《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 7


As the weeks went by, Adrian and I began to hang out more. See a movie, take walks, going out to eat. I feel like I'm glowing as the days go by and I lay in bed thinking about those days. I feel whole again. There was an empty spot in me where my ex-boyfriend used to be but now it's being filled by Adrian. However, he still hasn't popped the question. Not that I want to rush this relationship, but my heart just feels impatient and I try to keep it balanced with my workload. I'll be glad to see Lizzy when she comes over tomorrow to help out with a project and to spend to girlfriend time!

The familiar doorbell tune made me halt from the progress of making the bed in the guest room for Lizzy. Is that Adrian? I wonder what brings him around? I headed downstairs to the door but noticed from the side windows of the door there were two men in uniform. The police? What are they doing here? I immediately opened the door. One of them moved in front of the other.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt your day." He greeted, "But we have some questions to ask if you don't mind."

"Of course, would you like to come in?" I asked politely, only for him to shake his head.

"No need to trouble yourself, we only have a few quick questions. They won't take long." The other police soon step forward with an open clipboard. On it was a picture of a woman with long brown hair and brown eyes, tanned skin with a thin jaw. She looks quite...off.

The other police took over, "We were wondering if you have seen this woman?" he asked. "She has been missing for a few weeks and a report came in stating that the last time this woman was seen was on this street a few weeks ago." He pointed to another photo which was taken from a photo of the woman walking past a street sign at the end of our street.


"I'm sorry, sirs. I haven't seen her." I told them with honesty, "But if I do find her, I will let you know."

"Yes, thank you for that but we must warn you, she is a dangerous woman and be advised to not approach her." He said seriously. That certainly sent a chill down my spine. I wonder what she did that made her dangerous. I avoid asking them that question.

"Thank you for the warning." I said before the first one tipped his hat.

"Good day to you, thank you for your time." They turned and left to go the next house. I stood outside for a bit wondering. I'm surprised that they've taken this long to go and ask. If she hasn't been here for weeks, certainly nobody would remember.

"They questioned you too?" My eyes direct themselves to Adrian leaning on the wood fence that separates our houses. I walked over to him.

"Yeah, guess, they are questioning everyone on this street." I said.

"Though why are they questioning now, after so many weeks?" he said annoyedly. That's the police for you, they are slow.

"By the way, are you free tomorrow?" he asked.

"No, my friend Lizzy is coming over for the weekend so I'm busy but next weekend will be good." He returned with a smile when suddenly something large and fluffy jumped next to us on the fence. I cried and stepped back only to be relieved to see what it was.

"Hey there, PomPom." I greeted the fluffy black and white cat as he made himself comfortable on the fence, meowing in response to my greeting.

"PomPom?" Adrian questioned as he stood a bit away from the fence.

"Mr and Mrs Lenon's cat from a few houses down." I answered, pointing down the street past my house, "He usually comes by every once in a while, to check out things." Adrian relaxes and reaches out his hand to PomPom. The green-eyed cat steadily sniffs his hand only to then rear up and hiss before launching a paw at Adrian. He quickly moves his hand away from the claws could even scratch it.


I stood there surprised, "That's odd. PomPom is usually friendly to everyone, even new people." I stated.

"Perhaps, it's the snakes, he could smell." Adrian added, "I was holding them not too long again." That would explain it. Cats hate snakes. I reached out to pet PomPom, but when he sniffed my hand, he too attacked me. I backed off before the cat left.

"He must be in a grumpy mood." Adrian stated. "Cats are unpredictable at times." Though I still found it hard to believe that PomPom would attack us. If he was angry then why did he approach us? Cats are strange creatures at times.

"Are you alright?" Adrian asked, gently grabbing my hand and checking it for any scratches PomPom may have made.

"No, he missed." I answered however my mind became to focus on Adrian's hand running over mine. It was soft and yet firm but together they felt nice. It made me feel relaxed. But it was soon parted when a car pulled up into my driveway. I know that car.

"Lizzy?" I spoke out, pulling my hand away from Adrian's grasp though I didn't want to, "What is she doing here?"

"Wasn't she meant to come tomorrow?" Adrian reminded me, and I nodded. I walked up to her car as Lizzy got out with a big smile. She opened her arms out.

"Surprise, girlfriend!" she exclaimed while giving me a big hug. "I got off work early, so I decided to come and surprise you."

"Would have been nice if you've given me a call." I annoyedly said. I preferred people to let me know if they were coming early than expected. I still have an unfinished guest bed to make.

She pulls away, placing her hands on her hips, "Then it wouldn't be a surprise. Lighten up will ya." Lizzy then lean to the side to see behind me. Oh no. I would have said as she gives me a devilish smile.

"Care to introduce me to your man?" I turned to Adrian. He just smiles and waved casually. Oh god, do I have to do all the introduction these days?

"He is my neighbour, Adrian." I said neighbour strongly to signal to Lizzy that's the relationship we are at. If she found out that he and I have been hanging out. She'll flip. When I mean by that is a whole new bunch of questions. And can already see her carry a truckload behind her with more adding with every moment.

"Adrian, this is my friend, Lizzy." I introduce back. Adrian was about to open his mouth but was quickly shut but a loud tone coming from him. He pulled out his phone and looked at it only to sigh in disappointment.

"Sorry, I have to make an important phone call. Perhaps I'll chat to you later, okay?" he said but then winks at me. I did a half smile as I knew what it meant, and he disappeared into his house. Leaving me with Lizzy. I turned to her knowing her question bubble is about to burst into my face. Quickly, I placed my hand up to her face.

"Not here." I spoke in a low voice and gestured my head to the door, "Inside." Suddenly she grabbed my hand that was in her face and was pulled into my own home and into the main room.

"So, tell me everything." Oh god, please help me.

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