《Jane's hidden past ✔️》21


Jane pov...

It's been two weeks since the chemo sessions and my body is not handling it very well. I am weak and tired as it has made me very sick and I throw up a lot. They keep me on the fluid IV to help me keep something in my body when I don't want to eat or drink anything.

Ma, Maura, Frankie, Tommy, Frost and Korsak have been taking turns to come and visit when they can. I know it's hard for them to see me like this and not being able to do anything. I am just glad they are here to support me and they take my mind off things and keep me entertained for a bit.

I have a small amount of my breakfast as I see if I can hold anything down. I get up and have a shower and get dressed for the day. I attempt to do something with my hair but I get a few clumps of hair in my hand. I had noticed some hair falling out when I was in the shower. I make sure to pick it all and put it in the rubbish. I had been warned that the high strength dose of chemo was likely going to make my hair fall out I just didn't think it would happen so quickly.

I put on a beanie and comfy clothes for the day. One of the doctors come in to do her daily check on me. We go over how I am going and the hair failing out. It's fast to be happening already but it means that the chemo is doing something. He is happy with how I am today and because I ate breakfast and kept some liquid down they don't need to me on the IV drip today. He does a blood test which I am used to having most days. He finishes everything he needs to do before he leaves. I am now free to do whatever I want for the day. I'm not expecting any visitors today as Maura and the guys are working on a case, Riley is away visiting family and Ma said she had plans and couldn't make it.


I feel alright for today so I leave my room and walk around. I go to the patient lounge where they have tv, games and books. It's a good space to go when you want something to do or talk to other patients. Their are patients of all ages and here for different reasons, most of us are spending long stays in the hospital.

Another patient is watching a Red Sox game on one of the TVs, I sit down on one of the seats to join in watching. I introduce myself and he tells me his name is Lincoln and here as he has cancer in his leg. He has been having chemo treatments for the last six months. We talk about our conditions and the things we like to do. He was a builder before he broke the bone in his leg which he found out was because the cancer had weakened it. He stays at the hospital for treatment as he has no family and didn't want to burden any friends.

We talk for hours about our lives, hobbies and random topics. We get along well and have some similar interests. We go to the cafe for lunch and he tells me about some of the meals that are easier to keep down. He gets noodle salad and I get a bowl of wedges. We talk and trade phone numbers so we can keep talking even on the days we don't want to leave our rooms. We both are feeling tired so say goodbye to go back to our own rooms.

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