《Dark Percy One Shots *NOT ACCEPTING NEW REQUESTS AT THE MOMENT*》Through the Lens 3/3


The gods all felt a sense of foreboding when it was known that the child of the prophecy have came at last.

After what had happened to Thalia, many of them had hoped that this prophesies child wouldn't show themselves until another decade or so.

They were wrong, Kronos and his war was nearing, there was nothing they could do to change that.

But this? This was an entirely different surprise all together.

A child of Poseidon, who had magic, who was a wizard and undoubtedly powerful was the child of the prophecy.

Most gods and goddesses left the young half blood alone, not wanting to offend the wrong people.

Not only was the boy protected by Poseidon, but since he was a wizard, the goddess of Magic herself would make sure no harm come to him. Lady Hecate protected all of her magical children as best as she could from the world of gods and monsters. The mist hid the mythological from all mortals, and it hid an entire world the wizards could have never imagined.

Perseus, as a bridge between the magical world and the mythical one, might as well be one of her champions. She was a powerful goddess in her own right, an important player if a war against Kronos was truly coming. Nobody wanted to loose her favor.

However, none of this meant that nobody tried.

Ares had challenged the boy during his quest to find the lightning bolt, did so because of the presence of an ancient being in his mind. And yet, with his power and his infinite knowledge of battle, the god of war lost.

He had lost to a child.

A child who had so gracefully and skillfully countered each advance, a child who was so very cunning and clever that he had managed to use his surroundings and what advantages he had to outsmart a god and even dealt a killing blow (which of course wasn't actually a killing blow considering Olympian gods don't die that easily).


And let it not be forgotten that this was the same child who killed a minotaur the first time he went to camp.

Zeus himself, although he wouldn't admit it, was impressed to say the least. The god of thunder had expected someone cocky, disrespectful, and brash (heck all the olympians expected the same). And yet what they got was this ridiculously intelligent kid who held himself with an elegance befitting a prince and who even respected them (Athena especially was shocked to discover that the son of fucking Poseidon ended up as cunning as any of her children, maybe even more).

But there was this undeniably uneasy feeling when it comes to certain things, things that has been questioned ever since the son of Poseidon was discovered.

What were his moralities? His true loyalties? and let's not forget that his adopted father was the dark lord known as Lord Voldemort.

It was clear to everyone that Perseus Riddle was not someone of clear conscience, he was not some golden boy or a hero like one would imagine.

No, he was the heir to a mass murderer, the heir to a leader of a near fanatical group who sought to control the wizarding world through all means necessary.

His hands were not clean of blood, all the gods knew of his actions during his second year in Hogwarts, when he let an innocent girl to nearly die because it served his cause.

A meeting had been called, how can there not be one when there was so much uncertainties regarding about Perseus's first loyalties and his morals for gods sake.

Hecate had made a deal with Voldemort, the help of his heir exchanged for help in his war. The goddess of magic knew what the dark lord wanted, knew that although he disliked muggles and those of non magical blood he did not actually want to enslave them like many thought. The man sought to fight against the bias against dark wizards and creatures, to create a world where magical beings don't have to bow to any other. He wanted to reform the wizarding world as a whole.


Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that some of his methods were.. unsavory.

The "savior" of Olympus was heading down a path nobody can deter him from, only he himself can control the course of his life and it seems like he'll soon be making his decision.

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