《My Next Door Neighbour Hisses》Chapter 1


Today's the day. I looked out my bedroom window on a normal Sunday morning. Well, not quite normal. Out on the street, were two trucks, one parked in front of my house and the other in front of the house next door. I'm getting a new neighbour.

I'm really pleased with the outcome. The previous neighbour was a total shit. That's right you heard me, shit. To everyone that he had to leave. I think he got involved with some sort of drug selling or something, whatever it was it caused the police to get involved and with the behaviour, he was pulling, we all agreed to report to the council that he must leave the area as he wasn't safe. So, the house stood there empty with the usual sales sign up the front but a fter winter, the sales sign was stamped with a red sticker with the word SOLD in capital letters. Someone had brought the house and I was really excited about it

The neighbourhood I live in is about a few years old. Quite far from the city but just right for those who are happy to live far from the noise. All my other neighbours are either of family, university students, home workers or retirement. All are friendly and know each other well. So, it's always nice to get someone new into our community. Especially in a fresh place somewhere new and unique to other places. I moved here about two years ago when I wanted to live independently from my parent.

I continue to watch as men started taking boxes and furniture from the trucks into the house. So far, I couldn't see the new owner of the place. Pulling away from my watch was the message tone from my laptop. My friend, Lizzy from college was just buzzing me about my new workload. I work as a graphic designer for HL Designs. We help other companies with their designs, mostly for communication purposes. Advertisements, products, guides etc. Their HQ is all the way in the city, however. But there is just a handful of us that decided to work away from the city and do it at home, like me.


My friend and I were immediately hired after a project during college. So, working at 25, was not so bad. Consider lucky for most people to have already been hired for your dream job. And I prefer the quiet life in the neighbourhood. Hardly anyone to distract and I can work in a comfortable environment. And that's the way I like it. I once again find myself looking out the window when I started hearing a conversation. Down in front of the house next door, there was a young man talking to one of the movers. I couldn't see much of him. He was wearing a big thick coat and a cap was covering his face. Is that the new neighbour? Just a single person? I wasn't really surprised but still, I thought a family would have moved into this place, then again, it's like spinning a wheel of chance. It just spins and whatever it lands on you get it. Though with some chances being smaller than others. And a single person would have the smallest section of the wheel.

Perhaps I should pay him a visit once he settles down. I'm not one to just barge in when someone has just arrived. I give them time to relax before I introduce myself to them. Though sometimes it will be them that invites the neighbours. But then again, I don't know what type of person he is. He hasn't pointed out any particular characteristics I'll just have to wait and see what happens. Perhaps I should think about making or getting something for him as a welcome gift but what does he like anyway? Holy crap! I forgot about food shopping!

Immediately, I grabbed my stuff before rushing out the door. I really hate it when I forget things. It becomes one of the most annoying things in your life. With food shopping, you tend to shop when you run out of food. But for me, I always do it once a week to ensure I have a full stock. So, schedules I have planned out. I know because it has happened a couple of times. and no signs of the new owner. I quickly snapped out of my glance and got into my car and drove off. I've got all the time in the world to see him, there is no need to continuously watch him like a stalker.


"Hello dear!" she greets with happiness. She and my dad are on the other side of the country. Travelling around that part since now it's just themselves. I don't mind what they do. They spent the last 20 years raising me as part of the family that it's time for them to spend the rest of their life together without worrying about me being at home. Though they do call occasionally, to check up on me.

"Hey, mum. How's the travelling?" I asked, ready to listen to their story.

"That sound really nice, mum." I said, "You are on an adventure."

She laughs in response, "Not that adventurous but yes, we are living our lives now. But enough about me, what about you? Any news, Sophia?"

"Well...I've got some good results from my project. Very pleasing clients." I said, "And also, I've got a new neighbour."

"Has that man finally left?" her tone lowered. She knew about that asshole when I last spoke to her and was really worried about my safety. "Well, that's some good news but depends on your new neighbour. Have you greeted?"

"No, mum. He's just arrived." I said, "I will meet him when he has settled."

"Another man?" she questioned, "God, I hope he is not like that other man."

"I don't think he is. I saw him, and he appears to be quite mysterious." I replied, remembering the man I saw, "However, it could be that he just wants to be left alone which is fine by me."

"Though still, it will be nice to have a friendly neighbour." There she goes again. I always remembered my mum telling me that I should connect with people more. Though I have, she seems to forget. I've basically connected to everyone in the street. I know everyone, from families to elders and I know the ones who prefer to be left alone or don't have time.

When she finally stops talking about my need to connect, I decided to end the call as my bags of food are still on the counter. It was still nice to talk to her, but I wish she would let dad have a chat. If I asked, she would just say he's busy or in this case, he's still out fishing and would rather not get the phone wet. Now, let's see where did I put the box of chocolates. 

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