《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 19


Done. Finally done. After sitting here all day completing this stupid work, I can finally rest. Leaning back on my chair, I stretch away from my computer before finally relaxing. After a morning with Adrian, he ended up having a call from the lab to come in and help them with something. It annoyed us both, even my friend Lizzy, called me to dump this load of work. But if I am to keep getting money, I need to work.

Looking outside, despite being summer, it has already started to get dark. Jesus, I should have stopped when I needed to. I looked at my phone and saw nothing but notification from apps and junk emails. No messages, not from Adrian at least. My heart sunk, he must still be busy. All well, it just for one night.

The laziness has gotten to me that I didn't bother to make dinner for tonight, instead, I decided to go out for dinner. A cheesy, fast-food place. I don't bother going to an expensive restaurant unless it was a very special occasion besides, I didn't need to spend money on a meal I can make at home for less.

Upon sitting down with my fast food meal, I took my time in observing my surroundings. It was quite busy for a weekday night. A family or two, mostly late-night workmen and women and the occasional dates or school kids. Finally, when my head was done scanning, I went and focused on my food. Unwrapping my burger and taking a bite into it.

I probably continued like this for a few minutes when my eyes caught something unusual. A man with short navy-blue hair. He was quite lean but had some strength to show in his body. A black hooded jumper, blue jean and sneakers. He walks past but I couldn't see his face as he walks up to the counter.


Though I've never seen him before, my sensors are going off, warning me; that man is dangerous. I continue to watch him while appearing that I'm not staring at him, fearing that he'll turn and notice me. He grabs his food and finds a table and sits down with his back facing me. There were no windows nearby that I could use to get a reflection of his face.

I tried to calm myself. I am surrounded by people. I am safe for now and my car is not far from here. Why am I getting worked up? It's just one unusual guy. I guess, it is natural for a woman to feel threatened by an unknown man who hasn't done anything but being there.

After a few minutes, I finished up eating my meal before getting up and heading out the door to my car. When I opened my car door, I took one more glance through the window of the fast food place, and quickly my eyes caught the blue haired guy and the hairs on my back stood up. Deep ocean eyes were staring back at me. For a moment of staring, I quickly look away, got into my car and drove off without looking at him. It was creepy that he was staring at me. Could it be just coincidence that he just happens to be staring at me or on purposely?

Whoever he was, I was just glad to get out of there. Driving through the night back to my house, my mind couldn't remove the image of those dark blue eyes. There was something about them that was different. I tried to come up with a satisfying answer about them. Coloured contact lenses. Yeah, that right. He was wearing blue coloured contact lenses. I've seen a few people having different colours eyes due to them. But only very occasionally. However, there is a little voice in my head that saying otherwise.


Finally, I stopped and got out of the car. My eyes were to the ground that I didn't notice until I looked up that I wasn't at my house. Instead, I was greeted with a large forest park. Even though it was dark, the moon was able to give me some sort of light source. But that wasn't the problem. It was the fact that: I don't recognize the park. I've been to most of the parks in the area near my house but this one, I've never been before.

Why am I here? I thought that I was heading home. I looked back to my car, hoping that I would just turn around and head home, but my body wasn't moving. There was an uncertain feeling inside me that is preventing me from getting into my car. But when I look back to the entrance way to the park, it was changed to an urge to go in. I took a deep breath and start walking along the path. I know that most people who think that I am stupid. A girl walking in the park at night when there could be anyone. But for some reason, my senses are not going off. I don't feel that I'm going to be threatened by anything.

I continued walking along the path until I reach a small clearing. There was a small playground with the usual slide, swings and something different which I have never seen before. Beside the playground was a single long wooden seat. I turned around my around to scan my surroundings but couldn't see anything. The feel to need to rest for a bit leads me to the seat. I sat down and then just stared. I listened to my surroundings, the occasional tree rustling or an owl howling but nothing out of the ordinary.

For a moment or so my eyes begin to droop on their own accord before finally closing them. I tried to fall asleep while sitting up, not moving my head. However, no matter how hard you try, your head will fall to one side. And that's just what my head did. Upon dropping to one side, my mind quickly responded and brought my head up again. This made me feel awake again. When I opened my eyes, instead of looking to the forest, it was a body, smothered in shadow. It took a moment to release that there is a person standing in front of me. Logically, my head looked up to see the face. What stood out shocked me.

Blue ocean eyes.

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