《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 18


I woke up much happier than I have ever been. I never thought that I would ever experience something like that in my life again. The last time I felt like this was with my ex-boyfriend. Crap, comparing him with Adrian, he was shit. We never did anything like that. Well, I tried to, but he always had excuses. Wanting to hang out with his friend, he had to go to work but all of those were lies. His fucking excuse was: he was seeing another woman. And only for one thing: money.

In the end, he got what he deserved. I had a chat to the woman and show evidence that he was in a relationship with me and together, we exposed him to all the girlfriends we have and then they pasted it to their friends, then their friends of friends and so on. Once words got him, he just left the states. Haven't heard from him and all his social media had been deactivated. I bet he has changed his name. But I hope he got what he deserved.

Wait? Why the fucking hell am I thinking about him? That's the past. I'm here now, lying in bed with...? Where's Adrian? He's not in bed with me much to my disappointment. He does it sometimes but only to be in the bathroom. However, the door to the bathroom was open. Don't tell me. Did he...did he leave me alone after a night of love? That bastard, I'm going to slap him in the face!

Getting up, I stomped my way in annoyance down to the kitchen to get breakfast. But when I entered, the room smelled of bacon. What the...? I looked over to the stove and found Adrian standing there back facing me. The sound of sizzling food immediately, realized that he was cooking. My mind was relieved that he didn't leave me entirely alone in the house. But still...


"Well, someone has decided to be an elephant this morning, are you alright?" he asked. An elephant? Did he just call me that? Well, I did stomp my way down however.... I walked up behind him and punch him slightly lightly in the back.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed before turning around to me, "What was that for?"

"That was for leaving me alone in bed this morning." I said, crossing my arms, looking at him irritated.

"Oh, baby." He cooed, "I wanted to make you breakfast this morning before you got up." He reached out and holds onto my arms.

"You could have waited." I stated, still not persuaded by his innocent tease. He smiles softly, then leans in and kisses me on the forehead. It sent a soft shiver down my body as my mind remembered what happened last night. It was enough to remove my irritation to him. How can I stay angry with him?

I relaxed my arms and wrap them around him as he pulls me in closer, allowing his lips to softly brush and to continuously kiss my forehead. I closed my eyes as I calmed. He then slowly moves down and reaches my lips and hungrily kissed each other with such passion. Slowly my desire for him to pleasure me like he did last night grew.

But also, something else. My hand reaches down and gentle strokes his crouch. Adrian slightly moans and pulls out of the kiss before looking at me with an interested look.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Trying to return for what you did to me last night." With my answer, he chuckled deeply sexy before pushing me against the wall. Body to body, my sexual nerves gives a sudden spike as our lower parts touch each other.


Trapped against the wall, I was at his mercy as he attacks my lips with his. Then he slithers down to my neck as I allowed it to be exposed to him. His hands rub against my body. I want more. I want him to play with me, whatever he likes. For a moment, I thought my mind was being heard as his hand slips down to my pussy and begins rubbing it. Sending waves of pleasure, I wish he could slip in if only my clothes weren't in the way.

My moans grew, and I tried to return the pleasure to him, but my mind and body start to shut down. Lost to my command. I could do nothing but stand there as Adrian plays with my body and my world changing to warm colours that were spinning.

My nose sniff when suddenly an awful smell hits it, snapping out of my trance and silencing my moans.

"What is that smell?" I asked, sniffing again before my brain points out what it was. "Is something burning?"

Adrian stops and snaps towards the stove, "Fuck, the bacon." He said, releasing me from his grip and rushes over to turn down the heat and check the bacon. It took a moment before my body regains control.

"Shit." He mumbled but I heard it, "Hope you don't mind your bacon to be a little bit burnt?" he sort of asks. Though he wasn't facing me, I could see that he was disappointed that, he failed to keep an eye on the breakfast he was going to make perfectly for me.

In compassion, I walked up to him and softly embrace him from behind.

"It's alright. No one is perfect." I said to him, soothing him with a light kiss on the cheek. "Let me set up the table, okay."

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