《Friends With Benefits (SouDam)》3



Kazuichi smiled and looked at Gundhams hand, picking it up and...

"K-Kazuichi... Why on e-earth are you–..." He paused and felt his face flush.

"Hey, chill man, it's just a kiss on your hand, your acting like I meant this in a lover kind of way" He laughed, "my eyes are on Miss Sonia!"

"..." Tanaka stared at his arm and bandaged it back up, "... We will hurry..."

"... D-Did I say something wron-"

"No, just... Let's hurry and retreat to the classroom...."


-in class-

"Hello class! Today we have a new student! Chiaki! Bring her in!"

Chiaki walked inside the classroom, Sonia next to her.

"Greetings! My name is Sonia Nevermind!" The princess smiled.

After everyone did their introductions, Sonia sat next to Kazuichi.

"Okay class! Today we will have another small project that requires teamwork! You'll need a partner!"

"..." Kazuichi turned to Sonia and back at Gundham, "..."

"...Gundham or Miss Sonia? Gundham might be left behind though... He struggles a lot with work, but Miss Sonia is a girl..." He layed his eyes back at Sonia and smiled.

"Miss Sonia! Do you want to be my partner?" He asked, leaning close to her.

"... Of course..." She smiled.


Tanaka just stared at Souda and scoffed, "..."

"Hey Gundham! Wanna be partners, I wouldn't ask you but that bastard Nagito isn't here today" Fuyuhiko murmured.

"..." Tanaka turned to Fuyuhiko and nodded his head, "Kazuichi seems quite... Busy..."

"... Yeah, sorry, he's an idiot, he gets too caught up with love"


".. You look... Sad, Gundham.. Don't tell me... You like him?" Fuyuhiko gasped.


Tanaka shook his head, "no no, I will never end up having rare feelings towards any humans! Including him" He whispered, making sure Kazuichi doesn't hear him.


"... Yeah... O-kay" He scoffed.

Tanaka turned to Souda and back at the yakuza.

"... Kazuichi already lays his intrests on a mere mortal, I have to accept it..."


"...Dammit... If you like him, tell him before it's too late!" Kuzuryuu groaned.


"That's not really a splendid idea, Kazuichi seems like hes-"

"What? Homophobic?"


Tanaka just looked down and frowned, "..."

"Dude! You've been friends with him since fourth grade, how the hell do you not know his sexuality!" Fuyuhiko scoffed.

"... Hm?"

"Kazuichis bisexual, he said he told you, but I guess he was too scared to"

"Too frightened? Why could that be? I would never judge hi-"

"Anyways, let's just finish this..."

"... Correct, I agr-"

"Just shut up and write these things down"

-lunch time >:) -

Gundham walked towards Kazuichi and grabbed his hand, "we will make our way to t-"

"Oh uhm actually... Me and Miss Sonia were going to eat lunch together... Privately" Souda chuckled nervously, letting go of the others hand.

"... You... What?" Tanaka grunted.

"... Sorry...i just really like her..." He blushed.


"I see, this is your decision, so it seems like you have decided your fate" Tanaka sighed.

"Thanks, I thought you were gonna get mad, anyways, talk to you later!"

".. Wait!"

"Hm? What Gundham?'

"... What... Is your sexuality? It's just a question, I hope you don't mind me asking"


"U-Uhm... Well..."

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