《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 21


As my mind slowly wakes up to view the bedroom dim lightly by the sunlight that creeps through the cracks of the curtains, I felt myself going up and down slowly and gently. Looking up, I let out a sigh of relief to see Adrian returned. Looking closely at his peaceful face, I took my time to admire his handsome features before noticing streaks of red lines here and there on his face.

Did he fight that man last night? They looked minor though but still, what was going on with that man and him it must have been serious. Deciding to get something to heal his wounds, I got up about halfway before realizing that half of my body his tied down by his tail. I groan in annoyance of not being able to get up.

"Babe, you alright?" I turned back as Adrian covers his mouth as his yawns, "Do you need to go to the bathroom or something?"

"I was going to look for something to help heal your wounds." I answered only to get a chuckled response.

"Wounds. What wounds?"

"On your face." My eyes squint to closely see where I spotted them only to my surprise. They were gone. Reaching out and touching his face to find a line anywhere. "What the...?"

"As a naga, my wound heals faster than humans." He said.

"Really?" Well, that's new but should have seen that coming. Been reading too many supernatural stories online and they all had that super-fast healing power.

"Yeah, gotta keep my sex face perfect for you." My face blushes at his flirt before I decided to stuff his face with a pillow.

"You jerk." I teased as we both played for a bit before it quickly went away, "What happened last night Adrian? Who was that man?" Adrian looks at me relaxed.


"Nobody you need to concern yourself with. A minor rivalry, who didn't like my idea of me moving somewhere else, away from my birthplace." Adrian explained, "He tried to get me back and I refused but he couldn't beat me."

"Why would he want you back to where you lived? Is it uncommon for a naga to leave their home?" I asked. Every time, he brings something up about naga doing this or not doing that, I learn more about him.

"Yeah, it is, only a few of us ever leave our territories and live among humans. Some take advantage of the situation, others well...they become concerned."

"So, in other words, they just don't want the whole world to know that nagas exist?" He nodded in response, "But you are only here for part of the year, is it really that bad?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He answered, "We've kept our secret for a long time to the point now that we don't exist to humans. But we've learned to blend in and have kept up with the technology, so we are as modern as any humans, sort of."

"So, do your kind have a society like humans?" I asked only this time he shook his head.

"No, we mostly keep to ourselves. As I've mentioned, we have territories and like large snakes, we tend to be quite... defensive when someone comes and tries to take some, to their own. But if it's family relatives than we are fine."

Family relatives? Thinking for a moment, I remember that before I found that he was a naga, he said that his parents died in a car accident. However, he never said anything about siblings. Perhaps now that I know who he is, maybe he can be a bit more truthfully. But before I could ask him, a noticeable and all too familiar growling sound came from our stomachs.


We both looked down at our stomach before looking back at each other and laughing it off a bit.

"All this talking has made us hungry." He stated.

"Hope I'm not on the menu." I teased him only for the world around me to spin ended up with me lying on the bed and Adrian on top of me, smiling at me hungrily. His hands grip both of my wrists, holding them up high over my head. And the coils around my legs tense lightly but firmly.

I felt my heartbeat rise. Was this excitement or fear of being trapped by a being that has the strength to kill me. He leans in closely, looking straight into my eyes however this time, I am able to stare back into his and there were no warm spirals that always lit his eyes.

For once, my mind can grasp the details on his snake-like eyes, a light shade of a dark gold with a lighter gold creating a border around the slit-shaped pupil. Dark black as they may be, I could see the reflection of myself as if I was looking at a mirror. A very small mirror.

Adrian's face soon disappears from my sight as he moves closer to my ear.

"You will always be on my menu." He whispers, and he starts sliding down to my neck. Naturally, I tilted my head back, baring my neck to him as he started kissing in different spots before one got me to moan. Finding my sweet spot, he started kissing hungering, nipping a few times. Electric-like shivers ran through my body while sending me pleasure at the same time.

It wasn't long before soon he moved up to my face. Gently, he cupped my cheek with his hand as his kiss my lips tenderly. With one hand finally free, I used it to hook it onto his back, pulling each other closer and then it was as if we had the same idea, when Adrian released his other hand, we both immediately cupped each other's heads. My hand slides through his thick black hair before finding a spot to lightly grip onto.

Our kiss began to grow. Passionately. Hungry. Lovingly.

Nothing can compare this moment that felt like an eternity.

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