《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 8


I soon collapse onto my couch as soon Lizzy left moments ago. What a tiring weekend. Due to the extra day, Lizzy manage to squeeze in more than I wanted. A whole weekend of shopping until my leg break. However, I was relief that she only asked her questions on the one day, but it was a bit of nightmare. It's not like I hate Lizzy for that. I thank her for being my friend. She brings in openness and a sense of adventure that I wouldn't go for. She wouldn't mind blurring her thoughts out. What she thinks and what she feels. Though sometimes she can be a bit pushy when she doesn't realize it. Then again, it's not her fault that I'm keeping some things to myself.

I started the close my eyes and think of things to do this week, as Lizzy and I have finished my final project before I go on leave for two weeks. Usually, I would go visit my parents, but they are still on their holiday trip. So, I need to think of something else. But what is there to do?

"Meow." What the...? I opened my eyes and look towards the window as another meow was called. It was PomPom. He was sitting on the window frame outside. What on earth? He calls again which made me get up and head outside. As soon I opened the door, PomPom was now in front of me, meowing and rubbing his body against my leg.

"Hey there, PomPom." Spoke in a cheery voice, "Are you feeling better now from your grumpy mood the other day?" He meowed in response. I crouched down, and PomPom continues to rub but against my knees. I reached out and started stroking him along his back as it responds to my hand. After a few strokes, my hand when and began stretching under his chin where he loves it. His purring becomes louder and louder. What a good kitty.


Suddenly, he snaps and before I knew it, there was a sharp pain and blood coming from my hand. He bit me. PomPom bit me. As I was about to call out and massive headache came and hit me in the head. Flashes of images flood my mind of that night.

I was walking up to the bin which was parked out on the strip, ready for the rubbish truck to come in the morning and put the rubbish bag in. As I did, a woman was walking up the footpath towards me. She looked kinda strange and familiar. Wait a second...that woman. It was the woman the police were asking. The one that went missing. But I didn't do anything that night. I just thought she was another person talking an evening stroll.

I headed back inside as the woman continue to walk by. There was something about her emotion that wasn't right. But I didn't look back at her. I just when inside and shut the door before deciding to turn off all the lights and head upstairs to my bedroom. I changed into my pyjamas before setting down in bed to read. After a moment I forgot that I left something in another room. Heading out to my bedroom, I walked by a small window which viewed over to Adrian's house.

My eyes were attracted to the light coming from the window on the other side. I looked over and say Adrian's bedroom. His curtains were open but who was inside shock me. It was the woman and she was...naked? What is she doing in Adrian's house and why is she naked? The woman just stood there in his room and wasn't moving. Soon, I saw Adrian naked as well appear though I couldn't see anything below his hips and was circling the woman. The thing that was put off was the way he moved. He moved smoothly. I continued to watch, and I ultimately regret it.


Adrian moved above her by lifting up but there were no legs. It was long, thick and black. But thanks to the lights, I was about to see the texture. It was scaly like a snake. My fear rises but I never looked away. It was a part of his body. I tried to believe that it was just some sort of costume or something, but it was proven false when a tail started coiling itself around the woman. It was the same thing that is part of Adrian. He was half snake! My fear was at its peak. What is he? Whatever he is, he is not human.

Quickly I ducked as soon I noticed him turning towards the window. I waited there, thinking whether I should leave or wait. I looked up to the window which still showed the lighting from his room. But it when dark. Did he turn off the lights? I slowly peak out to see that his curtains were closed but there was still light coming from that room. Suddenly they turned off. I quickly walked away from the window and back to my bedroom, into bed. I could barely fall asleep thinking of what I saw. He is not human. My next-door neighbour is half snake. How? Why? What is he doing here? I began to pity that poor woman. What the fuck is he doing with her?

I tried to think of something else to help me sleep which I did but keep waking up. My eyes open for the third time, glued to the clock, glowing the time. It was only a few hours after midnight. I groan in annoyance but was cut by a loud hiss. My heart skips a beat. Heavyweight started crawling on me. Quickly I looked up, gasping his horror to see Adrian above me with glowing eyes. Luminating a sense of warmth before I blinked to find myself looking at a concerned cat.

I blinked multiple times. Shocked at what I just saw. PomPom pulled me out of my trance, placing his paw onto my hand he had bitten and brought his face closer to mine while meowing that was filled with worry. I focused on PomPom.

"You knew," I began speaking to him, "You knew what he was and what he has done to me." Adrian somehow manages to make me forget what I saw that night. "And you knew how to help me." PomPom meowed in agreement and began purr while licking my wound. I felt relieved.

I stroke his head again, "I don't know what he would have done to me if you didn't help me remember." PomPom responded happily to my hand. Adrian knew that I saw his real form and he didn't want me to remember. I thanked PomPom as he quickly walked away and over the fence.

I headed inside and shut the door to then only collapse onto the ground. Tears of fear started pouring from my eyes. Crying, my mind came up with outcomes of what would have happened, if I didn't remember. I might have ended up just like that woman. I saw the way the tail coiled around her, it was exactly like a snake will do to kill its prey. Did he kill her? Did he...eat her? Oh god, Oh my fucking god.

He is a monster.

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