrong?" Adrian sounded desperate as I was. "Let me help you. It worries me that you are anxious about something. It won't go away if you don't say. You can be honest." I began to block out what he was saying as he offered comfort. Why won't he just drop it? I know I should but what's the point of saying the problem when it was inevitable. What can he do, to help me?

That question was answered when he decided to kiss me. It caught me completely off guard. To feel those warm lips on mine once again. It had been so long. I had almost forgotten how much I loved the feeling that it brought me and it made my heart fluttered.

But when my eyes open, they were met by Adrian's hypnotic spirals eyes. Being caught off guard, my will was quickly lost to me. For a moment I tried to reach out to whatever will power I could get but it was too late. It slipped from me.

My body when limp as it relaxed. The kiss quickly broke but he never broke eye contact. I fell deeply into the hypnosis. A boast of pleasure and comfort. The tail caressed my chin before it slowly released me. Only to fall into Adrian's arms.

"You've been stressed...about all of this...about me, haven't you?" his voice echoed in my head.

"Y-yes." I answered, "I am s-scared about...what you will do to me."

"And what will I do to you?" He asked as he began to stroke my head.

"That you'll...mate with me..." I began to explain, "...and then kill me. Nathan told me. But what scares me...that there is nothing I can do to stop it."

In response, Adrian sighed heavily and brought me close to him. I almost moaned to the warmth and security.

"Thank you...for explain that to me." He whisperedin my ears, "Now sleep. Sleep deeply. I will be here for you."

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