《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 10


It only took a few seconds for my body to get the message: I'm fucked. I quickly turned to open the door but something large and smooth coiled around my waist, pinning my arms along with it. Fuck, fuck, fuck! He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me! My feet suddenly left the ground as I was lifted and turned to him as Adrian pulls me towards him. My fear went skyrocketing. I tried to get out, but he only tightens his grip. Tears started pouring from my eyes. I closed my eyes to avoid looking at him. The coiled constricted further and I let out a cry. However, it was barely loud as a hand of a monster was covering it. Though I couldn't see, I could feel his face was very close as he breathes on me.

The coils began to further wrap themselves around me as it got high and high to my shoulders. Then a sudden large squeeze forces me to open my eyes and stare into the monster's eyes. Glaring into mine with warmth and a sense of a soft pull. My eyes couldn't remove themselves, allowing a spiral of warm colours to fill my vision. I felt my mind fading, weakening as it welcomes this dominant power to take control. Among the vision of spirals, Adrian's voice could be heard.

"Silly mouse." Unlike before, his voice was soft and echoing in my head. As he spoke, he removed his hand from my mouth. "It's just me. There is nothing to be afraid of." He was right. Why am I afraid of him? I shouldn't be. But a part of my mind began fighting as it knew the reason and it was pushing against the control.

"But...you...you're..." I was silenced by a finger, pressing against my lips.


"Shhh, it's shouldn't worry you." He told me. But...but it is. My mind pushes harder against his power as I gain control of myself. A warm set of lips press themselves against mine. Shock by the sudden action my mind stopped fighting and fades once more. I moaned and kissed back as a little voice in my head tells me to do it.

I continued to stare into his eyes and he pulls away. I tried to move closer, but I couldn't move anymore. I could hear his laughter to my desire. "I know that you'll come around but first how about you take a nap." A nap sounds like a great idea. My body was almost dead as it relaxes further, and my eyes slowly closed on one last command.


I slip into darkness, occasionally moaning when I feel a strong relaxing massage. But after a while, the massage stopped, and I was left in the peaceful darkness as flashes of dreams come and go. But then, one came that slowly brought me back to reality. I found myself staring at the ceiling as my mind begins to remember what happened. I looked down at my body to discover the coils still wrapped around me. I tried my best to keep calm. Trust me, I was trying. My eyes began scanning the room.

I looked beside me, I saw that I was on one side of Adrian's bed but when I turned to look at the other, Adrian's face filled my view. I almost gasped loudly if I had opened my mouth. I quickly lowered my guard a bit when I noticed that he was sleeping. My mind was already starting to go crazy with thoughts of what will happen when he wakes up which increases my heartbeat, powered by fear.


I need to get out of here. First, I tried getting out my pulling, slowly pulling my arms out. Didn't work. Well, if I cannot pull, then how about push. I quickly looked at Adrian to see if he was deep asleep. Looks to be. I started tucking my hands under one of the layers wrapped around me and began to slowly slip through the coils, praying they wouldn't squeeze when I was under it. Successfully, I manage to slip out. Now, it was getting out of here.

Taking quiet steps, I headed to the door but frozen when a loud hiss right in from of me was heard. Looking down, my paranoia switched on and I stood there papalized. In front of me was a King Cobra, rearing up with its hood out ready to attack if I moved. Suddenly more hissing sounds were located all around me. Slowly turning my head, I spotted loads of snakes, ranging from different sized. Their attention was on me. At this point, my fear was at its peak. I was in my worst nightmare.

"Little mouse." It just got worse. Once again, the thick coils were wrapped around me and turned me around, facing him. Adrian groans as he stretches his long body. I darted my eyes away from his chest which was bare and showing his 6-pack abs, to prevent me from blushing.

"Seriously, must you wake up at this time at night?" he questioned me, but I didn't answer. I was more worried about the venomous snake still in it's threating mood. "Now, now, ease up my pets. There is no need to scare this little mouse here." Slowly the snakes all around us relaxed and some hid away from sight.

Slowly, the lights when to a dim brightness, allowing me to see the room more clearly than in the dark. I still avoid looking at Adrian. I didn't want what he did to me to happen again. But it didn't stop him from pulling me towards him once more.

"Guess, that cat bite was stronger than I thought." He stated. Cat bite? PomPom?

"How did you...know?" I asked quietly only for him to chuckle in response.

"I had eyes everywhere, Sophia." He hissed when there was a strong s sound. "Did you really think that I would let you get away after finding out about me? I had to make sure that my secret was being kept from others."

"Who are you?" I asked another in a shaken but strong tone, "What are you?"

"I am a naga, half man, half snake, little mouse." He answered.

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