《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 3


I spent all afternoon on my client's design while hating myself for not completing it this morning but then being grateful at the same time. For if I had stayed to complete the work, I won't have met Adrian. It wasn't long before my phone rang. Quickly, I connected my earphones to my phone, so I could speak and listen without holding it and do my work.

"Hey, girl, what's going on?" the recognizable voice of my friend Lizzy.

"Hey, just in the middle of completing that client's design you assigned me to." I answered.

"Still? I thought you would have done it this morning? Did you get my text message?" She asks. Yeah, she knows about my life schedule habits. How else was I supposed to prevent her from sending me a load of work?

"Yeah about that...I've got a new neighbour." Might as well not hide it, I rarely make excuse and when she comes over she's going to notices. Let just say she's very observant. "He had an accident, so I went over to help him."

"A new neighbour?" Here it comes, the truckload of investigating questions now I have mentioned the gender, "What's he like? Is he single? Is he hot? Does he...?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there. Don't rush." I interrupted her, "Yes, he is hot. Quite god-like sexy in my opinion."

"Ohh, I've got to see him to believe that." I could just imagine her drooling.

"Jack better not be there with you." I mention her boyfriend's name to remind her what she already has one. Man, to think that she has a boyfriend that she wouldn't be offering herself to other men.

"Naw, he's out watching the game with friends." Obviously, I often wonder if her boyfriend ever listens to her conversation when he is not around. You know, put a bug in her phone and just listen. "But still, tell me, what is he like?"


"Well, he's very kind." I cannot believe I started out so basic, "But he's very thoughtful of others. Not a selfish bastard like most men are these days." Lizzy giggles.

"Oh, really. So there aren't any flaws with him you've spotted?"

"One." I stated, "He has snakes." There was a moment of silence. The one thing we have in common. We dislike snakes. Well, I fear them, she just hates them.

"Exactly how many snakes are we talking about?" clearly, she's upset by the tone in her voice.

"A lot. He's a biologist, so he studies them while at the same time keeps them as pets." I explained but it doesn't matter, whatever I say about him now, won't change her mind. At least she won't be drooling at him anymore.

"I cannot believe this!" she exclaims, "Why must he have snakes? Why? And you? How could you still be okay with this guy?"

"Like I said, he's thoughtful." I repeated, "He told me that if I ever come around, he promises to keep them in their tanks."

"How would he know that you would go over to his place? Come on, seriously girl. How can he...?"

"I got his phone number." I blurted out. I felt myself smile at the silence. I could almost say, 'beat that'.

"WHAT??" she yelled, "You just met the guy and already you got his phone number?" Here we go, jumping to conclusions. She's probably thinking that he and I are rushing our relationship. Please, I don't go that fast and she knows it.

"Lizzy, come on. He probably just wants someone in the neighbourhood he could call on if he needed any help and it just happen to me. He's friendly next-door neighbour." It took about a minute or so before it got in her head. Though for some reason, I have a regret for calling myself just a next-door neighbour. Oh, snap out of it girl. It may be that he has taken an interest in me but not that much. We are in a friendly relationship, nothing more.


"But still," she continues, "just be wary of him. You may not know him full enough to trust him. What secrets could he be hiding? Did he tell you about his background story? Was he creative to make you believe?"

"Lizzy, now you are just being ridiculous." I rolled my eyes, "You know me. You know, I'm always aware of new people. Yes, I have that thought in my mind about my neighbour being the possible bad guy. But hey, he only just arrived."

"And not everyone is the big bad wolf." She completed my next sentence which annoys me sometimes. It's true, I do say that even ever there is a new neighbour in the area. But the street I live in is one of the now uncommon places where neighbours would actually get together and socialize. So, basically, we know each other as much as we can easily know that we are not enemies. Of course, there was that shitty man, but he was an idiot. People like him don't fit well in with society.

Voices could be heard in the background through the phone which Lizzy replies to before coming back to me. "Sorry girl, something has just come up."

"That's alright, I need to get back to work so I could send you the final product tonight." We both then said our goodbyes before hanging up. I sat there in my study thinking through that conversation. Remembering all the key points.

Just be wary of him.

Indeed. Thinking back about my actions when I first saw Adrian, I remember I was a bit naïve. I was caught off guard by his appearance that I allowed myself to forget it. He's very mysterious which makes him more interesting than ever! Though I wonder why hasn't he have a girlfriend? Or he has but not anymore. I mean, seriously, it's not like he can just wander the world with a handsome appearance and a friendly attitude that he would be attracted a woman that he would have liked.

Perhaps, it's his pet snakes that scare them away. He does seem to be the type of guy that would choose his pets over the girl if she didn't like them. But then what if the girl did like them, then what?

Ugh, why am I trying to think that I have a chance of me becoming his girlfriend? I should really just focus on aiming for the friend relationship. Maybe then I'll see if I have a chance. While thinking about it, I remembered that I had his phone number. I should probably text him, saying that it's me so he at least has my number. I just hope we can be on good terms.

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