《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 15 (1K Read Checkpoint)


I probably stared at the glowing clock for about half an hour now. Adrian quiet breathing was still soft as he snuggles me from behind. We went to bed a few hours ago but I barely fell asleep. Still, have a few things on my mind. That man was still getting me nervous and every time there was a sudden sound, I become startled but quickly settled, knowing that all the doors and windows are locked but mostly to know that Adrian is with me.

"Sophia?" suddenly Adrian smooth voice spoke in the darkness, "Are you awake?

"Yeah." I answered dully.

"Can't sleep?" he asked but I only moaned in agreement, "Something on your mind? Or is it me being here?"

"No, no, it's not you, otherwise I wouldn't have slept last night." I said slowly sitting up with Adrian doing the same, "Just something on my mind, I don't know what, probably a few things." We went back into silences. I leaned over a bit on Adrian as he rubs my back trying to relax me, however, my mind refuses to shut down.

It was only when something large touches me from behind that I startled out of my thoughts. My hand natural went onto whatever was touching me only to immediately reject it when my mind knew that it was Adrian's tail.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that. I just naturally, coil around things to make them feel comfortable." He said. Man, now I really feel unsettled. I slopped over, landing my head on my knees.

"Sophia?" he called but sounded anxious, "Would...would you like me to help you sleep?" My mind quickly deciphers what he meant. He's offering to hypnotize me to sleep. "Only if you want to. I'm not going to force you on this one."


I ended up feeling strange. I've heard of people being hypnotized to help them persuade them to think or act differently but not completely. But Adrian, his power is not like a simple ticking clock being swayed in your face. He can make people go under his control. Do as he pleases. But now, he's offering to use it to help me. Should I accept it?

A growing desire to for the feeling of being hypnotized has convinced my answer.

"Yes." I answered quietly but just enough for him to hear. But when that answer came out of my mouth, uncertainty pours in. I started to become nervous, do I know what I am doing?

Slowly, Adrian started guiding me to lie back down on the bed, soon he was on top of me, hovering above. My heart beats faster than just seconds ago. My head turns to the side. There was still a part of me that wants to resist this idea.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to." He reminds me, still giving me a chance to pull out before he starts. "But you if you still...all you have to do is look." A battle in my mind whether or not I should do this.

Taking deep breaths, I turned my head a looked up to his eyes. Naturally, on cue, his eyes slowly change, starting from the middle of his golden eyes, the warm spirals swirls outwards until his eyes were filled with warm colours, yellow and orange, and a mix of a light red and brown.

Within seconds, my vision is filled with the spiral but it's slightly transparent, still allowing me to. Draining all the stress and unsettledness and pouring in relaxation and...submission.

"Relax, Sophia." There is was, that soft echoing voice I remember. Adrian caresses my cheek, removing any hair that was in my face. "Don't think of anything but my voice."


My mind easily gave up on everything as I allowed myself to his hypnosis and command. Strong and smooth, his tail starts slithering under my back before lightly coiling around my body. I wasn't afraid of them instead I let out quiet moans as I was massage gently. My eyes began to droop, struggling to stay open as they want to focus on his eyes.

"Close your eyes, Sophia." He softly hisses in my ears, "Close your eyes and sleep. Sleep deeply where your mind can be a peace. Don't worry about anything, do not fear anything. I am here. I will always be here for you. Trust me."

My eyes full close themselves and I entered my dreamland while still hearing the soft hiss that put me there.

My mind soon eased out of my pleasant dream but still in a half sleep state. I looked up to figure out what I was lying on that was slowly moving up and down with a steady beat. Adrian's face was at peace, no emotions just peace. He held me comfortable in his arms as I lay on his chest but that not the only thing holding me. His tail has wrapped around me...no us a few times, securing us together.

I relaxed once more, snuggling myself further on his chest but gently not to wake him. Though his tail lightly squeezes, embracing us. A pair of warm lips pressed against my forehead, kissing softly. A morning dose of love. This is nice.

"Morning, Adrian." I moan to him.

"Morning, little mouse." He called me. Little mouse, a new nickname given by the gentle predator. Adrian soon starts stroking my head down to my back as in turn I started rubbing his amazingly 6 pack abs before crawling up to his chest.

"Thank you for helping me last night." I said, remembering what happened. It was better than I hoped it would be. The hypnosis I had before was nothing compared to last night. Perhaps it was that this time, I wasn't afraid of what was going to happen. I placed my trust in him and he helped me. Adrian is not the monster I thought him to be. He is just doing what he feels is right.

"You're welcome, little mouse." He said, "Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, yes I did." I answered, "I've never felt more relaxed in my life." He chuckles in response. We soon find ourselves looking into each other's eyes. Entranced with each other, we pulled closer until our lips were sealed with passion and care.

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