《Iris: Child of prophecy》Chapter six


"Kill her."

"WHAT!" I screamed and thrashed against his back, scratching and biting, but nothing worked. I watched as they carried Aria to the fire.

Oh shit.

He wasn't listening. Oh goddess please, she is the only good thing I have in my life, please. Then it came to me.

I grabbed his ass and I could feel him tense, probably from surprise at my boldness, but I didn't have the chance to even check. I used the opportunity of his loosened hold to struggle out, and I ran to Aria.

He grabbed me before I made any real progress.

I could hear her scream. It was heart-wrenching, and hot helpless tears streamed down my face when I realized the precarious situation I was in.

"Please," I cried. "Don't do this. She is all I have, my only family."

"Well, now you have me and the rest of your pack, mate," he emphasized the last word.

"I would die without her, please." Now I was sure snot was running down my nose, again why am I thinking such thoughts right at this moment? Who cares if I look like a mess?

He walked away, dragging me with him. I struggled and cried. He didn't budge. On my gosh, the moon goddess is such a bitch. I'm mated to a demon!

I watched as they beat her and clawed into her. She was going to die! It was as if I could feel her slip away with each blow administered. Then she smiled at me as a single tear slipped out of her eye. I was heartbroken. I looked up at the Alpha. I felt such hate. I would die before I let myself be with someone like that.

Then he stopped walking. "Stop! Take her to the doctors then lock her in a cage." Looking down at me, his head tilted to the side.

"Are you satisfied?" This son of a bitch.

"You bastard! You almost killed her!"

"Yeah, but she isn't dead, is she?" He shrugged.

"Son of a bitch! You are worthless and heartless, and you are the worst thing this world has seen. I pity everybody who ever knew you or was close to you! I don't know, but I am sure you are the reason for any form of tragedy they might have somehow faced. I pity your mother that she had to put up with a demon baby like you. You're disgusting and I will never accept you as my mate or Alpha." I spat at the ground in front of me.


My breaths came out in puffs, and for that moment he said nothing. Nobody said a word. The silence that fell hard upon us should have been impossible, yet it was. Then the moment passed.

He slapped me, hard, and I fell to the ground.

"The next time you say anything disrespectful, you're dead! And what the hell do you know about my mother? Don't think I wouldn't do it."

"Geez," I laughed, meeting his intense glare with one of mine. "That will be the happiest day of my life!"

He slapped me again. My head hit a sharp rock. The blow was lethal and blood trickled down my face as he raised it.

"Do I look like I am joking?"

I started laughing again. His face twisted in confusion, then it turned to anger, and his blue eyes blazed with fury.

"I love to see you try," I taunted, wiping the blood off my head to show him that there was no wound anymore. His eyes widened in shock for just a moment before he grabbed me and started walking again. I knew it was fruitless struggling, but I did it, anyway.


I didn't. He just kept walking, not saying anything. I cried because I just realized I had gone from frying pan to fire. Cursed, alone, and now mated to the most heartless man on the earth. Thanks a lot, Moon goddess, you're such a treasure.


I opened my and tears fell out. I could not believe this was now my life, this arrogant son of a bitch! My mind did not even allow me a moment of sleep-induced amnesia the few seconds after I woke up.

Last night's events rang in my head and I couldn't stop the sob that came out of my mouth.

I sat up on the bed and cried. I felt so helpless and pathetic that I did this helpless and pathetic thing.

"Wow, early this morning?" I looked up and saw him holding a plate of food.

"I'm not going to eat that."

"Why not? You must be hungry after last night," he huffed.

I tried to make out his features as he stood in the shadows. As much as I tried to not think about last night, I could not remember his face. The only image that kept appearing in my memory was only the big, black, blue-eyed wolf.


"I can't see you."

"That's why you don't want to eat?" I could see his head tilt to the side. His silhouette as intimidating as it was hot.

"No, but I don't know what you look like and I want to." I rolled my eyes.

He stepped into the light, and my breath hitched.

I knew he wasn't wearing a shirt, yet I still felt hot and bothered when I actually saw him. His pants hung low on his waist.

His skin was tan and shiny. I'll kill for a color like that. Almost olive looking and his dark hair fell into his eyes roughly. His face had this softness to it if you looked closely, but his light stubble covered it up pretty easily. He was gorgeous, rough, and large. He was a big man. You could see the muscles ripping and the veins scattered all over his body. His abs became more defined with each exhale of air, but what captivated me were his eyes. It had this focus in them. The way he looked at me, it was like he could see into my soul. It was scary; I felt so vulnerable.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm dripping fire, I know please eat." I saw his mouth tilt up in a very conniving smirk.

Look at that, he has a sense of humor.

I blinked once, then I blinked again. I cleared my throat and looked away.

"Eat," he placed the tray on the bed in front of me

I folded my hands and pouted. "No" his eyes sparked. I wasn't sure if it was anger or amusement.

"I'm sorry."

Well, well look at this, an apology. I was shocked. I didn't expect it so soon, but I guess he wasn't that tough.

I looked at him. "you can't expect me to forgive you so easily last night after you tried to kill my best friend, and you hurt me."

He looked surprised, then confused, and out of now where he started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You think I was apologizing for last night?"

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry that I made you feel like you had a choice to eat,". He stressed the last word and my eyes widened with shock.

"It's an order, Missy"

My mouth flew open. "Missy?" He got up and walked to the door. "Who the hell do you think you are, you big, ugly man!?"

He chuckled. Again.

"That's really all you got? You seemed to have a lot to say yesterday, or did I actually beat some sense into you?"

My fist balled up, and I threw the apple on the tray at his face as he dodged it.

"Didn't your mother train you not to throw your food?"

"Didn't your mother train you not to hit women?" I sassed back, mimicking him.

His eyes narrowed. "Nothing you didn't deserve," he muttered.

"Of course, women deserve to be beaten because they don't obey men isn't that, right you big blub of chauvinistic stupidity."

"I said it was nothing you didn't deserve," he growled and turned around, but I was waiting for him. Spaghetti hit him square in the face.

It was my turn to laugh.

But he didn't catch the joke. Before I could blink, he grabbed my arm and slammed me against the hedge board behind me, hard.

My body trembled from the pain and I could feel tingles, like static, when his hand touched me.

He looked square and straight into my eyes, and I looked straight back at him.

"You'd be dead if you weren't my mate," he spat.

I rolled my eyes. "Oooh like that is worse than being mated to you."

His grip tightened, and I struggled to push him back, but he was rock solid in front of me.

"I assumed that attitude was just from yesterday, but now I see that you really are a disrespectful smut!"

"How dare you," I gasped dramatically. "Calling your mate smut? And I'm the disrespectful one?"

He got up and let go. I rubbed my arm vigorously to prevent a bruise.

I looked up at him. He still had sauce on his face.

"You don't want to eat? Well, then you can starve." He walked away and slammed the door.

Well, time to see if I can die of hunger.

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