《Your So Creepy (Despair SouDam)》1




Kazuichi messed up his giant Monokuma, causing it to fall apart and break into pieces.

"... Dammit! The hell?!" He shouted, throwing his wrench on the floor and climbing off the stool, "for fucking shit! I can't even build that!"

He stomped out the building room and slammed the door shut.

-inside the break room-

He grabbed himself a can of soda and drank it angrily, squeezing the can tight, some dribbling out from the corner of his mouth

"Ah..." He sighed, rubbing his eyes, "does Sonia-San need another weapon? Has she told me anything?" He wondered.

He grabbed his soda and threw it on the floor, causing it to spill everywhere.


He looked around and saw Hiyoko...


"what are you looking at you damn skank?!" She growled, walking off.

"..." He just crossed his arms and went towards the fridge, getting another Soda.

"Fucking bitch, she could keep her mouth shut next time or else i-"

"Ah, Kazuichi"

"Hm?" Souda looked up and gasped in full disgusted, "... You?!"

"The queen has suggested that we work together since she has noticed that your project has sadly failed" He grunted.

"...my project didn't fail, in fact, it's doing great!" Kazuichi lied, opening his can.


"The queen never lies, so I th-"

"...shut the hell up, no one is even talking to you" Kazuichi growled, shoving him aside and walking towards his Building Room.

-inside the Building room >:3 -

He sat down on his bench and stared at the destructed Monokuma giant.

"...Ill make you shine Kazuichi! If not, then who w-"

"Its perfectly fine is what he had said" Tanaka chuckled, slowly making his way inside of Kazuichis territory.


"H-Hey you bastard! Get out!" Souda shouted, throwing s screwdriver at him, "Dammit! You fucking-...AGH!" "Just get out! I'm doing something important, unlike you!"

"Now give me my screwdriver back!"

Gundham picked it up and...

He handed it to one of his falcons and let it fly away as far as possible,"catch, you revolting, yet frail fiend, you must earn it" He smirked.

"You-... Dumbass!" He shouted, hitting the giant monokuma, "I NEEDED to build this!"

"Farewell, then I assume you have handled this situation yourself, correct?" Gundham murmured, fixing his scarf and walking off.

"What situation!? Just hand me back the damn screwdriver! Call your bird and give it back!"

"No, it seems to bore me to have a situation dealt with so easily, it can wait"

"..." Kazuichi stayed quiet...

"I'll fuck you up!" He shouted, it echoing in the room.


"That bastard, I wish he could die for all I care"

He crouched down to look for his tool kit...

"Did he take that too?!" He shouted.

"Dammit! I hate him so much! Hes such a freak show!"

He grabbed his walkie talkie and whispered in it...

"Hey, you know Gundham... Right? Do you think you can see where his bird is, you know the one with the red mark on its wing, I'm looking for that one... It has something of mine..."

"Of course, anything for our beloved mechanic"

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