《Your So Creepy (Despair SouDam)》7



Souda was in shock, though he didn't mind, he was just... Confused on why Tanaka would kiss him, especially if he found out his despair was leaving..

"... Kazuichi... I apologize for what I'm going to have to do next..."

He pulled Kazuichi closer and pulled him into another kiss...

"Mngh~" Souda panted, seperating from the kiss, "..."

He looked down and realized that there was a pill in his mouth, "...Gundham... Are you-... Are you trying to..."he paused and fell on Gundhams lap, " What the....hell did you just....do....?" He suddenly fainted...


Tanaka stared at his lifeless body and picked him up from his pits and pulled him in a hug, kissing him over and over again, "ah... How much it shames me... I cannot believe I had to do that... But it was requested, I must eliminate the mortals who have overcome despair..."

Tanaka slowly placed Kazuichi onto the desk and grabbed a screwdriver.




"No... Kazuichi doesn't deserve this... He has gone through hell just to be here..."

He grabbed Kazuichis hand and intertwined their fingers, "..."

He flicked the others forehead, making him wake up, "h-Huh?!" Kazuichi squealed, lifting his body up...

"... Why does my body hurt..." He whined, "... What... The hell?!" He screeched, "wht happened?! Wh-Why is-..."

He stared at Gundham and let a small gasp escape, "... Wh-Why-..."


"... I wanted to witness the life leaving your eyes..."


Kazuichi stayed quiet, "... Then do it, I don't care.."



Tanaka shook his head and pointed at the shock collar around his neck, "only when you have taken this odd contraption off"


"No, I don't want to... It looks cute on you, and I want to see something cute before I die"


Kazuichi stared at the other and grabbed his scarf, him tripping in between his thighs, "... Kazuichi..."

"Look up at me, now"


"... Dammit, I'm still trying to be threatening" He murmured.

"... For fucks sake.."

He grabbed Gundhams cheek and pinched it, "dammit! Your so cute"

He slowly rose his knee, lifting Tanakas chin up.


Kazuichi stared at him and kicked his ankle, making him fall above him, "Kazuichi!"

"Huuuh? What? I just love you, is that a problem?"

"Yes! In fact it is! Not only are we both of the male gender, but I am part of despair while... You-... You're not"


"Cmon~ it can't be all that bad, trust me, I know, it'll be a little different but it wouldn't matter because you'll keep your mouth shut" He smiled.

"... How exactly will I keep quiet on this important informatio-"

"The shock collar, remember? I' always have you wearing the chain so you won't leave me, and if you end up telling someone, I could maybe... I don't know, shock you, or kill you, ya know?"

".... Fine..."

"Good Good..." He smirked, pecking Gundhams cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow! Kay?"

He tied the chain to the pole in his room and made Gundham sleep on the floor to the Building room.

-the next day-

Kazuichi walked in the room, a big grin on his face "Hey big boy! Are you ready for today?"

"..." Gundham just glared at him and stared at his palm, "... I cannot believe you held me hostage in here, can't you at least have me sleep on proper bedding, such as your bed?"


"... Eh... No, your just a damn pest it'll be a waste of time for you to sleep on my bed, you know?"

Kazuichi untied the chain and grabbed the leash, "cmon"

"... I have to follow you, it's not like I prefer to..."

Kazuichi smirked and tugged on the leash, leaving the room.

-the breaking Room-


Souda went towards the fridge and opened it, "..."

He threw the Cola Can at Gundham and rested his legs on the table.

"Drink it"

"...Kazuichi I've told you before...i don't want this..."

"Well, you tried to kill me, so drink it"


Gundham looked down at it and drank it.

"See, it wasn't that hard, was it?"


Tanaka looked up at him and shook his head.

"Yeah, Yeaah~ that's what I thought"


"But for real, were you trying to kill me"


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