《Your So Creepy (Despair SouDam)》5



"H-Hey! Dont walk off like that! Tell me when your leaving!"


.... That feeling in Gundhams stomach...

It was as if his stomach was swirling around in circles...

... What could that feeling be...?

Tanaka turned back around to look at Kazuichi, "...do I have permission to kiss you?" He asked, walking towards the other.

"H-Huh?! What?! Of course no-"

Gundham covered Kazuichis mouth with his hand and put his arm around the others waist.

"Pfft! Lwet gwo owaf me" Souda muffled

Tanaka smirked and took his hand off of the others mouth, leaning close and about to kiss him...


"You bast-"

Tanaka ended Soudas words with a kiss...


Kazuichi started wiggling his arms, trying to force Gundham off of him.

He grabbed his mysterious remote and clicked the turn on button.

"Ahh!" Tanaka screeched, jumping back, holding onto his neck.

"How'd you like my shock collar? Huh? Do you want it to have a leash too?" He smirked, rubbing his lips.

"And don't kiss me... Y-Your slobber is disgusting..." He blushed.

Gundham fell onto the floor and nodded his head, "good, good" Souda huffed, walking towards him and lifted his foot near Tanakas neck, lifting his head.

"...yes...?" He asked.

"Ah, Ah, ah... ~ Kazuichi whispered, crouching down to stare at the other, "how about I actually put a leash on ya, I think that'll be kinda cute, right?"

He looked around the room and layed his eyes on a chain, lifting his body up, he went towards it and grabbed it.

"Gundham, come"

"..." He got up and stood in front of Kazuichi.


Souda got on his tippy toes and put the chain around the collar.

"There, good boy" He smiled, "now follow me, pet"


He grabbed the leash and yanked it, "heeey! This is kinda fun!" He smirked, pulling on it some more,


"Hm? Oh, I forgot that leash connected to you" He lied.

Souda started leading him to the Break Room, "we're gonna have a break, kay? I'm honestly tired..."

-inside the break room-

Kazuichi sat down on the chair and Gundham sat next to him on the floor, "hey, you thirsty?" He asked, getting up and going towards the fridge.

He grabbed a coke and threw it at he other, "you either drink that, or have nothing"

Gundham nodded his head and opened it, starting to drink it, though he clearly didn't like it, he puffed his cheeks and looked at Souda, "... What? Drink it, I don't want to get up"


He swallowed it and turned to the fridge, going to get up...

"Hey! Where do you think your going?!" Kazuichi growled, yanking the leash, "your stuck with me whether you like it or not!"

"... Y-Yes, I am aware of that, though I was... Getting another drink, this one isn't giving me any satisfaction..."

"Okay? I don't care, it's not my problem you don't like coke"


Kazuichi pulled the leash again, making Gundham trip and fall onto the floor.

"Look, I don't care if you want to be with me or not, but you said it yourself remember? You basically begged to be my partner"


Gundham nodded his head and handed the coke to Souda, "... What...?"


"... Gundham, do you want me to have it?"

"Mhm, I don't seem to be thirsty at all today..."

".. Erm... Uh... Thanks I guess..."

Kazuichi combed his fingers through his partners hair as he was drinking in cola, Gundhams hair was... Fluffy and it felt nice when he stroked his fingers through his mane...


"Dammit... Am I really going soft on him now...?"

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