《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 23


My eyes struggle to open as they felt so heavy. I went to move my hands up to rubs my eyes but here's the thing. I couldn't move my hands or arms, I couldn't even get up. My body was tied up by a familiar smooth, scale texture. Snake's tail. Adrian. My eyes finally lighten up to open as my mind became eager to see what was going on around me.

Now, my mind is confused. I remember that I was in the park, you know, with trees and plants, but all I can see is rocks, stone walls. And it dark but there was a dim light coming from an opening. How the hell did I get up in a cave? Suddenly, there was movement behind me that my head spun quickly to see.

"Adrian?" I called out quietly. He is the only one around here who is a naga, isn't he?

"Not quite." A chuckle echoes against the walls of the cave. That voice, it wasn't Adrian's, but it sounds familiar. A shadowy figure crawls it's way behind me before getting close enough that I could see him. But I gasped when I saw the snake pupils surrounded by an ocean colored iris that glowed.

"Y-You!" I exclaimed.

"Me." He mocked in response as he puts some space between us.

"You are that guy from the park that night." I remembered, how can I forget a guy with blue hair. But I thought that Adrian had dealt with him.

"I forgot, I haven't introduced myself. That name is Nathen, Sophia." He said. So finally, I get the name of this stalker but he's a...

"You're a naga, too?"

"Yes, I am, and you are my prey." Immediately, thoughts came to mind. Now that I know he's a naga, that would be he is capable of what Adrian can do. Nathen moved closer to my face before his long fork tongue came out a started linking me along my jawline then my neck. Fuck, he's going to eat me or worse.


"Delicious." He said, "Perhaps I could taste you a bit more to your body's liking." Fuck. Before I knew, he was kissing hungrily at my neck, finding the exact spot that spike waves of pleasure throughout my body. But I was able to resist it. However, it was slowly giving it when a hand slid down to my womanhood and fingers started rubbing my entrance. God, fuck, this feels good. My body and mind started to relax.


My eyes widen shock as my head was suddenly turned to the side by a strong force, leaving me with a sharp pain on my cheek. I was about to say something, but Nathen covered my mouth with the tip of his tail. He then went back and started nibbling my neck while his fingers start working up again only deeper in. Bloody hell, this is great. But as my hips started to swing, I received another painfully smack on my cheek.

What the hell? Nathen once more was giving me pleasure but this time. I did want this. He's just going to keep giving me a cycle of pleasure then pain. Stop, stop it! I desperately tried to shake him off. Ignore the shockwaves of pleasure. Make it stop. For the first time in a while, tears started forming and falling down my face. Why is he doing this?

Finally, Nathen stops and moves back. I leaned my head over and began to cry. The sound I was making was muffled by his tail however it was then removed. Tears were dripping from my face as my cheek stings from the smacks. I sat there crying, helpless, unable to do anything. I was expecting another sexual attack but all I got from him was a huge sigh that sounded remorse.


He turns away for a moment before coming back to me. My head was still down, and I didn't know what to expect next from. My eyes slowly look up and in his hand was a small cylinder tin he was opening. He dipped in fingers in and light scoop some sort of cream.

"Look up." He said and I did but to avoid eye contact. Slowly and gently, he applies the cream onto the cheek he smacked twice. "This will reduce the pain and swelling." I hiss slightly as he continues to rub it in.

"Why?" I finally spoke, whispering but loud enough for him to hear, "Why are you doing this?" I don't understand what he is doing. First, he sexual aroused me then hits me twice and now he's giving me first aid.

"I'm helping you." He answered, "I'm sorry it was painful, but it was better than the other solution. I had to break the connection he placed in you." Connection? What connection and when he referred to 'he' does Nathen mean...?

"Adrian?" he nods. "What do you mean?"

"Have you not noticed? That every time you've been sexually aroused that you fall under hypnosis?" he questioned me. What? I was being hypnotized as soon something sexual touches me? I looked at him in confusion and shook my head. I haven't noticed.

"What the hell is going on? I don't understand."

"Do you remember that man who attacked you at the park? That as soon he began having sex with you, you became submissive to him? Allowing him to do as he pleases to the point when he was going fuck you?" The memories started flooding in suddenly.

I remember the man. I horribly remember him sexually assaulting him as he threatens my life. And what was worse, I remembered pleasurably enjoying myself and pushing him to fuck me because I wanted to be fucked. New sets of tears came running down my face.

"Oh my fucking god." I began to cry again. The coils around me loosen up, freeing my arms and allowing me to place my face into my hands and cried harder into it. I didn't notice that the coils were completely removed until a pair of strong arms were replaced, and I was leaning again a body of warmth as Nathen quietly shushes me.

"It's okay, let it all out. I'm sorry." He continues to say comforting words as he rubs my back, calming me down. Slowly, my body relaxes, before the crying stops and next thing I know, it was pitch black.

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