《Iris: Child of prophecy》Chapter five


Pain, unbearable fucking pain. It felt like my innards were being squeezed and pulled out from inside me. One thing I realized was that there were so many ways to describe joy, a bounty of words in the vocabulary used to describe emotions like sadness and, most especially, love. But how come for pain it was always limited to words like excruciating and... and, I can't even think of any other word. How do I describe how unbearable this is for me? Tears, sweat, and blood were an understatement for how I felt, but that was the only way my body could react, an underwhelming representation of how devastating my despair was.

We've been at it for almost thirty minutes. The pack members were getting more excited and angry. I know, I know getting back up is very annoying but the last time I tried to feign death I had to get up quickly, and not only because they were about to throw me in the fire but because they focused their attention on Aria and while I was pretty much immortal she wasn't.

Everyone was yelling, giving him ideas about what to do. It was so loud and I was so tired I wished I could die. While I could stay there and do it all day, it was just too much pain. "Why don't you just throw me in the fire?" I groaned, spitting out blood. They say the eyes are a window to the soul, well my soul was filled with nothing but darkness. There was no organ to allow light or anything at all to filter in, which was no surprise after his sharp claws dug into my orbit in an attempt to reach my brains. I should be dead, I know, but since I could not die, what he left in the place was the mangled, destroyed remains of my eyeballs. The moisture I felt was probably from the dangling orb hanging against my cheek. Mixed in with the almost black blood pouring out and coating my face in a matted mask. It was too much pain. I stuck my finger in after him, pulling out the damaged eyes with my long claws so that new ones could grow in their place. My action made him angrier and, for the first time in my life, made me actually want to die.

"What! no!" Aria screamed, "she doesn't mean that please."

Oh dear, I wish I didn't.

"Great idea," he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder as he carried me over to the fire, ready to throw me in. This could be either very painful or a bit of pain and final rest. I have suffered in my life. I guess this is a pretty valiant end for me. At least I can say I was privileged enough to meet a talking wolf (not) and I'm dying by a valiant wolf. You know the feeling when you lose a competition, but you don't feel bad because it wasn't even a competition. Saving my best friend, although she was probably coming to the other side right behind me, I'd like to think I was doing well.


I closed my eyes after staring at Aria. It was too much for me to maintain her broken gaze. We both gave up. This was it. "I love you," she mouthed, and I smiled as best I could, considering the deep wounds I sustained from the wolf's claws across my face. I felt so many emotions at the moment, but I didn't expect that butterflies and nervousness would be one of them, and since when did the fire smell like the forest immediately after rain? Fresh. And that song, as fierce and as scary as the oceans during a dreadful storm. The fire didn't smell like that. It sure as hell didn't sound like it.

"DROP HER AND YOU'RE NEXT," the heavy growl had my body trembling, and it was not from fear. I landed on my feet but still held on for support cause at this point I had lost all my pride. Yeah, that was bad.

I landed on the floor as I turned to see the loud commotion behind me. A massive and when I say massive absolutely ginormous (not a word but you get my point) wolf was fighting, sorry beating the not so big bad wolf anymore Blondie from earlier.

"Alpha?" the calm chilling voice didn't sound so calm anymore. It was a bit terrifying, and also embarrassing that what I felt so terrified of was now shaking in... Well in his paws.

"YOU'RE DEAD!" That rumble... oof! It was bloody, it was gruesome and it was beyond terrifying. This wolf was almost twice the size of my blood torturer. The blond wolf stood at least eight feet. This one couldn't be more than nine, but it was so wide, sinewy muscles covered by the most beautiful black fur I had ever seen wrapped around its freakishly wide frame. I cannot say I was ever happier. It satisfied my whole being with what was going on. My wolf especially. Good riddance.

I ran to Aria and tried to loosen her binds. After I had torn of the hands helping her tug, the legs, a little girl came and started shaking me. "Please, save my papa, please!"

What now?


Her little face was red and blotchy and she kept hiccuping and choking on her words as she cried, "My papa, please save my papa!"

"Who is your father?" I asked.

"Klaus, the Beta Klaus," she said, pointing in a direction I was not exactly comfortable looking at.

"The wolf, under the Alpha," she explained, seeing my confusion.

"Oh, hell no! That son of a bitch almost killed me." I shook my head.

"Please," she begged. "My papa!"

My heart went out to her. It really did but I just couldn't will myself to do it and by myself, I mean my wolf that was overwhelming right now. It was going crazy and I wasn't even sure why.


"Scarlett!" We both turned to the woman, heavily pregnant, if I might add, shouting in the crowd.

"Please, baby, come back!"

So that's the wife? Ooh, conscience, I hate you; I hate you! I am not a good person! I am not- oh who I'm kidding? That kid deserved to meet his father, even if he was a gigantic jerk.

Then I looked at the wolf, as it looked crazed. It almost looked demonic.

Oh hell no, my mind screamed, but the idea of going closer, my heart and wolf both loved. When did this bitch change her mind?

"Do you want me to die too? No way I'm going towards that thing," I argued with myself.

"Why not? He is your mate," a sudden realization filled me as if I actually felt her words.


I tried to resist, I really did, but it was like he was a siren and I, a hopeless sailor. My legs moved on their own. I was basically screaming in my head, running away in the other direction yet my body which was so sensitive headed straight towards the minor earthquake caused by that giant wolf. I did not want this yet. I felt at ease. You have got to be kidding me.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt, but can you please stop?" No answer.

I screamed at him to stop. It didn't help. The bigger wolf didn't even stop or pay me any attention. When I tried to fight, he flicked me off like a mosquito, as easily and embarrassingly. Then I realized if this really was my mate, I will be his priority. Gosh really thought I would avoid this fire tonight. Well, I already felt like a fucking martyr this night. Why not follow through? I ran to the fire and put my hand in.

"AH!" a shrill scream escaped my lips, and I met his gaze when they settled on mine. Time slowed for a second. No, it stopped. It was just us at that moment and there was no denying what I was feeling, what transpired between us at that moment. But that moment was not independent. Eventually, the time caught up with it as it does with the rest of the world, and I felt the burn. "Ugh!" I groaning. Tears already threatening to fall.

Okay, so I am not immune to fire. I knew that just didn't expect it to hurt so fucking much. He ran over to me, shaking the ground beneath my feet. And I mean that in both literal and metaphorical terms.

"Mine," the wolf whispered, but it was a word I heard in my head, not with my ears. As he approached me, his steps softened and when he leaned down towards me, I stood frozen. It was beyond overwhelming standing so close to him it was too much. His scent made me dizzy. The song sent me to heaven, and those eyes, big and blue. So blue it made me weak. I could feel the electricity. It sent shivers all over my body, and it almost hurt. Then it got darker as he got smaller until it looked like the ocean during a storm, almost grey but still blue. His snot grew smaller until it melted into his face, defined jaw, and prominent nose.

He was naked. I could not bring myself to look down. He wouldn't let me. His eyes held mine, and I felt like I was drowning. Until I snapped out of it. Nope, no way any of this shit is happening. Iris doesn't do any mates, yeah I said it. And although this has brought me to heaven, I cannot allow it. It's no secret how possessive Alphas are, and this? This is not mere Alpha. He was bigger than three horses put together. He is a super Alpha, nope. My neck was tilted so far back just to keep his gaze. I was never one to submit, really we can't work out. Besides, I have devoted my life to celibacy. So sorry, boo, this girl is not available.

"No!" I stepped backward"

His brows rose. "I beg your pardon?" His voice still had that rumble and his tone was deep, very much like how he spoke in his true form, only smoother.

"You heard me. I do not agree with this, nada."

"Are you mad?"

"No, sorry but I am not the right fit, just keep waiting I'm sure the 'goddess' (I put that in quote because I don't believe in her anymore) will send you another mate, of course you a such a charmer," I intended to laugh instead I giggled nervously. How much more embarrassment must I face? I stepped backward, but with each step I took, he took one to match me.

"Iris, what the hell is going on?"

His head snapped towards Aria, and he growled, sounding like a warning.

"Iris," she sounded scared.

I don't blame her. I was also scared.


He grabbed my arm as I struggled to get it back, threw me over his shoulder, and began to walk away.

I threw him every curse word I knew and struggled with all my might. His grip was firm and he was not to be moved.

"Let me go! You jerk!" I screamed.

" Alpha," a voice called from behind, "what do we do with the other one?"

He turned to look at Aria. I also looked at Aria. She looked confused and exhausted.

"Kill her."

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