《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 22


The night was hot. Not sure which was causing the heat: this intense moment or the fact that it a hot night. Perhaps both. No matter, the fact that I am laying on my bed, stripped naked. The only thing that is covering me in some parts are the coils that are gently massaging me. My eyes are half closed with still the effects of Adrian's hypnosis that I've allowed. Though now the warm spirals are becoming more and more solid every time Adrian had hypnotize me that I could barely see without Adrian's voice to guide me, but I can still see him laying beside me close. Body to body.

Our make out turn intimate sex has become more and more pleasurable over the past weeks that it hard to go to sleep at night without doing it. It's addictive and yet our bond grows. I already feel my body wanting to get fucked the moment he wraps me seductively in his coils, especially when they go in between my legs and rub my womanhood. Though he hasn't fucked me yet. He always said that he wanted to wait until we were both ready. I don't know about him, but I am already ready. But he continues to indulge me in just pleasure.

Adrian leans in closer to my face and gently kisses my forehead.

"How are you feeling, my love?" he asks. My body response by snuggling against him before answering.

"Tired." It was true. My eyes are barely staying open with the effects of the hypnosis and the massage is pushing it further. He chuckles softly at my response before wrapping his arms around me as he laid down, allowing him to pull me onto his chest with his tail supporting the push.

My head rests above his heart. It's steady beat was comforting. My eyes close, only seeing pitch black. Listening to his heartbeat, his breathing. Warm, strong arms secure me as a fell asleep.

I woke up cold. Not cold cold but I should say the lack of body warmth. When I lifted my head to look at my surrounding, I was the only one in bed. Looking over at my clock: 8:39am. That put me into deep thought. Over the last few weeks, we'd normally get up or Adrian would get up around after 9 make breakfast. What on earth could he get up for?

I sat there in silence to listen for any sound. Nothing. Forcing myself out of bed, I did a sweep of both floors and Adrian was nowhere to be found. Where did he go? I head back to my bedroom when just in time my phone light up with a message.


"Sorry babe, work called me early this morning. Something serious had happened. Won't be back until late tonight. Promise to make up it to you."

I almost laughed. He seriously thinks that I am getting upset over him leaving me to go to work suddenly. I am not that type of girl.

"Baby, relax. No need to worry about me. It's not like we had anything important planned today. But if you really want to make it up. You better get ready to be a good kisser when you come back."


I let out a breathy laugh before putting my phone down. Well, looks like I have the day to myself. I thought for a while on what do to as I started out the normal morning routine. Work has been quiet, so I have time to do what I would like to do. I suppose shopping is the easiest thing to do, haven't done a good shop since Lizzy came around. With that, I got myself ready before heading out.

After a few hours of wandering around and buying clothes, I found myself standing in my living room. Usually, a few hours of shopping would have me crashing on my couch but instead, I'm still...restless. What else can I do? My body feels like it needs to release the energy that's inside me. Perhaps a jog? Actually, that's not a bad idea.

So I got myself ready with my charge iPhone for music and headed off. I wasn't sure where I was going but whatever my mind and body decided, I went with it. Finally, it led me to a park, one that I am familiar with. The park's layout blends in with a reserved forest at the far side from the road.

With two roads running beside it, each side has a playground and a picnic area. In the middle to the far back, there is a path route that takes people deep into the forest however safe to say that it's safe from wild animals as there is a fence line prevent anything dangerous from coming into the park and stupid people from going in and getting themselves killed.

With a running rhythmic song playing, my jog timed to the beat as I began on the path into the forest. The clearing around me became dense as tree increase with every second I go along the track. It wasn't long before I was out of sight from the public area.


After about 10 mins or so, I came to a halt huffing and puffing. I stood there in the middle of the track, slowly calming my heart down that was beating loud that I can hear it through the music. For a while I ended up being in deep thought, something was troubling my mind but couldn't think on where the trouble is. I've been like that all day. I wonder what's wrong with me? Mood swing?

Pressing pause on the music and taking my headphones out, I started thinking of anything suggestion of what my problem could be, I failed to realize until it was too late of a large hand grabbing me and pulling me down onto the ground hard. Heavyweight began to press on top of me as my eyes widen to see a middle age man above me. Before I could scream or even fight against him, a large knife was suddenly up against my neck.

"No scream or you die." He said in a rough voice. With that I kept my mouth shut as my mind was racing on what he is planning to do to me. "Well, unless you want to through my hand as I give you a good time."

He's going to fucking rape me. My eyes quickly darted around to see if there was anything, I could use against him but nothing. He chuckled lowly as his other hand begins to crawl under my singlet and slipping under my bra to grope one of my breasts.

I was getting shocks of pleasure as he rubs his fingers against it. My face began to heat up as he growls.

"So soft and smooth. A perfect thing to ruin." He said as he removes his hand from underneath only to then pull down my singlet and bra to reveal it to him. He quickly leans down and begins to lick and suck on it. With the knife still at my neck, all I could do was lay there as my mind was thinking of disgust. But my body...says otherwise.

This man's action has already begun to rile my body's desire as I could feel my womanhood getting wet and ready. The man continues to lick my breast but at the same time, using his body to open my legs and pressing his crotch against my pussy, sending more waves of pleasure.

I've got to stop this but how. I tried hard to think through the pleasure on how to get this man off and away from him, but all my mind could think about is the pleasure he was giving me. It was then it clicked in. This man is going to fuck me. He was going to give me what I have been desiring from Adrian. Perhaps...I can get what I want. Yes...that's it.

I want this. I began to moan and wrapping my legs around his waist to push my pussy against his crotch which was growing to my response. My hips began to roll slowly. The man looks up me, smiling.

"Are you enjoying this, my dear?" he asks.

"Yes." I moan. I lifted my hands up to my chest and pulled my top and bra down, fully flashing out my breasts to him. "Please."

"Well, since you are asking nicely." With that he removes the knife from my neck, grabbing both of my hands and placing them up high above my head as leans back down and once against begins sucking on my breasts.

Oh my god. I moan again and again. This is so good. This is what I need. Then he releases my hands and moves them down.

"Are you ready, my dear?" I nodded in response, now, I could barely see him for some reason, but I didn't care. I was ready.

Suddenly the weight on top of me disappears and it was getting lifted. My body grew cold and I could hear the man choking along with a loud hiss.

"You should know better than to prey on little girls but now I have a place just for you." A deep male voice spoke as the man's choking got loud before a large exhale of air and then nothing. I barely moved from my spot. My eyes were looking up, I think, but couldn't see anything happening above me.

It was then the warm colours that were blocking my vision were being bleed out by a spiral of a light ocean blue, making my mind sink as I could slightly see through them someone hovering over me. My sight went dark with one final word.


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